Homecoming Part 2

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Thunder rumbles in the distance as rain pours down through the leaves. The Titans and the Doom Patrol all stand around a fire with the T-ship acting as a roof over us.

"For as long as there has been a Doom Patrol, they have fought The Brotherhood of Evil; Criminals of the worst kind... and our greatest foes," Mento says. His eyes move to me and a deeper scowl settles on his already pissed off face. "General Immortis, the forever soldier. He knows the strategy of every battle in history, because he was there to see it.

"Madam Rouge. Duplicitous, cunning, and twisted in every sense of the word. The Gorilla, Monsieur Mallah. His strength is matched only by his intelligence. Their leader is The Brain. Intellect personified and evil incarnate.

"By now he will have completed his greatest creation. The quantum generator. Now The Brain can warp the very fabric of spacetime. And the devastating power of a blackhole is at his command. He must be stopped or our very existence is doomed."

"Where are you going with this?" I ask boredly, which earns a disgusted look from the leader of the Doom Patrol.

"I know where The Brain is hiding and we need to find him." Cyborg sets up a monitor and hacks into some satellite video feed. While him and Mento try to find the Brotherhood of Evil's hideout, the rest of the Doom Patrol sit around the fire. All of them look exhausted.

"You okay?" Robin whispers as he steps up beside me.

"These Doom Patrol guys are getting on my nerves," I state with a frown.

"Yeah. If it's any consolation, after we deal with the Brotherhood of Evil I was thinking about letting us have a break."

I immediately perk up. "Like a vacation?"


"And by 'us' do you mean...?" Robin lets out a quiet laugh.

"I mean all six of us. But I'm sure you'll figure out some way for the two of us to sneak off on our own for a little while."

"I'm already planning on it."

"There, stop," Mento commands, ruining the moment. The both of us turn towards the man in purple. On the monitor in front of Cyborg and Mento is a pointy desert mountain.

"Mento, are you sure?" the metal Titan asks. "All these mountains look the same to me."

"I read The Brain's mind before they got away, I know where he's hiding! The quantum generator is there. Doom Patrol, listen up!" He turns to face everyone around the fire. "Every second we delay gives the Brotherhood a chance to use their new weapon. It's time to move out."

"Already?" Beast Boy asks.

"There's no time to rest, Beast Boy," Elasti-Girl says. "We'll be fine." Robot Man, Negative Man and Elasti-Girl all slowly stand up from around the fire.

"You don't look fine."

"What about air defenses? We fly anywhere near that base and they're gonna start blasting," Cyborg states.

"Which is exactly why we're going on foot," Mento replies.

"And not just because you have no plane anymore," I say.

The Doom Patrol leader shoots me another glare. "And when I say 'we' I mean the Doom Patrol." Mento pulls out a black and purple mask. He hands it to Beast Boy and I can feel my blood boiling. "All of us."

"If Beast Boy goes then so do we," Robin states.

"I really wouldn't go there. Trust me," Negative-Man sighs.

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