Deep Six

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I buckle myself into my seat in the T-sub as the Titans go through their checklist.

"Begin launch sequence," Robin says from the driver's seat, "Main power online."

"Oxygen tanks at maximum," Starfire states.

"Defensive systems active," Raven says.

"Twin-turbo hydro jet engine purring like a kitten," Cyborg says.

"And your secret weapon is ready to rock," Beast Boy says as he lounges in his own cockpit. I roll my eyes and scoff.

"Only time you qualify as a secret weapon is after eating a tofu bean burrito."

"Uh, 'scuse me, bud. Can you breathe underwater? Uh-uh. Can you be any fish in the sea?"


"Didn't think so."

"Beast Boy's right. His skills are essential to our mission," Robin says.

"Not if we had some high-tech scuba gear," I mutter as the shapeshifter blows a raspberry.

"We have to find out what this Trident guy is planning. If it takes forty barrels of toxic waste, I doubt it's environmentally friendly." The platform the T-sub rests on lowers down to an underwater tunnel, "Titans! Launch!" The submarine shoots forward, forcing me back in my seat.

As we exit the tunnel Cyborg hoots and hollers.

"Oooh, wondrous!" Starfire cheers as she sees all the fish and colorful plant life.

"If you think they're cool, wait 'til you see me out there kicking butt. First, I'm going shark," Beast Boy states and chomps the air with his shark teeth. Suddenly the shapeshifter's muted and he glares at Cyborg.

"Goodness me. I seem to have accidentally switched off Beast Boy's microphone," the mechanical Titan says in faux innocence.

"Could you go ahead and accidentally leave it off?" Raven asks.

"I second that," I say.


We shoot through the water till we're way past the Jump City bay.

"Sonar contact. Beast Boy! Ready to go?" Robin inquires.

"Dude, I was born ready. Time to do what I do best. Try not to be jealous," Beast Boy says as he unbuckles. He appears on Raven's side as a whale.

"He just put on three hundred thousand pounds," Raven says, "I am so jealous." The green teen dives down and the T-sub follows. We head towards the sunken ship that was attacked by Trident.

"There's our ship, now where's the cargo?" Robin mutters. Beast Boy changes into a hammerhead shark as the T-sub's headlights flick on. The lights slip over the side of the ship and illuminate a hole that Beast Boy swims through.

"If this dude's bad enough to sink a whole ship, those barrels could be anywhere by now," Cyborg says.

"Hopefully we won't have to cross any oceans to find them," I say. We continue to look around the outside as Beast Boy continues inside the ship. He suddenly shoots back out, chasing a shadowed figure.

"Looks like Beast Boy found Trident." We follow after the two and flick the lights back off. A blast suddenly hits us from the back.

"Looks like Trident found us." Cyborg says.

"Then who's Beast Boy chasing?" I ask.

"I'm sure he's about to find out," Robin says. The T-sub dodges three more blasts but gets hit by a fourth. "Cyborg! Bring us about! Raven! Get ready to fire!"

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