Tokyo Troopers

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Sorry for completely forgetting to update today.


"Tokyo! We made it!" Cyborg cheers as one by one, we each hop out of our cockpits on the T-ship. The metal male turns towards Robin and shoots the Boy Wonder a smug look. "Told you it was a left at Hawaii." The black haired male frowns.

My shoes land almost noiselessly on the grass below the aircraft. The ground has a tilt to it, due to us landing on a hill. Mt. Fuji towers over us in the distance and on our other side is Tokyo.

The lights on the buildings below shine brilliantly against the backdrop of the night sky. All of the buildings are so tall and almost every one of them as an electronic billboard or neon lights on it. It's breathtaking.

"Oh, the city lights are like a million tiny fenorbla flies!" Starfire chirps.

"It's brighter than Gotham and Jump City combined," I add.

Robin steps up beside me and his frown deepens to something more serious. "It may look nice but there's something rotten down there, and we're going to—" An exited shout cuts him off.

Beast Boy launches out of his cockpit and lands in front of the T-ship. "Whoo-yeah! Hello, Japan!" He's now dressed in a pink and yellow Hawaiian shirt, pink sunglasses, kaki shorts, and pink sandals. "So, when do we get to go see the Great Wall?"

"Never. It's in China," Raven states.

"Ooooh, but you know what is in Tokyo?" The shapeshifter pulls out a thick comic book with a white and red cover and we all crowd around for a better look. There's a little drawing of a samurai character in the corner. "The world-famous, number-one greatest, most awesome Japanese comic book company, Wakamono Shuppan!" He gestures ahead of us. At the outskirts of the city is a tall, unlit building sitting on its own hill. Out of all the buildings in view, this is the only one with not a single light on.

The green male grabs Raven and Cyborg by their wrists and struggles to drag them towards the building. "Oh, oh, we gotta take the tour! Now! Please? Oh, we can't come here on vacation and not—" He gets cut off as he runs into Robin's chest, forcing him to let go of the other two Titans.

"We are not on vacation!" the Boy Wonder snaps. "We're heroes, not tourists. Our mission is to locate Brushogun and bring him to justice. And since we're guests in this country, we need to be on our best behavior. So let's just do our job and try to stay out of trouble."

With that Robin turns away and starts down the hill. Starfire, Raven and Cyborg all quietly follow him.

"Come on. How much trouble could we possibly get in?"

"A lot, so behave," I say with a stern look. The green Titan just smiles and follows the others as my words go in one ear and right out the other. I can already tell that this trip is not gonna go smoothly.


The city is so crowded and bright that it's suffocating. Every towering building has either a moving sign or neon lights strung around it and I can barely take a step without running into someone. Every step the masses of people take reaches my ears like some sort of frantic heart beat. From afar it didn't look so intense but up close it all quickly became overwhelming.

The Titans and I stand huddled together in the middle of a crowded sidewalk as civilians move around us like a rushing river.

"Toky-whoa!" Beast Boy gasps as he stares up at the buildings looming over us.

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