Titan Rising

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Robin leaps up with a battle cry and hits the volleyball over the net to Cyborg. The mechanical male bumps the ball back over and Robin sends the ball into the air for Beast Boy to spike. As everyone aggressively plays volleyball, Raven and I sit off to the side. The half-demon faces the rising sun as it casts a golden glow over her meditating form, while I sit beside her, flipping through my (magazine/book/sketchbook). Beast Boy kicks the volleyball over the net in kangaroo form and Starfire sends it right back.

Robin does a flip and kicks the ball into the air before spiking it over. Cyborg and Beast Boy both jump towards the ball but the shapeshifter gets to it first. The volleyball goes flying past Starfire and towards the unaware half-demon.

"Raven, heads up!" Beast Boy shouts as he returns to human form. I look up in excitement and just before the ball can hit, black energy surrounds it.

"Damn," I mutter as I go back to my (reading/drawing). The ball goes flying back and hits the shapeshifter in the chest, knocking the air out of him. "Yow!... Thanks, uh... good save."

Beast Boy collapses and Robin watches him with a horrified look.

"...Are you sure you don't want to play, Raven?" he asks.

"Yes, please. You must volley the ball with us!" Starfire shouts as she jumps up and down.

"Come on!" Cyborg calls as he removes one arm and waves it around. "I'll play you with one hand behind my back."

"I can't. I have to meditate," Raven says.

" 'Have to', or is that just an excuse to not play?" I ask. The half-demon shoots me an unamused look before closing her eyes. The rest of the Titans shrug in response and return to their game. Beast Boy turns into a gorilla and does a jump serve.

"Heads up... again!" the shapeshifter calls as the ball goes right back towards Raven. This time the half-demon floats out of the way and the ball flies off the roof. I let out a snort as I see the other Titans' shocked expressions.

"I'll get it." As Beast Boy steps over towards the edge of the roof, the volleyball lands at his feet.

"Since when did you have telepathy?" I ask and the green male gives me a shrug. A familiar blonde floats up on a boulder and puts her hands on her hips.

"So... which team am I on?" she asks.

"Terra!" Starfire and Beast Boy cheer. The two run towards the blonde with their arms spread for a hug.

"Oh, hello, long-lost friend! You remember me, yes?" the redhead asks as squeezes the blonde into a hug.

"Of course, Starfire. I still have bruises from the last time you hugged me," the blonde replies. Starfire lets go, allowing Terra to breath again.

"Terra! You're... I mean, I... how's it... heh... wassup?" Beast Boy greets awkwardly. Terra wraps her arms around the green male's neck for a hug and the blush on Beast Boy's cheeks gets darker. Once the blonde lets go, she pinches his cheek, causing the male to faint.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite little rock-and-roller!" Cyborg says as the rest of us walk over.

"Cyborg!" the blonde exclaims as she high fives the robotic teen. "Robin! What's shaking?"

"Good to see you again," the Boy Wonder greets as they shake hands.

"Good?! Is he kidding? It's great to see you again! I didn't think I'd ever see you again!" Beast Boy exclaims. A blush lights up Terra's face.

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