The Sum of his Parts

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People run around the park. Throwing frisbees, flying kites, generally just enjoying the perfect day.

"Mmm-mmm," Cyborg hums as he stands behind a barbecue, "Would you look at that. A little sunshine, a little breeze. Only one thing could make this day better." He leans down and pulls open the top of the barbecue and smoke wafts up, "Four and a half pounds of baby back ribs." He pulls a plate out of the barbecue with the huge hunk of meat and makes his way to the picnic table.

"I don't know how you can eat all that," I say as Cyborg sits down beside Robin, who's devouring a burger.

"I just love me some picnic food." The robotic teen brings the ribs up to his mouth and happily digs in.

"You just love food in general."

"Agreed, Cyborg. This tangy yellow beverage is truly delightful," Starfire says and takes a sip of her drink. We all stare at the girl in bewilderment, due to her drink of choice.

"Uh, Starfire?" Cyborg says.

"That's mustard," Robin states. The redhead pulls the condiment close and hugs it to her chest.

"Is there more?" She asks happily.

"That's... really gross," I say. The boys continue to stare as a scrap of meat falls off Cyborg's cheek. I smile and roll my eyes before turning to watch Beast Boy and Raven. The shapeshifter climbs around a tree in lemur form and hangs upside down by his tail. He returns to normal and pulls two hotdogs off the barbecue.

"Sweet! My tofu dogs are cooked to perfection," he cheers and turns towards Raven who's sitting under a tree, "Yo, Raven. Try one. They're loaded with soybeany goodness."

"I respect that you don't eat meat. Please respect that I don't eat fake meat," she responds. The green teen shrugs and swallows both hotdogs at once. Cyborg suddenly runs past him with a football, catching his attention.

"All right, y'all. Who wants to play some fool-ball?" He asks. Robin, Beast Boy, and Starfire all run over. All four Titans turn and look at Raven, who's still sitting cross-legged under a tree.

"I'll be referee," she says. I get up from the picnic table and sit beside the cloaked girl.

"And I'll be cheerleader," I say. Everybody shrugs and Cyborg squats down with his hand on the ball, Robin standing behind him.

"Red! Twenty-three! Hut! Hut! Hut!" Robin exclaims. On the last 'hut' Cyborg tosses the ball back and takes off, Starfire on his heels. Beast Boy gets in a ready stance and starts counting.

"One Gotham City... two Gotham City... three Gotham City... four Gotham City... five Gotham City!" Robin backs up to throw the football as the ground suddenly starts shaking. He lets out a shout as Beast Boy charges at him in triceratops form. The black haired leader jumps onto the snout of the green dinosaur and runs down his back. As he jumps off Beast Boy's tail he throws the ball. It soars through the air towards Cyborg and I cheer.

"I got it!" He shouts, "I got it! I-" The mechanical teen stops suddenly and the lights in his body go out. The football drops, hitting him in the head and causing him to fall onto his front.

"Cyborg? Cyborg!" Robin shouts. The red light replacing Cyborg's eye blinks out as we all run over to check on him.

"Cyborg? Cyborg?" Starfire calls.

"What's wrong with him?" Raven asks.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Beast Boy inquires.

"What happened?" I ask.

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