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An annoyed huff leaves my lips as a caped figure unlocks a pair of metal double doors at the end of the hall. The figure slips in through the partially opened doors and into a pitch black room, leaving the Titans and I to catch up. Cyborg rips open the doors completely and Robin gestures for us to move in. The open door allows some light to flood in but it's still quite dim. We follow the criminal all the way through the building until we end up in a gray brick storage area that smells like dust.

Large stacks of boxes and crates stand on the floor, leaving quite a bit of space in between to walk through. Starfire gasps as the figure turns around and reveals themself to be a very familiar skull-masked criminal. My eyebrows furrow as I cast a glance at Robin, who stares in shock at the thief.

"Red X!? I though Robin was Red X!" Beast Boy exclaims.

"Think again," the criminal says. As X's palms light up my body tenses, ready for him to attack.

"Titans! Go!" Robin shouts. I leap out of the way as several Xs get fired at us. Raven-who was the only one to stay put-puts up a force field as the Xs explode around her. Red X quickly knocks the half-demon onto her back as he jumps at her.

He goes to hit her with a blade when starbolts rain down around him. He avoids them by bouncing off a wall and onto the girders near the ceiling. While hoping onto a second girder, X fires back at Starfire. The Xs zap her and cause her to fall to the floor, unconscious. As Red X lands on the other girder, I appear beside him.

I go to kick the caped criminal in the side, but he blocks it and shoves me back. I hit a concrete pillar and look up to see Red X fire at me. I swing around the pillar and land on the girder on the other side. X follows and throws a punch, but I block with my forearms. My eyes glow as I make eye contact with the criminal.

"That's not gonna work on me, gorgeous," X says. He squats down and kicks my legs out from under me, causing me to fall off the girder with a yelp. I land behind a pile of boxes, on the concrete floor. I let out a groan and just lay on my side for a moment. I hate this guy.

The sound of crates splintering catches my attention as I push myself onto my feet. I step out from behind the boxes to see Beast Boy, in hippopotamus form, laying on his back in a pile of broken wood. Red X lands on the concrete floor in front of the shapeshifter and looks up to see Cyborg charging at him. He fires an X from his palm, which pulls four stacks of crates on top of the mechanical male. Beast Boy changes back to human form as Starfire flies down and I step up beside them.

Raven flies up from behind a pile of boxes as Cyborg stands from the rubble of the crates. The robotic male brushes off a chunk of wood and changes his hand to his sonic cannon.

"Come on kids. X marks the spot," the caped criminal taunts as he taps on the insignia on his chest. Cyborg fires his cannon, but Red X jumps out of the way and lands on a crate Raven launched at him. He jumps off the crate and dodges three green blasts from Starfire. As he lands on the concrete floor, I appear beside him and go to kick him.

X flips out of the way and stops in front of Beast Boy, who's in Sasquatch form. The shapeshifter growls and brings his fists down to smash him, but Red X disappears. He reappears on top of a stack of crates, only to be tackled to the floor by Robin. The two roll along the concrete then land on their feet, facing each other.

The Boy Wonder throws a birdarang, but the caped criminal disappears and reappears behind him. Robin grabs X's wrist as the thief tries to punch him, and throws him over his shoulder and into a wall. The black haired male grabs X by his mask to keep him pinned as the rest of us watch.

"Who are you?" the Boy Wonder growls.

"If I wanted you to know that, would I be wearing a mask?" Red X reaches forward and grabs Robin's wrist. Sparks climb from his hand and over the Boy Wonder's body as he gets electrocuted. The criminal throws a punch with his other hand, which sends Robin flying into a pile of crates.

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