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A red microchip floats in the center of a column of light in a pitch black room. A figure wearing a black mask with an orange circle in the center, reaches out to grab the chip, but stops when he sees Robin hanging upside down.

"Tell Slade if he wants this, he can come get it himself," the black haired leader growls.

"Though, he does have to go through the six of us," I add as I appear beside the Boy Wonder. Robin kicks the thief back and drops to the floor. The Slade ripoff flips backwards and further into the darkness of the room. The lights flick on to reveal white walls with black circuit-like designs on them. A yellow laser fires down and lands in front of Robin and I. The Boy Wonder backflips out of the way while I disappear, both of us ending up with the rest of the Titans.

I look up to see the laser coming through the ceiling as someone cuts out an opening. The hole opens up in a cloud of dust and several more Slade ripoffs drop in. One of the doubles throws several punches at Robin and the Boy Wonder backflips out of the way. The thief pulls out a handheld laser and fires, forcing Robin to jump out of the way. The black haired leader kicks the thief in the face, sending him crashing into the wall behind him.

Starfire flies past the downed-double as she dodges a laser. She fires a starbolt at the double attacking her, sending him rolling along the floor. A third double jumps over him and fires a laser which slices through a massive spotlight above the redhead. As the broken light drops, Robin jumps up and tackles Starfire out of the way, just before impact. The spotlight hits the floor and kicks up a cloud of dust.

As the cloud settles Robin and Starfire look up to see three doubles standing in front of them, about to fire. Just as they go to pull the trigger, a computer cabinet crushes them into a wall.

"Amazing what you can do with computers these days," Cyborg says as he dusts off his hands. Raven floats past, avoiding a laser. The double fighting her throws a blasts and Raven throws up a shield. Once the shield disappears she looks down at the ground to see the burn left by the laser. The double drops in front of her and charges.

Raven puts up another shield as he throws a punch. He attempts several more attacks, Raven blocking each hit. The double kicks her feet out from under her and goes to fire a laser while she's down. Beast Boy charges him in bighorn sheep form and crushes him into a wall. Raven gets back onto her feet as the shapeshifter does a victory dance.

"You owe me big time," he chants, "you owe me big-" another double drops down behind him and takes aim. Beast Boy yelps and Raven levitates two computer cabinets and crushes the Slade ripoff. The half-demon sets her hands on her hips and Beast Boy blushes in embarrassment. "Call it even?"

Two doubles go to charge at the pair but get surrounded by mirrors, separating them from the rest of the room. In the reflection of one of the mirrors, the double sees that I have replaced his partner who was standing behind him. The thief whips around and pulls out his handheld laser, firing at me. The shot hits, but the second double goes flying through a mirror as my illusion disappears. The remaining double stares down at his handheld laser in confusion.

"Oops. Hit the wrong person," I snicker as I appear behind the remaining thief. I kick the Slade ripoff in the back and he slams into a wall, knocking him unconscious. Another double comes up behind me but Cyborg fires his sonic cannon at him. The double dodges but the attack gives me enough time to back away.

The mechanical teen drops to his knee and fires again as Starfire joins him. The double flips out of the way of the starbolt and again to avoid the cannon blast. He lands on the wall and pushes off towards the microchip. He lands in front of the exit with the chip in hand and takes off. Robin chases after him and throws a birdarang.

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