Winner Take All

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"Fire beats Wood," Raven states as she tosses a card onto the pile in the center of the table.

Cyborg places a card on top of the half-demon's. "But Water beats Fire."

"Sun dries up Water," Beast Boy says.

"And Thunderstorm blocks out Sun," Robin says.

"Wind moves Thunderstorm," I say as I put down a card.

"I'm out," Raven says.

"Me too," Beast Boy adds.

"Hypno, you placed your final card down last round," Robin says with a smirk. I let out a huff and the card disappears off the pile, along with all the cards in my hand.

"I wish to... go the fish?" Starfire says with a big smile. Raven and Beast Boy peak over at the redhead's cards.

"Uh, you want to fold, Starfire," the shapeshifter says.

"Fold? That is good? I am victorious?" The two Titans shake their head and an embarrassed look appears on the redhead's face.

"Sorry, Star. I guess I'm just... invincible!" Robin says as he goes to gather all the cards.

"Ah-ah-ah," Cyborg says as he stops the Boy Wonder. "How can you be invincible if I've still got one card?" Robin narrows his eyes. "Come on, Robin. You know you want to play me for it. One last round, winner take all."

"You're on, Cyborg, and you're going down!" Robin picks up his last card while Cyborg waves his, tauntingly. The Boy Wonder slams down his card. "Tornado! Beat that!" The other three Titans "ooh" in awe.

"Well... okay. Boo-yah!" Cyborg slams down his last card and everyone's eyes widen in shock.


"The one-in-a-million wild card that beats all others!" Beast Boy says as he wipes a tear away. "Ohhh... it's too beautiful for words."

"Aw, yeah, baby! Who's invincible now?" Cyborg cheers. Robin grits his teeth as he glares at the robotic male.

"Be proud and cheerful, Robin. You competed well," Starfire says.

"Winning isn't everything," Raven says.

"Yeah," Robin says. "It's just the only thing that matters. I want a rematch!"

"That's my boy!" I exclaim as I wrap my arms around his.

"Um... I don't know how to tell you this, man, but... you're outta cards," Cyborg says.

"Beast Boy, gimme your cards," the Boy Wonder demands.

"Uh..." Beast Boy says as he holds up his empty hands. Suddenly, with a white flash, Robin and Beast Boy disappear.

"Huh?" Cyborg grunts. With a second white flash, he too disappears. Leaving Raven and Starfire alone.


The boys appear in a white and gold arena. With another flash, several other males appear, including Gizmo, Aqualad, and three strangers.

One looks to be made of lava, another has short red hair with a quiver of arrows on his back, the last is a large male in black with a wildebeest head.

"Welcome, champions all!" a deep male voice announces. Everyone looks up at the top of a black staircase to see a fuzzy gray man in a loincloth with golden armbands. "I am the Master of Games! And you are hereby invited to compete in the Tournament of Heroes!" (Small/large) hands suddenly cover Robin's eyes, causing the Boy Wonder to tense.

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