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Fanart by SaraHenion


Red light shines off my costume as an alarm goes off inside the bank. The Titans and I head towards the vault at the back of the building and my nose is immediately assaulted by the smell of paper money and metal from the stacks of gold bars. I watch as Mammoth attempts to lift a stack of gold by himself, but he can't even get it off the floor.

"I could use a hand here!" the redhead behemoth exclaims as a vein throbs on his temple.

"How 'bout a foot?" Cyborg asks from beside me. The HIVE members turn towards us and get met with the metal Titan kicking Mammoth in the jaw.

"Titans! Go!" Robin shouts. We all charge and the three criminals split off. I turn invisible and land behind Jinx, before swiping her feet out from under her. As she lands on her side she kicks out, causing me to topple over and lose concentration.

I become visible as I hit the ground and Jinx rolls on top of me. The pink haired female goes to punch me but I catch her fist. I bring my legs up and wrap them around her waist before throwing her backwards. The both of us spring to our feet and Jinx sends a pink wave at me, which goes right through me.

"Oh, that's embarrassing," I say before my copy disappears. I appear in front of Jinx and punch her, which sends her flying across the room. As I stand there victoriously, several copies of Gizmo swarm me.

"Buzz off," I scoff and the holograms pout before flying off to harass Starfire. The ground suddenly shakes beneath me as Mammoth creates a huge crack in the floor which runs towards Raven. The half-demon's hands glow black as she turns to fire at the large redhead, but Jinx jumps in and kicks her in the back. Robin catches Raven as Jinx throws three pink waves at the ceiling, causing it to crumble and fall towards the two. The pair jump out of the way as the entire vault begins to rumble and dust falls from the ceiling.

"Three raids in one week? Man, this is seriously getting old!" Cyborg exclaims as he fires his cannon at the pink haired girl.

"The HIVE Academy's new leader must be up to something," Robin says. The Boy Wonder jumps out of the way as Mammoth attempts to crush him. I jump up behind the giant and wrap my legs around his neck before flipping him.

"And wouldn't you like to know?" Jinx says with a smile. She releases a few pink waves with a twirl, before taking a starbolt to the back.

"Yes, we would!" Starfire says before firing another starbolts at the pink haired female. Jinx dodges the starbolts and jumps at the redhead. She lets out another pink wave and Starfire flies off. My eyes glow (f/c) and the stacks of gold bars melt and drip onto the floor. The liquid metal slips along the concrete and climbs up Jinx's legs, trapping her in place.

The gold liquid continues up until it covers the pink haired female's arms, keeping her immobilized.

"Hypno, look out!" Robin shouts. I look over my shoulder and see a chunk of concrete hurling towards me. I feel a force hit from the front, shoving me out of the way. I land on my back on the floor and when I look up, I see Robin hovering over me.

"My hero," I purr, causing the Boy Wonder to let out a small smile in amusement.

"Oh, you did not just do WHAT I THINK YOU DID!" Cyborg shouts, causing the both of us to turn towards the mechanical teen. A snort escapes my lips as I catch sight of Cyborg attached to a massive magnet on the ceiling of the vault.

"Check it out! The world's dumbest magnet!" Gizmo laughs. Jinx lands at her teammate's feet with a shout as Raven shoots her backwards. Starfire lands beside the half-demon as Robin pulls me to my feet. "Junk it! Let's blow this place!"

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