Titans East: Part 2

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"And you're sure there's nothing I can say to change your mind?" Robin voice asks. I peak around the doorframe and watch Cyborg move things around in the Titans East common room with the Boy Wonder on screen.

"No, man. I'm staying in Steel City as the leader of Titans East. That's it, end of discussion."

"Well, could you at least tell me why? I mean, I'm losing a member of my team here and it's not like I can read your thoughts."

"They need me and this is my big chance. I'm ready to show people what I can do. I'm ready to grow up, to be a man."

"And what about Brother Blood?"

"What about him?"

"I know how badly you want to catch him and I know a thing or two about being obsessed with your target. Look, I just worry about what you're getting yourself into."

"You think I can't handle it," Cyborg says as he turns to face the wall mounted screen.

"I didn't say that."

"You didn't have to. Man, this is supposed to be a good thing. My own tower, my own team! Why can't you just be happy for me?"

"Because you're already on a team! My team, and you can't just quit!"

"I can and I did! Which means I don't have to put up with you telling me what to do any more!"

"So now this is my fault?!"


"No, it's all about you! Because that's all you care about! You talk about being a man, but if you can turn your back on everything we've been through, you're nothing but a spoiled child!"

"I'm staying. I don't care what you say. I don't care what you do. And right now, I don't care if I ever see you again." Cyborg shuts off the transmission and stomps off to work on something else in the tower. A sad sigh escapes my lips as I slide down the wall next to the doorway. The sound of Aqualad's voice coming through the door on the opposite side catches my attention. I turn invisible and cut through the common room.

"Continue the charade," Brother Blood's voice says from Aqualad's communicator. "Cyborg and Hypno mustn't suspect I've recruited you, until I'm finally ready to recruit him. And I should be ready in a matter of hours. Isn't that right, Professor Chang?" My eyes widen as I stumble back. I guess we didn't stop Blood for as long as I though. As I go to find Cyborg I get thrown off my feet by Bumblebee's stinger. I land on my back with a grunt and look up at the Titans East team as they surround me.

"I guess I wasn't meant to hear that conversation," I say. The five teens stare down at me with blank looks. My eyes turn (f/c) and I disappear into thin air, causing the group to quickly scan the room. Mas and Menos link hands and speed around the perimeter of the room, keeping me from escaping. A heat seeking arrow suddenly hits me in the back and throws me.

I hit a wall and black spots pop up in my vision before fading away. The one time they don't accidentally blow each other up is when they're kicking my butt. How annoying. A hand suddenly grips my shoulder and spins me around. As Aqualad comes into view, he rears back one fist, ready to knock me out and drag me away.

Before he can throw a punch, I kick him in the chest. My muscles suddenly all clench as Bumblebee shocks me with her stingers. Black invades my field of vision as I drop onto my knees. The five teens gather around me just as a groan leaves my lips and I slip into unconsciousness.


The sound of artificial lights humming above me wakes me from my slumber. A confused hum leaves my throat as my eyes meet green brick walls. The wall directly ahead of me is covered in screens, each playing security feed from our last fight with Brother Blood.

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