Aftershock: Part 2

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Jump City is empty and in shambles. An army of Slade bots march through the streets with Terra floating behind them on a rock. A new and improved version of the slade bots join the originals, looking less human and bigger. The streets are cracked and cars lay abandoned in the middle of the road as a fog rolls in between the buildings.

"Well, we did it," Terra says as she stops at the end of a street. "They're really gone." A ribbon of black energy shoots forward and wraps around an improved Slade bot before yanking it into the thick fog. "Huh?" Another bot steps forward and gets destroyed by a blue blast while the remaining bot gets blown up by a disk.

The explosions throw Terra off her rock and onto her back. She sits up on her elbows as the Titans' silhouettes appear through the fog. "No! I destroyed you! You're all-" The blonde's hands and eyes glow yellow as a pillar of dirt flies towards the silhouettes.

Instead of the pillar hitting, it goes through the silhouettes and crushes a car behind them. Terra jumps onto her feet and backs up, looking around for the attackers. A silhouette of a wolf runs behind her, causing the blonde to whip around to find it. A large silhouette comes up behind her and punches her in the back. Terra rolls onto her back and a scowl makes its way to her face as she goes to stand up.

Glowing (f/c) eyes appear in front of the blonde, causing her to jump back and throw a rock. Before the chunk of street can hit, a starbolt suddenly hits Terra in the side, throwing her. The blonde sits up and rubs her head, before jumping to her feet as the silhouettes surround her. She shoots up on a pillar of rock but another starbolt destroys it. Terra lands in a crouch and a caped silhouette jumps at her.

The silhouette throws several silver spheres, forcing the blonde to bring up a rock wall before they explode. Another blue blast hits her in the side. Once she hits the ground, she struggles to get back up. Cyborg's silhouette charges as Terra gets to her feet. She brings up several rocks and lets out a shout as her whole body glows yellow.

Before she can do anything, a large black talon grabs her. The massive raven flies up and Terra pushes herself out of the bird's hold with a pillar of dirt. She lands on a floating chunk of blacktop but gets tackled. She lands in a crouch and a silhouette of a wolf steps up to her.

"Beast Boy!" the blonde calls as the wolf growls at her. "Beast Boy! Stop! Aren't you even gonna talk to me?"

"There's nothing left to say," Cyborg says as he steps forward, still hidden by the fog.

"You attempted to annihilate us," Starfire says.

"Did you think we wouldn't take it personally?" Raven scoffs.

"It's over, Terra," Robin says.

"You're not getting away with it this time," I say, my eyes flashing (f/c) through the fog. The blonde looks around in panic, before shooting up on a chunk of the street. My eyes stop glowing and the fog dissipates as we watch Terra flee through the air.

"She seems quite scared," Starfire states.

"Scared isn't the same as sorry," Raven says.

"I don't care how she feels. Terra's a dangerous criminal, and she has to be stopped," Robin says.

"She will be," Beast Boy says as he clenches his fists. "I'm going to make sure of it."

"Got a lock. She's heading east," Cyborg says as his forearm panel beeps.


Terra peaks out from in between two buildings, only to see Cyborg and Raven charging at her. The metal Titan hits the blonde, causing her to stumble back. Terra brings up several rocks and Cyborg smashes through one.

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