Employee of the Month

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I shift in the wooden chair resting on the porch of the momentarily unattended farm house. The almost healed wound running up my side and over my arm feels stiff. I shift to try and make myself comfortable in my old woman illusion.

"Hypno, stop wiggling, you're gonna give us away," the old man sitting beside me says in Robin's voice. I huff, but cease my fidgeting and slump back in the chair. A large egg-shaped spacecraft flies in and hovers over the fenced in field filled with cows. Long metal legs pop out of the bottom of the spacecraft and clasp the only unmoving animal in it's grip before rising up. Robin jumps out of the chair beside mine and rips off his disguise.

"Titans! Now!" the Boy Wonder shouts. My eyes turn back to (e/c) and the little old woman disappears. As I go to jump out of the chair pain rushes up from my side and I freeze. The other Titans rush out of their hiding spots, including Cyborg who was hiding inside the kidnapped cow.

I carefully push myself to my feet and wrap my uninjured arm around my waist. The Titans chase after the UFO in the distance as I shakily make my way off the porch and over to the R-cycle. Robin rushes over to the vehicle and I as the spaceship flies off the property.

"Are you okay, Hypno?" the Boy Wonder asks as I put my helmet on with the hand not on my uninjured side.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it." I rev the engine and Robin gently grips my waist before we shoot off after the UFO. As we speed down the dirt road just outside the farm, Robin leaps off the motorcycle and with his newest gadget-a cape that can be used as a glider-flies through the air. As I drive behind the rest of the Titans a green blur flies backwards past me.

I look over my shoulder in confusion, but continue after the spaceship anyways. The UFO flies all the way into the city and goes around a corner. The ship fires electricity at the flying Titans behind it, but Raven blocks it with a large shield. Cyborg punches the UFO and it stops suddenly and throws the metal Titan into a building. Chunks of concrete fall off the structure and towards a group of civilians.

Robin and Starfire swoop in and move the people as Raven holds up the debris. Once the area is cleared Raven drops the chunks of concrete and Cyborg pops out with an annoyed look.

"Cyborg!" Robin calls as he and the other two females land beside the rubble, me stopping right beside them on the R-cycle. "Where did it go?"

"I don't know," Cyborg says as an exhausted green bear shambles up. "It just disappeared."

Robin pulls off his helmet and tucks it under his arm. "This is the third time this week it's gotten away."

"Well at least there's some good news."

"You finally decided to let me drive the T-car?" Beast Boy asks excitedly.

"No! Found a new place for breakfast." Cyborg dramatically gestures behind himself to a diner looking establishment called Mega Meaty Meat.

"I've never heard of this place before," Robin says.

"Sounds healthy," Raven says sardonically.

"Come on, guys," Cyborg says. "What better way to end an all night stakeout then with a nice, juicy steak?"

"How about with a nap?" I ask as I lightly press my hand to my aching side. I catch a concerned frown on Robin as he looks at me.

"Hel-lo? Does the word 'I'm a vegetarian' mean anything to you?!" Beast Boy shouts. "There is no way you could ever get me inside a place like that!"

"Besides, we should get back to the tower and start tracking that ship," Robin says. The Boy Wonder gestures for me to move back on the motorcycle so he can sit in front of me. Once he takes his spot I relax against his back and loosely wrap my arms around him. "Are you sure you're okay?"

The Anti-Villain | Robin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now