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I shut my eyes and dig my fingers into the armrests of my seat in the T-ship. We're flying towards a circular-shaped space station, last I checked. I feel the Titans branded spacecraft slow to a stop and I open my eyes to see we're docked inside the dark grey ship. The only working lights in the place are the sparks coming from open panels on the walls. I pull a flashlight out of my cockpit and step out of the T-ship with the rest of the Titans.

The hall leading away from the docking station is scattered with panels that had fallen off the walls and ceiling, along with other random pieces of debris. We step into a room at the end of the hall and I scan my flashlight around. Chairs lay on their sides-a few of them broken-cut wires hang from the ceiling, and electricity crackles from the broken control console against the far wall.

"Looks like we found out why communication relays from this space station have stopped," Robin says as he looks around with his flashlight.

"Everything has been destroyed," Starfire states.

Cyborg crouches down in front of the control panel and checks over it. "I knew it. We've got a malfunctioning bifurcating dialator." I stop my investigating and shoot the metal teen a confused look.

"Yeah, that was my first guess," Raven snarks.

"Can you fix it?" Robin asks.

"No problem," Cyborg says and cracks his knuckles. His hands sink into his forearms and bunches of tools replace them. "I've just gotta cross the conjoining wires with the transistor couplet, connect the oscillator to the main data port and we're good to go."

"Can't he ever just speak english?" Beast Boy mutters to Robin, who shrugs in response. The lights all flick on and the dead silence of the ship is filled with a quiet hum of the engine. The hair on the back of my neck suddenly stands up and I look over my shoulder. The only thing behind me is a blank wall. I spare a glance at the ceiling, seeing nothing, and shrug off the unease.

"She's purring like a kitten," Cyborg states and heads towards the door that leads back into the hallway. "Let's go."

"Why would someone trash the communication station?" Robin asks as we follow the robotic Titan down the dimly lit hall.

"Not somebody," Raven says, earning a confused look from me. I follow her gaze and see an ugly looking orange alien up in the rafters over the catwalk. The creature has what looks like a hard outer shell and a large mouth with bared teeth. The alien lets out a shriek that causes all the light bulbs to explode. I clap my hands over my ears as the awful scream nearly ruptures my eardrums.

The tiles on the floor fly up and my feet suddenly come out from under me. We all go flying through the air and land several feet back. The alien stops it's awful shrieking and I sit up, causing the room to feel like it's spinning.

"What was that thing?" Beast Boy asks dizzily. The alien drops from the rafters and let's out a growl. I shake off the dizzy spell and jump to my feet, along with everyone else.

"Titans! Go!" Robin shouts. Raven creates a little circular platform and flies Cyborg and Beast Boy at the shrieker. The two males jump off and the disc hits the alien. While in the air, Beast Boy turns into a kangaroo and Cyborg throws him.

The shapeshifter changes into a dinosaur and the shrieker catches him by his tail. Cyborg fires his sonic cannon and in retaliation the creature throws Beast Boy back at him. Raven comes up through the floor and pulls the metal Titan down to avoid the shapeshifter. As Raven and Cyborg pop back up, the alien lets out a shriek and blows them away. My eyes turn (f/c) as I raise my hand out in front of me.

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