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The soft patter of rain on the ground outside fills the silence. The moist air moves through the hallway of the hotel, leaving behind a chill on my skin. It's like having the world breath for you, and after everything that's happened it feels deserved. I step away from the door to the communal bathroom and over to a partially open window. The breeze is stronger there as the night forces it in through the crack.

Much like when we first arrived, Tokyo is bright, with millions of lights sparkling and flashing like stars. It doesn't hold the same awe as earlier, especially now that I've seen so much of its darkness. It just looks like any other city now. In a way, it's comforting.

I breath in as much of the damp, chilly night air as my lungs will hold before turning away from the window. The wooden floor of the hotel makes no noise as I walk over it, leaving just the rain and occasional rumble of thunder to fill the quiet.

The mayor put us up in this hotel. He arrived at Wakkamono Shuppan shortly after the fight ended. Luckily, when Robin explained everything the mayor believed us, even though it meant Tokyo's hero was a fraud. I thought he was gonna run us out of the country, but instead he's planning a big celebration tomorrow to honor us as Tokyo's new hero's.

The hair on the back of my neck suddenly stands on end. After the week we've had, I automatically assume it's an attack so I whip around. To my surprise and joy, I see the black haired Titans leader standing in front of me. Immediately my face softens which allows him to relax as well.

"Uh, hi," Robin says. A smile slips onto my face.

"Hi." I step around the Boy Wonder to lean against the wall nearest to him. From this change in angle I can see red dusting his cheeks beneath his mask. In an attempt to make himself more confident Robin puffs out his chest a little, though he just as quickly deflates when his gaze meets mine again. His blush spreads across the rest of his face, even tinging the tips of his ears.

"So... are you excited to be going home?" I'm sure that the joy on my face disappears. Not fully, but a sadness creeps in to replace part of it.

"More relived than anything. I thought we'd be locked up here for the rest of our lives." Robin's face settles into a more serious look to match my own.

"So did I..." he pauses and stares into my eyes with a small smile, "but I'm glad you were there with me. Who knows how much worse it would have been if I was there by myself."

"I'm glad I was there with you too." Those words seem to sooth Robin, as he straightens up out of his awkwardness and the flush on his face lightens up. Neither of us take our eyes off the other and we both share fond smiles.

"Y/n?" My name falling from his lips makes goosebumps rise on my skin.

"Yes, Dick?"

"Do you... want to try us again?" Suddenly I feel like I'm standing in a ray of sun. Warmth envelopes me and I can even feel the tingle of it on my skin.

I let out a little choked laugh. "Desperately." A matching, wobbly smile appears on Robin's face.

"Me too." Before either of us know it, I leap forward and wrap my arms around the Boy Wonder. I press my face into his neck and just relax as he places his hands on my back. The side of his head touches mine and I can feel his breath on my ear. "I love you."

"I love you." The two of us bask in each others closeness. It's been so long since we've last hugged.

Then a girly giggle breaks the silence. Robin and I pull away from each other and look down the empty hallway.

The Anti-Villain | Robin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now