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(C/c) = costume color

(F/j) = favorite juice flavor


"So, why did you ask me to not eat breakfast this morning?" I ask as Robin leads me up to the roof.

"Because I wanted to surprise you," the Boy Wonder says. We stop at the top of the stairs and Robin places his hand against the door. "Ready?" I nod with an amused roll of my eyes. The ex-sidekick pushes open the door and the rising sun momentarily floods my vision.

"Well look at that." A red and (c/c) blanket lays on the center of the roof with a bottle of (f/j) juice and several plates of breakfast foods. I grab the Boy Wonder by his wrist and drag him over to the picnic blanket with an excited giggle. We both plop down and grab an empty plate. Robin pours two glasses of juice as I fill my plate. "Thank you." The Boy Wonder gives me a surprised look before a loving smile takes it's place.

"You're welcome." I place a quick peck on his lips before digging into my breakfast. The two of us just eat in giddy silence before the sound of an alarm causes us to pause.

"Sorry to interrupt you two, but Cardiac's broken out," Cyborg announces as he comes through the roof door. Robin and I share a look before a sigh escapes my lips.

"Can we never just have one morning off?" I huff as I quickly try to cover up some of the food.


A massives metal heart rises out of the bushes by the playground, frightening the children grouped up by it. The kids all run screaming, but one brunette boy in a brown shirt gets sucked up by one of the four tubes coming from the heart. Before the boy can be fully sucked up, several birdarangs cut off the tube. Starfire rushes in and grabs the Boy while Cyborg fires at the heart.

"Cardiac, you're under arrest," Robin says as he catches his birdarangs. The massive heart sits up and reattaches the cut off tube before flying into the air. "Titans! Go!" We all leap out of the way as all four tubes hit the ground where we just were. "Starfire, launch!" The redhead grabs Robin by his ankle and throws him at Cardiac. The Boy Wonder hits the heart with his staff, causing it to hit the ground. Cardiac turns two of its tubes into hands and throws Robin back into the air, knocking him into Starfire. My eyes glow (f/c) as several zombie-like creatures crawl out of the ground. The grass covered monsters bang against Cardiac, trying to break its shell. The floating heart sucks up my creatures and spits them back at me.

"Well that was helpful," I sigh and place my hands on my hips as the monsters go through me and disappear.

"T-rex, take down!" Cyborg exclaims as he lands on dino-Beast Boy's nose. Cardiac grabs the charging shapeshifter and flips him over, crushing him into the ground. The massive heart throws Beast Boy up into the air and into the distance. Raven floats over and pulls several streetlights out of the ground before sending them at Cardiac. The massive organ destroys the lights with its tubes before trying to grab the half-demon. Raven get enveloped by black energy in the shape of a raven and flies out of the way, leaving room for Starfire to fly in. The redhead gets hit by Cardiac's tube, which sends her flying. The metal heart crushes Cyborg into the ground as he goes charging at it. Robin leaps up to hit Cardiac with his staff, but the heart swats him away. The floating organ reaches out to suck up Beast Boy and the shapeshifter barely keeps himself from going up the tube. The slide at the playground rips itself out of the ground. The free end swings at Cardiac, sending the heart flying away from Beast Boy. Raven flies at Cardiac with her hands glowing, but the metal criminal knocks her away. The half-demon lands on her stomach on the grass and Cardiac floats over. It attempts to crush Raven with its tube, but she flies out if the way.

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