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(C/C) = Costume Color


I let out a sigh as I stare up at my ceiling from my bed. The tower is silent as everyone's already asleep and the only sound I can hear is my own breathing. I close my eyes in hopes that it will force my body to slip into slumber. Suddenly, a knock at my door causing my eyes to pop open. I sit up and slip over to the door before allowing it to open.

"Robin? What are you doing here, it's, like, two in the morning."

The Boy Wonder scratches the back of his neck with a light blush on his cheeks. "I figured you weren't asleep yet so I made you a surprise." My eyes widen and Robin grabs my hand and pulls me out of my room. He leads me up to the roof and stops in front of the door. "Ready?" I nod with an amused roll of my eyes. The ex-sidekick pushes open the door and it takes a second for my eyes to adjust.

"Well look at that." A red and (c/c) blanket lays on the center of the roof, under the just visible starts. I grab the Boy Wonder by his wrist and drag him over to the picnic blanket with an excited giggle. We both plop down and Robin pulls me to him. The two of us look up as the barely there stars twinkle against the black of the night sky. "I always forget how easy it is to see the stars here compared to Gotham."

"Yeah." The two of us settle into a comfortable silence as a light breeze flows over my skin. I lean further into Robin, trying to absorb his warmth.

"Thank you." The Boy Wonder gives me a surprised look before a loving smile takes it's place.

"You're welcome." I place a quick peck on his lips leaning back into his chest. I close my eyes and let out a happy hum as Robin pulls me closer. The sound of an alarm suddenly causes us to pause. Robin and I share a look before we jump up and head back down the stairs. We meet up with the rest of the Titans in the entry hall where something is pounding against the door. The doors slide open and I get into a fight stance.

"Aqualad?" Robin questions as the Atlantean reveals himself.

"Your trash is in my ocean," the black haired male grunts. I roll my eyes with a huff. And I was having such a nice time too.


"An undersea fortresses, fifty miles off the coast, built by the former headmaster of the HIVE academy, Brother Blood. I'm pretty sure you guys have already met," Aqualad says as he stands in front of the window screen.

"You could say that," I mutter.

"I went undercover as one of his brainwashed students," Cyborg states. "But after we destroyed his school we kinda lost touch."

"Because Blood moved out of your neighborhood and into mine," Aqualad says. "I tried to take him down on my own, but Blood uses mental powers to jam my telepathy. With no fish to help me-"

"You got schooled," Beast Boy finishes, causing a snort to leave my lips.

"Pretty much. But I was able to contact an agent in the HIVE and find out what the fortress is hiding: a massive sonic resonater, capable of creating a tidal wave big enough to wipe out your entire city." Blueprints pops on screen and an annoyed look appears on Cyborg's face.

"Yo, that's not just any sonic resonater. That's my sonic cannon!" the metal male shouts.

"When you hacked into the HIVE computer, the HIVE hacked into you. Blood downloaded everything in your central schematic database."

"He read my blueprints?! MY PRIVATE BLUEPRINTS?!"

"And he's using your technology to attack the city," Raven adds.

The Anti-Villain | Robin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now