Mother Mae-Eye

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The smell of freshly baked cookies fills my every inhale as I lay on my back. I hum and roll over and try to stretch my arms out. The only problem is my arms are trapped at my sides. I'm laying on hard floor and the room is chilly. My eyes shoot open but are only met with the blackness of the unlit room.

Where am I? Why does it smell like baked goods? I maneuver myself onto my feet and feel along the crumbly but still solid wall. I find a little panel with a smooth glass screen and press on it. A door opens beside it and floods the little closet with light.

I'm still in the tower... I think. The walls are made of cookie and I'm bound with a sour candy rope. I grunt and rip through the multicolored candy, leaving it to fall to the floor. I brush some citric acid from my (sleeves/arms) and head out of the storage room.

Did I get kidnapped by King Kandy or something? What is happening? I head down the cookie hall in search of the other Titans. Suddenly the lights turn red and the alarm goes off. I make my way to the common room and cautiously peek inside.

The room also looks to be made from candies and pastries, but there's no other Titans in sight. I head down the hall and take the stairs all the way down to the garage. The door slides open as I step up to it and before I can step into the large room, I see the Titans talking to someone. A little old woman with green skin, three yellow eyes, a long down turned nose, and gray hair set in pigtails floats beside my team. She wears a black dress, raggedy white shall, purple apron with an orange eye on it, and a bulbous purple hat with black spots and an orange eye on it.

My eyes turn (f/c) and I turn invisible, allowing me to step further into the room.

"Now lets see," the witch says as she waves a wooden spoon. "We'll need a wooly sweater in case Twinkle-Star gets chilly." A baggy green and red sweater with long sleeves appears on Starfire. "A cute bunny suity so Beasty-boo doesn't have to change into all those ugly animals." A thick pink bunny suit forms around Beast Boy, complete with bunny slippers. "And a pretty little dressy poo for Mother's little Rae-Rae."

Raven's hair gets tied up in pigtails as a short, poofy yellow dress appears on her. "Just because you're evil on the inside doesn't mean you can't look pretty on the outside." 'Mother' pinches Raven's cheek and the half-demon giggles. Who is this woman and what has she done to my friends-and Starfire.

"I'm already dressed for if it rains, Mother," Cyborg says as he steps forward in a yellow raincoat, matching hat, and black rain boots.

"Yes, dear, but did you remember to clean your room?" The smile on Cyborg's face slips off and he leaves the garage, grumbling.

"The signal sounded fifteen minutes ago, we need to get moving," Robin announces as he waves at Mother to get her attention. What did she do to his hair? The Boy Wonder's hair is slicked down with two little swirls plastered on either side of his forehead.

"What we need to do, young man, is get rid of all these dangerous toys. It's all fun and games until someone takes an eye out." Mother waves her wooden spoon and Robin's communicator and gadgets fly from his hand and belt. "There now. Is everyone ready?"

"Yes, Mother," the Titans say in unison as Cyborg comes back. They all head to the car and Mother gets in the driver's seat. I notice Robin glance at the empty seat in the car and he look around before Mother calls for his attention. I sneak over to the R-cycle and pop on Robin's helmet. As the car takes off I cloak the motorcycle with an illusion and follow after the group.


"No, way," Jinx says as she catches sight of the Titans in front of the little mall where the HIVE-Five are stealing.

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