The End

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A yawn leaves my lips as I head down the hall of the Titans tower early in the morning. The door to the common room slides open as I approach it and I freeze as I catch sight of the Titans watching Raven cook.

"Uh, morning..." I say as I hesitantly step towards the kitchen area.

"Good morning," Raven replies without removing her eyes from the stove top. The half-demon takes the spatula with her powers and harshly scrapes something off the stove. Whatever it is flies through the air and Robin catches it on a clean plate. I-along with the other Titans-look over the Boy Wonder's shoulder to see what he caught. My stomach twists and gurgles in disgust as the burnt smell hits my nose.

The food looks like a flat lump of coal with purple chunks in it.

"Nice flip," the Boy Wonder says unsurely.

"Pancakes?" Raven offers as she holds out a large plate in her hands with the 'pancakes'.

"Uh, thanks?" Beast Boy says.

"What is the occasion?" Starfire asks with a smile.

"Can't I just do something nice for my friends?" Raven questions with an irritated edge to her voice.

"Uh," Cyborg hums with a distrusting look as he stares down the pankakes, "yeah, but..."

"You never have before," Beast Boy finishes. Raven's eyebrows furrow as she shoots us all a scowl. Everyone, besides me, rushes to grab a plate and plops one of the pancakes on it with a forced smile. "First time for everything." I watch in horror as everyone takes a forkful and actually puts it in their mouths.

Starfire smiles giddily while the boys look like they're dying. Cyborg collapses to the floor while Robin and Beast Boy spit out the burn food item. I have to stifle a laugh with my hand as I watch them shudder. My urge to laugh dissipates as I see Raven turn away with a depressed look.

"Thank you, Raven; for making us breakfast," I say. The gray-skinned girl partially turns to face me and I give her a genuine grin.

"Even though the girl has no idea how to cook," Cyborg mutters as he drowns the pancake in syrup. Robin nudges him while I shoot him an amused yet disapproving look. "Oops, did I say that out loud? YUM!"

"Burnt on the outside yet runny on the inside, just like the incinerated glorkaroaches of my home world," Starfire states as she squirts mustard onto the last bite. "More, please." My stomach twists again and this time I think I might actually throw up. The boys all drop their pancakes onto Starfire's plate causing her smile to get bigger. "What a glorious way to start the day!"

Now free of the odd looking pancakes, Beast Boy takes the syrup from Cyborg and pours it into his mouth to get rid of the taste. The metal teen grabs the bottle and takes over pouring it into Beast Boy's mouth, starting a mental bet. Robin, not wanting to miss out, starts cheering for the shapeshifter. I shake my head and look over at Raven who's watching everyone with a fond look in her eyes.

"So, I was thinking, after breakfast you guys wanna, you know, hang out or something?" the half-demon asks and forces a painful looking smile. Before anyone can answer Robin's communicator beeps.

"It'll have to wait," the Boy Wonder says. Everyone rushes out ahead of me except for Raven.

"You alright?" I ask, earning a surprised look from the half-demon.

"I'm fine," Raven says. Before I can say anything else she pulls up her hood with her powers and quickly leaves. Well that's not a good sign.


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