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Through the windshield of my cockpit I can see the northern lights in the sky. Unlike normal, the T-ship slides over the snowy hills instead of flying. In the distance is a metal tower with a massive blue gem that Dr. Light set up. Apparently it's supposed to absorb the energy from the northern lights and turn it into power for his new suit. The T-ship comes to a stop several yards from the base of the tower.

"Soon I'll have all the power of the northern lights at my finger tips," Light announces from the top of the tower. "And up here in the artic circle, no one will ever come to stop me." Robin stands up from his cockpit and pulls down the hood on his jacket.

"Wanna bet?" the Boy Wonder asks. While everyone else immediately follows his lead, I lazily make my way out of my pod.

"The Teen Titans. Even you will be no match for my enhanced powers." Dr. Light shoots a beam from his chest at us and Raven blocks it.

"Dr. Light, why do you even keep trying?" the half-demon asks.

"If at first you don't succeed..." He hits a button on the control panel and more light gets sucked into the gem. The orb in the center of his chest plate starts to glow as it stores the energy. Robin steps up first and throws a disk which Light captures in a bubble. Cyborg fires his sonic cannon and Dr. Light blocks it before retaliating with his own blast.

The light beam forces all the boys, who were partially grouped up, to scatter. Raven tries to block the beam with an energy bubble but it breaks through. My eyes turn (f/c) and the snow near the tower forms into a massive yeti. The creature swipes at Light and he jumps out of the way. Then he raises his hand and fires a beam at me.

My eyes burn from the bright light and I drop the illusion. I pretty much miss the rest of the fighting due to temporary blindness.

"Don't we normally beat his butt by now?" Beast Boy asks as I finally gain my vision back.

"And to think, I'm not even fully charged yet," Light brags.

"I'm putting your machine out of order," Robin says. The Boy Wonder throws some disks-which worked so well last time-and Dr. Light destroys them with a light whip.

"Hah! It looks like your weapon is the one out of order."

"Sound trumps light every time," Cyborg says. He fires his cannon and actually manages to crack the gem. Sparks jump off the broken machinery behind Dr. Lights back without his notice.

"I devised the synthetic diamond myself. It's built to withstand a force a thousand times greater than you could ever give."

"Your machine can't take anymore," Robin states.

"Illuminating theory, but I have the definite advantage." The gem then explodes into pieces and Light's face drops. "Or not." The tower starts to crumble beneath the lean villain.

"Look out!" Raven creates a bubble that protects us from the falling debris but it all lands on the ice, cracking it. The ground below us trembles as the large chunks of ice shift.

"The ice is gonna give!" Cyborg shouts. The ground below Dr. Light falls away and he drops into the darkness. Then all the rumbling stops.

"Whew, that was close," Beast Boy sighs. Suddenly the ice cracks more, right between our feet.

"You just had to say it," Raven says. The ice disappears from beneath us and we all plummet. I land on something hard and slide down it as the others land behind and in front of me. I realize we all landed on a slide made of ice and are sliding down it through a rocky ravine. Suddenly Cyborg disappears from in front of me as he gets shot through a wall of water.

The Anti-Villain | Robin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now