The End Part 2

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Everything's just black. After that all consuming red burst from Trigon that destroyed everything. There's just nothing. I wonder if I'm dead. My hands reach out in front of me and make contact with something that crumbles away under my fingertips.

The fragile wall fully gives way with just a little more force and it falls down around my head, revealing dark skies. I sit up with a groan and a gasp immediately leaves my lips as I catch sight of a group of people who've turned to stone. Permanently capturing the horror of their last moments. My throat feels like it's closing as I stare at all the lifeless carnage around me. I suck in a deep breath through my nose and hold for a few moments as I try to keep myself from trembling.

I can't panic. I need to find everyone else and then go from there. I can't panic. I curl my hands into fists and exhale, before repeating the process a few more times. I pull myself onto my feet and step out of the cocoon.

"Guys!" The shout echoes off the tattered building before fading into sharp silence. I start down the street and bypass groups of frozen people, crashed cars, and destroyed buildings. It definitely looks like the world ended. The sound of footsteps to my right causes me to reflexively turn invisible.

I step back around the corner of a building and glance down the street. A weight lifts from my chest and I let out a relived sigh as I see a familiar caped figure moving around all the abandoned cars. "Robin!"

"Hypno!" the Boy Wonder frantically calls back. I let the illusion fade away as I rush around the building and into the arms of the black haired male. His hands grip at the back of my top as he desperately pulls me as close as he can. I pull back just enough to be able to meet his eyes through the mask. "Have you seen anybody else?"

"No. I guess you haven't either." He shakes his head.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm not physically hurt. What about you?"

"Same here." Robin pulls me back against him and I rest my head on his (chest/shoulder/head). A small shadow flies over us, causing the both of us to tense and jump apart. "Whose there?" A raven with red eyes lands on a chunk of rubble, catching our gaze. "Raven?"

The bird leaps off the debris and takes back off into the sky. "Wait! Come back!" Robin takes my hand and pulls me along with him as he chases after the bird. The fowl leads us through the broken streets packed with rubble and overturned cars.

A tall, circular building rises from the horizon as we come upon it. Most of the glass in the windows has been blown out of the frames, which the raven flies through. The pair of us follow the bird through the decrepit building. We come upon the door to the roof and as Robin throws it open, the raven disappears. The black haired male steps towards the edge of the roof and falls onto his knees. "Raven."

My heart clenches at the defeated look on the Boy Wonder's face and I kneel down beside him. I take his hand in mine and give it a squeeze. The sound of metal walking along the roof catches my attention and I look over my shoulder.

"I'm glad you made it." Cyborg says as Starfire and Beast Boy land behind him.

"We saw something out there, in the city. It lead us here."

"It lead all of us here," Beast Boy states before a sad expression takes its place on his face. "Almost all of us."

"We're the only ones left," Cyborg adds.

"But how is this possible?" Starfire asks. "How did we survive?"

"It was Raven, she saved us. I don't know how but she did," Beast Boy says.

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