Every Dog Has His Day

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Fanart by liver-alone !

A (magazine/book/sketchbook) sits on my lap as I soak up the sun's rays by the outdoor training area. I glance up as Robin jumps and, with a loud crack, destroys a wooden cutout with one kick. He jumps up, spins and destroys a second cutout to his right. He runs to the left and destroys three more. Robin charges at another cutout and leaps up for his usual flying kick.

"Hey, Robin," Beast Boy greets as he pops up in front of the cutout. The Boy Wonder hits and sends Beast Boy flying. I drop my (reading/drawing) and let out a loud cackle. Robin runs over as the shapeshifter sits up in a daze. "Need a workout buddy?" he slurs.

"Sorry, Beast Boy. Already got one." Robin gestures to me and I give a sarcastic wave. "You okay?"

"Awesome." The green teen slumps away and Robin and I share a look. Suddenly one of the cutouts whacks the the Boy Wonder on the head. He give me an unimpressed look as I start to snicker. When I look up, my laughter stops as Robin steps towards me.

"What are you doing?" I ask. A smirk makes its way to the black haired male's face as he gets closer. "Robin?" He pounces and grabs my wrists. We wrestle a little, before I give in and let him pin me.

I let out an amused chuckle and relax back into my chair. I flutter my eyelashes and meet Robin's gaze. An awestruck look takes over the usual stern one, which gets rid of the crease between his eyebrows as he stares down at me. A blush begins to appear on his cheeks as I give him a seductive smile. "Aren't I usually on top?"

The Boy Wonder snorts and shakes his head, before giving me an odd look as I reach for his collar. I lightly tug on the black fabric to bring him closer. Just as our noses touch, the alarm goes off. We both whip towards the Titans Tower as we sit up, before sharing a serious look.


Robin and I get to the common room at the same time as Cyborg.

The window screen flashes red as Starfire and Raven fly in behind us.

"Trouble," the Boy Wonder states.

"Where is Beast Boy?" Starfire asks as she looks around for the green male.

"No time to find out. Titans! Go!"


Robin prods at a circle of scorched grass in the center of the park, while I look around. Most of the people at the park took off when whatever happened, happened, but a small group stuck around and are hanging by the edge of the park.

"Word is, it was some kind of flying saucer," Raven states as she comes back to us after talking to the witnesses.

"Whatever it was, my sensors can't track it. Didn't leave any kind of trail," Cyborg says.

"But it did leave this. Something got zapped. Question is, what?" Robin says.

Starfire gasps, catching our attention. "Beast Boy!" She bends over and picks up a Titans communicator laying in the grass. Cyborg grabs the device and brings it to his nose.

"It's BB's, all right. Smells like tofu," he states and hands it back.

"Gross," I say.

"Oh, I fear our friend has gotten the zap," Starfire says. Suddenly, Raven gets tackled by a small green dog, who begins to lick her face.

"He looks fine to me," the half-demon says.

"Beast Boy! You are unharmed!" Starfire exclaims as she picks up the green dog.

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