Bunny Raven, or How to Make a Titananimal Disappear

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"I just love a captive audience," Mumbo says as he pulls a penny out of the horrified bank teller's ear.

"They may be captive now, but you're the one who's getting locked up," Robin says, causing the magician to turn and face us.

"You forget, I'm an escape artist." Several spheres appear in between Mumbo's fingers. When he throws them the spheres bounce off the walls and floor before exploding. Beast Boy turns into a crocodile and catches one of the bouncy bombs which explodes in his mouth. Everyone throws long ranged attacks and Mumbo retorts with binding Cyborg in a rope of handkerchiefs.

The robotic Titan gets thrown into Robin and both get crushed into a green piller. Mumbo knocks Starfire down with a cloud of cards and binds Beast Boy with the other end of Cyborg's rope. My eyes turn (f/c) and the ATM by the door floats up and flies beside me. The machine starts shooting out coins but Mumbo just opens his cape and the coins disappear into it. My eyes go back to normal and I look around the room for the blue man who's dissolved into thin air. Suddenly a small box with little slits in it, cages me.

I peek through one of the holes and see a sword flying towards me. I press myself against the wall behind me and the moves until it pokes out the other side of the box. I look out the other slits and see several other swords ready to turn me into a shish-kabob. As the swords fly in I jump out of the way and luckily only gain a few cuts in the process. I let out a relived sigh when all the swords stop and just lay in the twisted heap of limbs and metal for a moment.

This guy gets more annoying every time we see him. I untangle myself from the swords and kick out one of the walls-nearly having my eye taken out as the wall of sharp objects falls back. As I crawl out of the box a broken pillar lifts into the air. Raven sends the pillar at Mumbo who poofs away in a puff of smoke.

"Trying to steal the limelight, eh? Then I guess I'll just have to make you part of the act. Mumbo jumbo!" The pillar turns into a flock of birds and swirls around Raven. The birds turn into a little tornado that swallows the half-demon and moves towards the rest of us.

Robin reaches out for Raven and we all grab onto the Boy Wonder so he doesn't get sucked up. Unfortunately as the twister gets closer I can feel my feet lift off the floor and we get pulled into the vortex. As we fall down the black tunnel, Raven and I slip from the other's grasps and tumble through the air on our own.


An annoyed hum leaves my lips as a bright light burns through my eyelids. I lift a hand over my head to try and block out the light before gently opening my eyes.

Several bright spotlights hang above me along with a blue velvet curtain. I sit up and spot the blue theater walls. I raise a confused eyebrow and push myself onto my feet. A feathery dark blue peacock-like tail brushes against the back of my legs causing me to look down at my outfit. A blue leotard adorns my body while uncomfortable matching heels add a few inches to my height.

A little feathered hat nearly topples off my head until I stand straight.

"So, how do I get out?" Raven's voice asks. I look up and see Mumbo talking into his hat on the other side of the blue stage.

"I can't tell you that," the blue magician says. "A magician never reveals his secrets."

"If you're really so amazing, Mumbo, what do you need me for?"

"You're gonna be the main act for my show tonight."

"I'm not helping you with your stupid magic tricks."

"Silly rabbit, you don't have a choice. My hat, my rules." Mumbo pulls a gray rabbit in a blue cloak out of his hat. A metal birdcage suddenly appears in my hand as a white straight jacket appears on bunny-Raven. My hands pull open the door of the cage and Mumbo tosses her in.

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