Because you Sally Spectra are the most extraordinary woman I have ever met"

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*The first few chapters are gonna sound familiar but by chapter three things change*

Sally was in her office when she heard her door open,she looked up and smiles when she saw it was Adam
"There's the one person who can make my day go from bad to good in seconds"she walked over to him
Adam wrapped his arms around her "And what has your day going so bad?"he asked
"One word...Victor"she said as she pulled out of his hold
"What did my father do now"he asked very annoyed
"He wants me to convince you to come back to the company"she told him as she turned around to look at him
"And let me guess, if I don't you lose your job" he said
"Pretty much, but if you do comeback we can be a team again."she told him "Adam if wants you back maybe he does care about. He probably just doesn't know how to show it"
Adam walked over to her "As much ad I would love to believe that he does. I know him, he likes to play these mind games, he makes you think he cares and proud of you, then you find out he only treated you like you matter because he was using you" he said as he lean on the desk
It broke Sally's heart to hear all that
"I hate how he is using you now to get to me. This is what he does."
"For a man who says he is all about his family, and to treat you like that. I'll never understand"she came up in front of him
He pulled her into him
" I'm willing to step back down to COO, if it means you are with me"
"Babe, you are meant to be here as CEO, you aren't not stepping down and I'm gonna make sure you don't lose your job over this"he told her
"How do you plan on doing that" Sally asked
"You don't want to know that"he kissed her cheek
"I don't like hearing you say that Adam. With your past I'm worried on what you might do"
Adam lean his forehead against hers "I don't mean to worry, I'm sorry"he said softly"I promise you I'm not gonna lash out on my family" he told her
"But I know you Adam," she started to say he stopped her
"Hey I don't want you to worry about me. I want you to focus on being CEO of Newman Media" he kissed her "Trust me I'm gonna figure out a solution that works for everyone"
"Adam I do trust you, it's your family I don't trust.Because without you here your family will do anything to kick me out.They never liked me, they only tolerated me because I'm your girlfriend. I know if I don't have you here I'm gonna be surrounded by sharks"
He chuckled " They may not show it but they value for what you have accomplished here.You belong here Sally"he said
"What about where you belong?" she asked
"I'll come up with something new"he said
"I know but you created this place"she looked around the office "Newman Media wouldn't exist if it weren't for you, this is your baby"she said
"No it's not, you are my baby"he kissed her hand
She smiled at him
"Once my father handed this tom Victoria it didn't feel like mine anymore. And the joy I had from this place was you by my side. But you shine here this your place now and when they see what I have from day one, they'll appreciate you"
"They won't Adam you and I know that"she told him
"I'm gonna convince them"he said
"How though"she asked
Adam looked down "You said you believe in me"he said
"You know I do Adam, I wouldn't mind a little insight on how you plan on convincing them"she took his hand
You're right come here" he took her hand and lead her over to the couch " You may have committed sins in your past as have I. But your biggest one is yours ties with me. So I need to convince Victoria that you are not the issue"he caressed her check
"What does all this mean Adam"
He kissed her "Just know I'm gonna do what ever it takes to make my sister not judge you because of me"he smiled at her"Because you Sally Spectra are the most extraordinary woman I have ever met"he said as he kissed her neck "Do you trust me now"he asked
Sally moved him so he was looking at her "I think we should get out of here"she said as she was kissing him " So I can show you properly how much I love you"
He place his hand around her face "Your place or mine"he smirked
As Sally was opening the door, Adam moved her hair away from her neck and started kissing her. This made Sally stop she lean into him
"Adam, just wait two seconds because if I can't open this door, people are gonna have some show in the hallway"she said
Adam stopped "Sorry, just hurry"
She finally got the door open and took his hand pulled him in. Sally wrapped her arms around his neck
"I do love you"she told him
He ran his hands up her body "I know I love you too"he kissed her lips and walked them over to the bed
Sally started to unbutton his shirt, as Adam was untying her blouse. Adam open her blouse and placed gentle kisses on her neck and moved all the way down to her stomach.As he was kissing her she ran her hands through his hair
"Hey I'm the one who is supposed to show how much I love you"she giggled as she moved him up to her level
"Oh right, i just got carried away because I love you so much"
Sally slid his shirt off of him, then pushed him down on the bed.
Adam just laughed and place his hand on her waist.Sally ran kisses along his chest. Then looked up at him
"What is with that look"he asked
"Why did it take me so long to find you"she asked
He pulled her to him "I don't know, I wonder the same thing" he moved her hair out of her face
"Now where were we" she said
"I think right here" he said as he turn her over so he was on top of her
They were laying in bed, Sally was resting her head on his chest as Adam was running his finger through her hair
"Wish we could stay here forever"Sally said
" I know but you my girl need to go run Newman Media"he kissed her head
"But for how long Adam, I just know l'll be out of job real soon"she said as she laced her fingers with his
"I'm gonna go talk with my sister and make sure she doesn't make a mistake in letting you go"
Sally got up and looked at him " Adam I &love how much you want to protect me but I don't want to to fight my battles"
"I know you can handle your own " he said as he rubbed her check "which is one of thing I love about you" he kissed her
Later Sally was asleep, Adam was rubbing her back as he watched her sleep. Then he grabbed his phone
"We need to meet" he sent a text
He then lean over and kissed Sally's head "I promise you my family will change how they feel about you" he whispered "I love you" he kissed her one more time. Then got out of bed and left
Adam knocked on the door, Victoria looked over
"Why did you want to meet"Victoria asked
"Look I know you don't see me as your brother and I have no hard feelings about that.But I'm here to tell I'm here to ask you not to judge Sally because of me" he said as he sat down
"Why not everyone who comes in contact with you turns out yo be evil"she said
"Sally isn't , she has made mistakes and she is trying to redeem herself. She has changed and she is doing a pretty good job at Newman Media"
"Her reputation isn't the greatest and she is not someone I want associated with the family business"
"People could say them same about you being Victor Newman's daughter" he said
"She isn't qualified Adam, she only got that job because of who she os sleeping with"
Adam got mad"Don't treat her like some gold digger. She is smart and extraordinary.She will prove to you that she is right for this position"
"People said the same about you,and sadly you never did"she said all smug
"She will"he told her
"Why should I believe anything you say, when you are the one person she loyals the most"
Adam took a deep breath
"You don't have worry about that,you need worry about me being a influence on Sally"
"What is that supposed to mean" she asked as she crossed her arms
"I'm not involved with Sally professionally" he paused "Or personally"he said
"Personal"she asked
"There is no me or Sally anymore"he struggled to get out "She isn't what I want anymore, so I'm ending things with"
" And why are you telling me this"she asked
" I haven't told you yet, but I don't want this to make you fire her.I know our father let her stay on because of me. I know this going to break her heart but I want her to keep shining"
Sally woke up and reached over and expected Adam to be there. She look around the room. She was surprised to see a note on the nightstand
I needed to go away for a few days to take of something. When I get back we need to talk
Adam"she read
"Oh Adam what are you up too" she said

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