"There's my protector"

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Chelsea walked into Sally's room and saw Connor laying in bed with Sally. She smiled at them
"Hey you two"she said
Sally looked over at her and smiled
"I guess I got to go now"Connor said
"Actually, your Dad had to take care of something so he asked me to stay until he got back"she told him
Sally got worried "Adam left, why"she asked
"Connor, why don't you go get a snack and pick something out for Sally"she' handed him money
Connor got off them bed and ran out of the room
Chelsea came over and sat down in the chair next to Sally's bed
"Chance found who hot you"she told her
"So Adam went to confront Derek"she asked
"Yes he went to confront the person but it wasn't Derek"
"Who did Adam go see?"Sally asked
"It was Victor who he went to see"she told her
"Victor, why?" She said
"It turns out that Victor paid Derek to hurt you"
Sally started crying "He hates me that much"she said
Chelsea moved closer "He honestly doesn't like anyone who is with his children"she have a small laugh
"But he honestly could have killed me today... and Connor"Sally gave Chelsea a look "Oh Chelsea I'm so sorry"she cried harder
"For what?" she said softly
"For putting Connor in danger. Once I sensed something was wrong, I did the only thing I could think of at the time to save him. I'm so sorry"
Chelsea took her hand "Sally listen to me. You saved my son today. I could never be mad at you for that. I thank you for not letting him get hurt"
"I love that kid" Sally smiled
"And he loves you. He didn't want to leave ... he wanted to stay for you and the baby"
Sally looked down "I hope Adam doesn't do anything stupid"Sally said
Chelsea gave Sally a sympathetic smile and hugged her
Connor came back in with a bag of chips and a candy bar
"I brought something sweet and something salty. So Sally you can pick first. What is it the babies are hungry for" he asked her
Chelsea was caught off guard at the mention of babies. She looked between Connor and Sally
"Babies?" she asked
Sally smiled "Yes, we just were informed" she placed her hands on her small bump "It's twins"
"Wow congratulations. Adam never told me when I asked if the baby was okay." She said
"He probably wanted to wait and tell Connor." She smiled at him "But I told him"she said
Connor held the snacks up "So what will it be" he asked
"How about we spilt both of them"she suggested
Connor hopped on the bed and him and Sally started eating
Chelsea's phone rang "I'll be right back" she told them and walked out into the hallway
"Hello Chloe Merry Christmas"she said
"Hey Girl Merry Christmas. Listen I know it's last minute but I remember you saying something about Adam having Connor tomorrow. So I was thinking why don't you join us tomorrow"Chloe suggested
"That's really sweet Chloe but I'm actually spending with Connor"she told her
"Oh no did Adam bail on him"she asked
"No Chloe he didn't. We were actually already planning on spending it all together. Me Connor Adam and Sally"
"Oh wow"
"Look Sally and Connor were in a car accident today. So we are probably going to take it easy anyway tomorrow"she told her
"Wait Sally was in an accident?"Chloe was worried
"Ya, I'm with her now. Thankfully she is okay"she said looking at Sally and Connor goofing off
"Is Connor okay?"Chloe asked
"Yes Chloe he is okay thanks to Sally, she saved him Chloe"she said
"Chelsea is her baby okay"Chloe asked
"It's not place to say anything. I gotta go so have a Merry Christmas and I'll talk to you later"
"Bye"Chloe said
As Chelsea was heading back into the room. Adam ran up to her
"Hey I'm back" he said out of breath
"That's good. I told Sally where you went.Did you behave?" She asked
"Yes I did. I said what I needed to say. And then Chance arrested him. So we'll see how long he stays"
Chelsea nodded
Adam looked in on Sally and Connor "Is she doing okay ?"
"Ya" she hit his arm "You didn't tell me you two were having twins"
Adam gave her a puzzling look "What how do you know"
"She told Connor"Chelsea smiled
"I was planning on telling him when everything got settled"
She put her arm around him "Come on let's go in" she told him
Sally locked eyes with Adam's and smiled
"There's my protector"she said
"Hey Dad"Connor said
Adam came up to them "You two seem to be enjoying yourselves"he said
"I'd rather be home" she said
Adam didn't say anything he just kissed her head
"Connor why don't we head out. It's been along day. You'll see them later"Chelsea told him
"Alright" he said. Connor hugged Sally "Glad you and the babies are okay" he said softly
"I'm glad you're okay too"Sally said
Connor sat up "Are we still having Christmas tomorrow"he asked
"Um Connor I don't think.."Chelsea started saying
"Yes"Sally interrupted "We are getting together"
"Are sure Sally?"Chelsea asked
"Ya, Babe you might not be up to anything"
"No this isn't gonna ruin our Christmas. I want to spend the day with Connor and you Chelsea"
"Alright, I'll text you when we are home. And set a time for tomorrow"
Connor hugged Adam, then they left
Adam sat next to her in bed and held her
"You went to see Victor"she said
"I had to Sally. He was the reason I almost lost my entire world today"
Sally look up at him "I understand completely"she placed her hand on her bump "i just wish I had chance with him"
Adam cupped her face "No stress for you Mama. You need to take care of our nuggets"he smiled
"Yes Sir" she kissed him
It was late when Sally was finally discharged. Adam had her come stay with him. He walked her over to the couch
"Okay you comfortable"he asked
"This is not how I thought we would be starting our first Christmas together"Sally started crying
Adam got worried and sat next to her "Hey, you and Connor and these babies are safe."
Sally laid into him "I know"
Adam kissed her forehead. He then laid her down on the couch
"Adam what are you doing" she asked all confused
"Shh" he said and lean his head on her bump "Hey you two"
Sally smiled
"Look I don't know which one we just found out about today. But we can't wait to meet you." He kissed her stomach "Merry Christmas" he whispered "Next Christmas you'll be here with us"
"That will be the best Christmas"Sally said rubbing his hair
Adam smiled up at her
"Adam"she said
"Yes, Baby"
"I was so scared I was never gonna see you again"she cried
"I was scared too. Because I'm supposed to protect and in that moment I couldn't"he had tears falling down his face
Sally rubbed his tears "You're by my side now"she smiled
"I'm never leaving your side" he kissed her
"Come on let's get you into bed"he told her
Adam picked her up bridal style and carried her into the bedroom and they both fell right to sleep

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