"So I played the game. And with a little help I won"

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FYI I don't know anything about business lol

Today was the day the Newman's would find out they are losing Newman Media. Sally was at Crimson Lights staring at her phone waiting for Adam to let her know him and Tucker were on their way. Adam thought it was best because of the baby Sally wasn't present for the reveal but come afterwards.
Sharon came up to her "Morning"
"Hey Sharon"Sally said
"Is everything okay"she asked
"Yes, it's just today everything changes"she told her
"Does this have anything to do with the baby, maybe the babies father" she questioned
Sally looked up at her "No it's not about the baby, but it does involve the baby's future"
Sharon smiled then went to walk away
"Sharon"Sally called out
"Yes"Sharon turned back around
"Can I ask you something"she said
"Sure"she sat down
"You know the Newman's really well with being married into the family" she said all nervous
"Do they hold grudges for long"Sally asked
"Well it's complicated when anyone of them feel like someone betrayed them. They on them pretty quickly and really never let you forget it. But they come around when they feel like you're on their side"Sharon told her
"I was afraid of that thanks" Sally said
"Sally can I ask... is this baby Adam's
Sally looked down"If you asked me that night I would have lied to you. Because we weren't saying anything"
"But now you can"Sharon said
"Yes Sharon this baby is Adam's" she smiled
"Oh wow. He does know"Sharon asked "I'm not judging "she gestured to her
"Yes, he knows we haven't kept a secret for so many reasons. I hate to ask"
"It's not my news"she held up her hands "I won't say word"
" I should get going"she said as she was grabbing her things
"Sally when you said everything changes today what did you mean by that"
"You'll soon find out" she smiled and left
Victor and Victoria were in the office when Tucker walked in
"Good Morning it's a beautiful day"Tucker said
"Look Tucker we are busy to have a chit chat"Victor said
"Yea we actually have a meeting"Victoria added
"I know with Chandler Mac" he sat down "That would be me" he smirked at them
"And what do want"Victor asked
"I would like to inform you that your company Newman Media is no longer yours"
"Excuse me"Victoria was in shock
"It's all in here"Tucker handed her the folder
"What does it say"Victor asked
"How did you accomplish this"Victoria asked
Just then Adam walked in
"No way" Victoria said
"You took something from me Dad and gave it to my sister. So I'm taking back what was mine"he told them
Sally was at her desk working, while Chloe was sitting on the couch not say a word
"Come on Chloe you gotta say something"Sally looked at her
"No I don't Sally, I'm only in here to work"she said staring at her laptop
"So you are not going to speak to me because I'm having Adam's baby. You hate him that much. You're going hate me because I'm in his life"she asked
Chloe didn't budge.Sally started crying. Just then Sally's phone went off
"Oh is it Adam, do you have to update him on the baby"Chloe said in a snarky tone
Sally glared "For your information it's Victoria and we are being called into her office" Sally said as she got up
"For what"Chloe asked
"I don't know all it says to come to her office"she told her even though she know what it was about
Sally and Chloe both walked into the office.Chloe saw Adam
"What is going on"she asked
"Sally, Chloe we're both aware that Adam was trying to get Newman Media back"Victoria asked
Sally went to speak, but Adam stopped her
"No, they knew nothing about it"he looked at her
"Adam you don't need to protect me"Sally told him
"So you did know"Victoria said
"Yes, I knew"she told her
"Wow"Chloe huffed "You have been keeping  a lot of secrets from me"Chloe glared
"I'm sorry Chloe the less who knew the better"Sally said "I knew about this because it was originally my idea"she told them
"I knew she was no good"Victor yelled
"Do not yell at her"Adam got protective
"I did this because of you"Sally walked in front of Victor "I was tired of Adam getting treated like he was some pawn in your stupid game" she took a deep breath "You have four children Mr Newman but you seem to forget that. And only favor two"
Adam came up to her
"So I played the game. And with a little help I won"she smirked
"This isn't legal it won't hold up Tucker"Victor said
"Yes it will look again" he told him
"We will fight to get back and go after your company as well"Victoria told him
"We will see about that"Tucker walked out
Victoria looked at Adam and Sally "You two are the same"she said
"You are no good for my son"Victor pointed at her
Adam wrapped his arm around her "Let's go clean out your office"he said as he guided her out
Adam closed the door and looked at Sally
"We did, we got the company"Adam said all excited
"That we did"she ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him and kissed him
"We make a great team"he said as he swayed back and forth
"Now we just need to find a new location and change the name"she told him
"We don't need to figure that out just yet. We won't relaunch until after the new year" he said
Sally went to kiss Adam
Chloe opened the door "So you two were  scheming all this time" she said
"I hated lying to you Chloe"Sally told her
"I'm used to this behavior from Adam, but you"Chloe hollered
"It was my idea to make people think it was over with Adam, and to get control of the company. And honestly Derek was apart of the scheme for awhile until we learned who he was working with."Sally walked over to her "Look I want you to be apart of this with us"
"No I will not be apart of anything with you again. I don't trust you"she said the stormed out
Sally sighed "Well if she didn't hate me before. She sure does now"she started crying
Adam wrapped his arms around her "I'm so sorry"he kissed her head
"Let's finish up and get out of here"Sally said getting out his hold
"Let the new adventure begin"Adam said

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