"I can't believe he uses his kid to get to you"

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    {Just FYI I'm not a sports person}

       Sally and Chloe were meeting Derek for a breakfast meeting at Society
"So I drew up the proposal for the new platform for Victoria" Derek said
"Oh can I see"Sally asked
"Sure I'll send you the link"he told her
Just then Adam came in with Connor. Connor spotted Sally
"Sally" he yelled as he ran over to her and hugged her
"Hey, how are you?"she asked
"Good"he told her "Dad and I are having breakfast before school"
"Connor you know it's not polite to interrupt people"Adam told him
"Like father like son" Chloe rolled her eyes
"It's okay Adam"she looked at him
"I'm sorry, I just get really excited when I see you"Connor told her
"It's totally okay. You made my day"she told him
"Come on Connor"he guided Connor to the table "See you Sally" he said as he walked away
"I can't believe he uses his kid to get to you"Chloe said
"He doesn't Chloe,Connor and I have a bond that started way before Adam and I got together"she told her
"So is that the ex"Derek asked
"Yep"Sally said
"It's for the best those two ended it"Chloe said
"Chloe"Sally said all annoyed
"Sorry"Chloe said
Later as Adam and Connor were leaving they stopped at the table
"Oh Sally I wanted to invite you to my game tonight"
"Oh that's so sweet of you"Sally smiled
"Connor, maybe Sally has plans"Adam told her
"Or maybe she doesn't want to be near you"Chloe said under her breath
Both Sally and Adam shot Chloe a look. Sally looked back at Connor
"I'll see what I can do"Sally told him
"Cool" Connor smiled
As they walked out both Adam and Sally smiled at each other
Sally looked over at Chloe "That was so rude"
"I'm sorry, you know what that man does to me"
"No excuse to do it in front of Connor"she told her
Sally got a text
"Siena, about to drop off Connor. Then can you meet me in the park-Kansas"
Sally texted back "Sure thing- Siena "
Sally arrived at the park and saw Adam sitting on the bench
"Okay what are we doing here"she asked
"Follow me"he got up and took her hand
He lead her over to a spot that had a picnic basket and blanket set up
"Adam we are in public" she said as she looked around
"Nobody comes to this spot" he came over and wrapped his arms around her "Have lunch with me" he asked
"As long as you got my favorites"
Adam went over and opened up the basket "Would I get anything else"
Sally was laying in Adam's arms as he was feeding her chocolate covered strawberries
"I'm sorry about Chloe"she said
"Don't worry about I'm used to her jabs at me"he told her
"I know, I just hate how she did it in front of Connor"she said softly
"It's okay"he told her as he held her tighter
He kissed the top of her head "You know you don't have to come to his game. If it will be awkward for you"he said
"No I want to come"she looked up at him and smiled "But there is one problem"she said
"What is that"he asked
"I wouldn't know anything that is happening, because I don't know football"
Adam laughed at her
"Don't laugh, I didn't grow up watching sports" she hit him
"I'm sorry" he kissed her "Get up"he tried to push her off him
"Why, I'm so comfortable"she went back into his lap
"I'm gonna teach you" he told her and push her off him
"Okay Coach, how does this game work"
Adam was teaching Sally all the different plays. He was surprised how quickly she picked it up. As Sally was running around the park, Adam came in front of her and grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder and ran the rest of the way.
Sally was laughing hysterical
"Touch down by the one and only Sally Spectra"he started yelling and spinning her around in circles
Adam then laid her down on the grass then laid on top of her
"I may not know the game, but I'm pretty sure that is not how you play"
Adam moved their hands above her head "I may have put my own spin on it" he said then kissed her
Sally wrapped her arms around him as she deepened the kiss
They finally came up for air
"I never knew how hands on this sport was"she said as she smirked
"It's not really like that, but it will be for you"he said as he went back to kissing her
Adam took her back to her suite to get ready for the game,Sally unlocked the door
She turned to face him "It's probably best if I meet you there"she said "We are taking a big risk you being here now"
Adam caressed her cheek "You are probably right, I'll save you a seat"he quickly kissed her cheek then left
Sally watched him leave them went into her room. She put her purse down. She was startled when she looked up
"Oh my God, Derek what are you doing here. How did you even get in"she asked
"We need to have a little chat"he said
"About what"she looked at him
"I agreed to help you with this take over, thinking I was gonna get something out of it"he said as he came over to her
"Ya, we talked about the money. You'll get paid once it's complete"
"That's not what I'm talking about Sally. I felt this connection and apparently so does your friend"he told her
"I'm sorry you got that impression. I let Chloe know it wouldn't happen for us"
"Maybe it will"he told her as he took her hand
"What are you talking about"she tensed up
"You and Adam were an item and broke up right?"he asked
"Yes were and we did. But what are you getting at Derek" she pulled away from him
Derek pulled out his phone "This obviously doesn't look like two people who broke up" "It would be a shame if someone were to find out"he said as he showed her the picture he took of them making out in the park
Sally just stood there in shock

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