"I'm tired of this family attacking the woman I love"

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    Sally spent a couple days in the hospital,Adam being Adam didn't leave her side the entire time. They arrived home Adam helped her into the house
"It feels so good to be home"Sally sighed as she sat on the couch
"I bet"Adam said as he sat next to her and brought her legs onto his lap
"I also can't want to have real food"she laughed
"Oh ya, what are you craving"he asked
"Anything at this point,as long there are pickles"she told him
Adam laughed at her
"Don't laugh it's what your children want"she smiled
Just then the doorbell rang, Sally looked over in the direction of the door
"That's probably Connor"she said "He said texting wasn't the same, so he probably asked Chelsea to bring him knowing I was home"
"I'll get it"Adam smiled and kissed her head as he passed by
Adam opened the door and smiled
"It's so good to see you Coco"he said
The mention of Coco's name got Sally all excited she turned to see
"Coco, what are you doing here"she asked
"To see you of course"Coco said as she came over to her sister
Adam brought in Coco's suitcases
"It's so good to see you"Sally reached to hug her sister
"Well I hope you will love seeing me all the time"Coco smiled
"What do you mean by that" Sally gave her a questioning look "Are you saying.."
Coco sat next to her "When your friend called me and told me what happened. I knew I needed to be closer to you. It took a few days but I'm moving here"she told her
Sally started clapping her hands "Yay, my babies are going to grow up with their aunt Coco"
Adam smiled as he watched Sally with her sister. He loved seeing her so happy
Sally looked at Adam "Adam why don't you go see Connor, you haven't been able to see him because of me"Sally suggested
"I'm not sure, I don't want to leave you"he said
"She'll be fine Adam I'm here now"Coco told him "She's in good hands"
Adam nodded "Okay"he came over and kissed her "I won't be long, call if you need anything"he told her
"I will"she smiled and kissed him again
"Coco thanks" he smiled "Oh and Sally is hungry so if you can, can you fix her something with pickles"he smirked at Sally
"I'll get on it"Coco told him
"I love you"he said then left
Adam walked into the office and slammed the door startling Victoria
"What are you doing here"she asked
"Why are you never satisfied. You have everything"he told her as he came over to the desk
"Excuse me, why are you having this outburst"
"Sally"he slammed his hands on the desk
"I did nothing to her"she said in a annoyed tone
"Thank God for that, because if it wasn't her for her appendix, you could have been the reason she was in that hospital"he said
"Look I'm glad she's okay"she said
"No you're not Victoria"he shook his head
"Then why are you here"
"Now that Sally is home. I can finally tell you this"he pointed his finger at her "If you ever attacked her the way you did, you'll be sorry and you'll have to answer to me, because I'm tired of this family attacking the woman I love"he stormed out
Coco brought over Sally a sandwich and sat next to her
"So now that you are moving here. What do you plan on doing"Sally asked as she was eating
"I have a few jobs I'm looking into, and your friend and Adam are helping me find an apartment"Coco said
Sally smiled "I'm so happy you are going to be here"
Coco smiled back
"So now that we are alone. How are you?"Coco asked "How are the babies"she added
"We are good, they are moving up a storm"she placed her hand on her stomach
"Can I feel"Coco asked
"Of course"she smiled and placed Coco's hand where they were moving
"Oh my that is so cool"Coco smiled
"It is, every time they move I get even more excited to meet them"
"You are going to be one amazing Mom"
Chelsea opened the door and was surprised to see Adam at the other end of it
"Hey, what are you doing here. I thought Sally was getting out today" she said
"She did, she's at home now"he told her
"I'm surprised you left her side"Chelsea chuckled
"She's not alone, her sister is there"he smiled
Chelsea nodded
"Sally suggested I come see Connor, is he here"he asked
"Yes, come on in"she moved aside "Connor your Dad's here"she called for him
A few seconds later Connor came out running
"Hey Dad"he said as he hugged him
"Hey Buddy, how are you" he asked
"I'm good,is Sally home"he asked
"She is, she says hello"Adam told her
"Can I go see her"Connor asked
"Give her another day to rest. Then I'll bring you over"Adam told her
"Can you stay a bit and play video games with me"he asked
"Of course, lead the way"Adam said then followed Conor to his room
A few hours later Adam came home he found Sally sleeping, Coco was reading
"How is she"he asked
"She's good, she fell asleep a few minutes ago"she told him
"You know when I had Chloe call you I wasn't expecting for you to move here"Adam said
"Are you saying you don't want me here"Coco asked
"Oh no, I'm happy you are and I know she is too"
"She took care of me my whole life it's my turn" Coco smiled
"You two are really lucky, you see I don't have the best relationship with my siblings. So to see what it's supposed to be like it makes me..."
"Sad"Coco asked
"Partly. But it is what it is. My family is so complicated"
Coco went to bed leaving Adam and Sally alone. Sally was in Adam's arms, Adam was stroking her bump
"You feeling okay"he asked
"Adam I'm fine, you need to stop worrying a little less"she smiled up at him
"It's hard to you know. You are so important to me I don't anything to happen to you or our babies"he kissed her head
"I know"she placed her hand on his "Did you have fun with Connor"she asked
"Ya, he wanted to come see you"he told her
"He could have" she informed him
"I told him to let you rest another day"he said
"Speaking of rest, can we go to bed"she asked leaning into him
"Of course, come on"he carried her to bed
The next morning Adam was awake as Sally was still sleeping. Adam had his head on her stomach
"How are you two this morning"he whispered
"They are good"she said softly still with her eyes closed
"You know if your sister wasn't here. I'd suggest we stay in bed all day"Adam said as he leaned up and kissed her
"I love the thought of that"she was stroking his hair "But your babies are demanding to be fed"
"Oh no well I guess we should feed you "he smiled "What are you hungry for this morning"he asked
"Right now, just cereal"she told him
"Okay do you want that with milk or just dry"he asked
"Dry, please" she smiled
"Alright"he helped her out of bed "Let's go feed Mama"
They were downstairs when Coco entered the kitchen
"Morning you two"she said
"Good morning, did you sleep well"Sally asked
"Yes, I forgot to tell you both yesterday this house is gorgeous"she said
"Thanks we love it" Adam smiled and took Sally's hand
Coco smiled at the two of them

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