"Yes, I'm good Chloe. I would tell you if I wasn't"

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    It was early in the morning Adam and Sally were getting ready for work. Sally found Adam in the kitchen making breakfast
"Morning" she greeted him in a sleepy voice
"Morning Beautiful" he smiled and kissed her cheek as she passed by "Would you like some toast"he asked her
"Sure"she said as she made her tea
Adam came over to her and handed her the piece of toast "Here you go, I added your jelly to it"he told her
"Thanks"she said as she sat at the counter
"If we are still planning on leaving at 8, we need to finish getting ready"
"Actually"she looked at him "We need to take two cars"she informed him
"Why, where are you going"he asked
"I have to go somewhere, before work"she told him
"Oh is today your therapy day"he asked
"No, it's something else, but I won't be long" she said as she got up finish getting dressed
Sally walked into the doctors office. She saw Elena walk by
"Elena"she called out to her
Elena looked at her "Hey, Sally, is everything okay"
"I'm not so sure"she told her as her voice was breaking
Elena put her arm around her "Come with me"she said as she guided her into the room
"Talk to me, what's got you so anxious. Does this have anything to do with the nightmares"she asked
Sally shook her head "No, those thankfully died down thanks to the therapy"
"Well that's good."she smiled
Sally played with her bracelet "I don't want Adam to freak out because I know he will. But I'm worried"she said
Elena leaned in "Of what Sally"
"That these babies are going to inherit the disease Adam's Mom has. And I know he will blame himself"she started crying
Elena took her hand "First, I want you to take a breath"she told Sally
Sally closed her eyes and inhaled than exhaled
"Now, I want you to listen to me. The unknown is scary and you're dealing with a whole new unknown. Yes, you and Adam have this extra concern. We won't know until they are born and I promise you we will do everything for them if they inherit it"
Sally nodded "Alright I'm sorry for bothering you. It's just been on my mind"she said
"Sally it's no bother. It's what I'm here for. If ever need to vent okay"
"Thanks"Sally smiled
"Can you do something for me"Elena asked
"Sure, what is it"
Elena smiled "Talk to Adam. I know you are concerned for how he'll feel about this, but he has been through this before."
Sally nodded then hugged her and said goodbye
Adam was working at his desk, when Chloe walked in and looked over at Sally's desk
"Sally didn't come in with you today?"she asked
"Um nope. She needed to go somewhere before work "he told her
"Alright, when she comes in will you tell her I'm looking for her"
"Sure thing"he said and went back to work
Chloe was heading out when Adam stopped her
"Chloe do you have a second"he asked
"Ya sure what's up"she told him as she came back into the office
"I don't mean to bring up a bad time for you. But I need some help"he said
"Okay"she said
Adam wrote something down "I need all the new information on this"he told her as he handed her the paper
Chloe looked at it "Is this what I think it is"she asked
"Yes"he looked at her
"What...are you worried that"Chloe was  struggling to speak
"I don't ye, I need the current information on it , before I talk to Sally about it. I don't her to stress out"
Chloe nodded "I'll have something by the end of the day"she told him and left
Sally walked into their office, she saw Adam standing in front of the window drinking his coffee. She quietly closed the door and went up to him and wrapped her arms around him from behind
"Hey"he said softly as he placed his hands over his "Is everything okay"
"Ya"she rested her head on his back
"You never told me where you were going"
Sally let go of him, Adam turned around
"I went to see Elena"she told him
"Okay, did we have an appointment I didn't know about"he asked
"No, I went to see her to talk to her about if it was okay to travel"she lied
"Oh, did something change"he asked as he placed his hands on her shoulders
"Everything is good" she smiled, she pulled him close "But what I want to do right now is this" she gently kissed his lips
Adam wrapped his arms around her and deepen the kiss. Adam then walked them over to the desk, Sally placed her hand against it. Without breaking the kiss Adam started unbutton her shirt.Adam gently laid her back on the desk. Sally removed his jacket, and pulled him on top of her. Sally leaned her head back as Adam was kissing her neck. Sally closed her eyes and took in the moment. Adam started placing kisses up her leg
They were interrupted by a knock, they both jumped up
"Adam it's Chloe, did you forget about your lunch meeting"she hollered for him
"Crap"he said as quickly grabbed his clothes "We will continue this at home"he said
"We better"she told him as she took a deep breath
Adam gave her a quick kiss before he left
Chloe came in after Adam ran out. She saw Sally fixing herself
"I'm sorry for interrupting"she said
"So were we"Sally laughed
"I guess with what you two were doing, Adam didn't tell you I was looking for you"
Sally gave a smirk "I never gave him the chance too "she giggled
"Alright, before we jump into work. How are you doing?"
"Good, the babies are good so I'm good"she told her as she went through her mail
"Are you sure"Chloe asked sensing something was up
"Yes, I'm good Chloe. I would tell you if I wasn't"
"Very well then"Chloe said
"So, what did you need"Sally asked
"It has to do with the fashion section. I need you to look over the layout and see if I should add an affordable options"she told her
"Sure, send me the links for them. I'll try to have an answer before me and Adam leave" she informed her
"Has, he told you yet where he is taking you"Chloe asked
"Nope, just that it's our babymoon" she looked at her
"Aw, he really does love you"Chloe smiled
"Ya, he does"Sally smiled
Later that night Sally was relaxing in the pool when Adam walked in
"There's my beautiful fiancé"he greeted her
Sally smiled at him "Yep"she laid back in the pool "I'm so happy we bought this house"she sighed
"You know, you'll be able to do this on our trip if you want"he told her as he sat on the edge
Sally swam over to him "Oh so we are going somewhere warm then"she looked at him
"Yes, but that's all I'm telling you" he pointed at her
"Fair enough"she splashed him "So are you gonna join me or are you gonna just wat.."
Adam jumped in with his clothes before she could finish
Sally wrapped her arms around him "You just couldn't wait"she laughed
"I like it a lot better when you remove my clothes"he smirked
"Oh do you now"Sally looked at him
"So are you going to remove this"he pulled his shirt a little "So we can finish what we were doing earlier
Sally pulled his shirt over his head. They began to fool around
Sally was fast asleep when Adam walked out of the room and called someone
"So everything is set. You're still on board"he asked "Great, me and Sally will see you tomorrow"he said then hung
Adam crawled into bed with Sally. He placed his hand on her bump "Goodnight Nuggets, love you both so much"
With her eyes still closed Sally placed her hand over his and smiled "They love you too"

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