"I don't love you, I never did"

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Adam walked into Crimson Lights in a daze.Sharon came out from the back room and noticed
"You look like hell"she said
"Gee thanks"he shot back
"Is everything alright"she asked in concern
"Just processing the days events"he told her
"Would you like a coffee while you process it"she offered
"Sure thanks"he said as he walked over to the table
Sharon came over and placed it in front of him
"I may be the last person you want to talk to, but I am here to listen" she said
"Sharon you have been one of the few people who actually understand me"he smiled"I would like it if we talked
Sharon nodded and sat across from him "I saw the press conference that couldn't have been easy"she said
" I should be used to it by now. You have seen it first hand. My family only treats me like a member of it only when they need me for something and when they are done they toss me aside"
"You know I never agree to the family methods. Victor giving you something and then taking it away"she took his hand
He nodded "I had enough so I walked away from it"he told her
"I'm proud of you for that, but I have to ask. Did you do it for yourself or did you do it to stick it to Victor"she asked
"For my own peace.I'm tired of his games"he told her
"I have to say, I really thought this time would have lasted. You know after everything that happened in Kansas. I remember all Victor wanted was for you to be okay. And I finally saw the Adam I used to love come back"she smiled "And I can't believe I'm saying this but I believe the reason is Sally"
Adam looked down, Sharon noticed
"Did I say something wrong"she asked
"Sally and I are over"his voice broke as he said the words
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that"she said
"You are"Adam asked in surprised
"Ya she may not be my favorite person. But I could tell she really care for you"
"How would you even know that"
"A few months ago she came to me to get advice about you and your father's relationship"she told him
"Well I'm sorry she did that"
"Can I ask what happened you seem really happy with her"
"We we're holding each other back"he said
"How was she holding you back"Sharon asked
"She wasn't a popular choice with the family"
"Well true, but you just said you left the company so why would stop being with Sally if you cut ties with the family"she asked as she wasn't buying his reason
"It's complicated Sharon and I don't really want to get into it right now"
"I know you Adam, you can let it out with me"she said
"It's me, okay."
"Adam" she said softly
"If I stayed with her she wouldn't shine like I know does.
"Why wouldn't you tell me this"Sharon and Adam heard, Adam turned to her
"You broke up with me because of my job"Sally said
Sharon took that as a cue to leave them alone to talk. She walked away without saying a word
Adam got up "What are you talking about"he said
"I just heard you tell Sharon you broke up with me because you were holding me back and you wanted me to shine.But why did you give all that stuff about your family crap back at them office"
"Because both of them is true Sally"
"You could have told me both reasons Adam" she said as she got in front of him
"Now because you would have said some stuff about how you shine because of me and try to save this relationship. And later down the road you would regret"
"Never Adam you are the best thing that has happened to me" " I love you and you trying to spin this story is proof you love me too"
"I don't Sally"he said "I don't love you , I never did"he said
Sally's heart broke hearing those words "Then...why not.. tell Sharon what .. you told me"she struggled to get the words out
"Because Sharon knows my family, I didn't want her to know because she sees them every day"
He couldn't even look at her "Are we done now Sally. Because I'm really tired of having the same conversation with you"he said
She looked into his eyes "I'm trying to read you and you know what. I'm not buying any of this"she said "It's like you are making it up as you go along"she said
"Well ya because you keep showing up wanting to talk. It's like you are stalking me"
"I'm not"she said as tears started to form
"You are Sally. And it's making you look desperate"he said
Sally slapped him. Then quickly piled him into a kiss. Adam let her kiss him but quickly pushed her away
"You really want to throw away what we have..just like that. Look I don't care what your family thinks of me. I don't care what story you have to tell about our break up. I know with kiss you don't want to let me go and you love me just as much as I love you" she placed her hands on his face "So we can forget about today's events and I can help through what ever you are struggling with. We can do it together as a team"she kissed him again
Adam place his hands around her waist. Once he felt her deepen the kiss he pushed her again
"Stop it Sally"he told her "You are embarrassing yourself"
She looked at him in shocked
"You believe or not but it's best if move on" he said " We are done"he walked out
Sharon came out and saw Sally sitting in the booth crying. She walked over
"Are you okay"she asked
"I don't know, I'm trying to wrap my mind around everything. Adam tells me one thing and you another it doesn't make any sense" she said
"Ya that's a bit confusing for sure. But maybe Adam is right maybe it's both"
"But if it is I told I don't want that job if it meant losing him"she said as she wiped her tears away
Sharon nodded"If that's true Sally you have to find a way to prove it to him"
Later that night Sally was getting ready for bed. When there was a knock on the door. She walked over
"Chloe I said I was fine you don't need to come check on me"she said as she was opening it
"What are you doing here Adam"she crossed her arms"Do you get some pleasure in hurting me or something"she said
Adam looked around "Can I come in"
"Sure"she let him in then looked back out in the hallway before closing the door. She turned around and looked at him
"Think they bought it"she smiled at him
"With your performance I'm sure of it"he pulled her into him "You sure you don't want to become an actress cause wow I believed it " he kissed her
"I did too" she look down
"Hey, what is it"he was concerned
"When you said you never loved me I saw in your eyes and I felt my heart break"
He held her tight "Everything I said to you today was a lie. I love you Sally Spectra" he kissed her with so much passion "So much" he brushed his nose with hers causing her to giggle
Adam picked her up "Now if you don't mind I would love to show just how much I love you" he said as he laying her on the bed
"Hey we have all night take your time" she said and pulled him into a kiss

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