"You messed with the wrong woman"

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It's been a few weeks Adam was in his new office. When Jack walked in
"So the launch party is all set for Friday"he told him
"Alright I'll go finalize everything at the Athletic Club" Adam said as he was looking through the tablet
"Great, report back if there is any issues"he told him
"Oh and Adam before you go. I need to tell you something. We are inviting Sally and Chloe for the coverage. Is that gonna be an issue for you"
"No it's a small town, we are gonna wind up running into each other eventually"
"Okay"Jack said
Sally was at her desk when she heard a knock on the door
"Chloe come in"she hollered "Did you receive that email about the upcoming article" she asked without looking up from her computer
"It's not Chloe"Adam said
Sally looked up in shock "Are you crazy.."she shot up "Someone could have seen you"she said as she shut the door
"What... we can't say we are trying to be friends"he asked
"I wish it was that easy Adam" she gave him a look " So what are you doing here"
"I heard about you being invited to the launch party"
"I know, I saw the invite when I came in this morning"she held it up for him
"It will be our first public event after our break up"He put his hands in his pockets
"Fake break up"she corrected him
"Right fake break up" he said softly as he leaned into her
"Are you gonna be able to pretend we aren't together" she asked
"I don't know, once I see you in something beautiful it will be extremely hard to keep my hands off"Adam said as he wrapped his arms around her waist
"Well you are gonna have to try really .."she started kissing his neck "really hard" she said softly "Because it's a big night for you"she said as she fixed his jacket
"I know it's my first Jabot function"he said
"I can't wait to see you, I just wish I could by your side" she said
"When do you expect Chloe"he asked
"I'm not sure, why" Sally asked
Adam went over and locked the door "How about I show you right now what I'll be thinking about all night"he said
Sally just smiled
Adam walked back over to her and kissed her. He lifted her up on the desk., and went in between her legs.
They started removing their clothing.
Sally pulled him on top of her as laid down. Sally deepened the kiss
They were so into the moment, they were startled by the knock on the door "Sally"Chloe hollered
Adam and Sally both panicked, they quickly off the desk. Adam was grabbing his clothes as quickly as he could
"What do we do?" he whispered
Sally looked at the closet "Quick go in there" she pointed
Adam ran in, as she was putting her clothes back on.
"Sally, I know you are in there"Chloe said
"Coming one second" she yelled as she buttoning up her shirt. She quickly checked Adam was out of sight before she opened the door "Sorry about that"she said all out of breath
"What is with you"Chloe asked as she came in
"Nothing i just needed an uninterrupted moment to myself"she said
"Really"Chloe questioned "If I didn't know any better I'd say you were having rebound sex"
Sally was trying not to react "Chloe you know me I'm not like" she said as she put her hair up " And who would I be doing that with"she asked
"Good point" she nodded " I came by to bring you the file you asked for"
"Thanks"she said as she grabbed it
"And I'm sorry"Chloe said
"For what" Sally asked
"For assuming you were.."she started to say
"Don't worry about it.. it's all good"Sally told her
Chloe then left,Sally closed the door behind her and leaned against it and let out a breath
Adam came out, Sally looked over at him
"That was close" he said coming up to her
"Too close" she said as she finished buttoning up his shirt for him
" You know you look so sexy when you are under pressure"he told her as he caressed her cheek
"Thanks" she giggled
"I would say "where were we" but.."
"It's probably best we don't"she said "And I have a lot to do and you should get back to what you need to do"
Adam nodded "You're right. I love you" he whispered
" I love you too Kansas"she smiled "Oh and just so you know.. I'll be thinking about that to when I see you" she smirked
He gave her one more kiss before
Later that day Victoria walked in
"Hey Victoria did we have a meeting"Sally asked looking at her calendar
"No this just came up. I need you to go to Chicago to meet with a possible investor"she told her
"Oh when would you like that to happen" Sally asked
"Next week, I know you need to cover the Jabot launch or we could just have Chloe do it considering.."Victoria said in a smug tone
"No, no it's not a problem"Sally said
"Good" she said then started to walking out then turned around "Oh and Sally if this meeting doesn't go well, you will be out of job"She told her then left
Sally quickly grabbed her phone and sent text "Our plan is set in motion, Victoria won't see this coming"she set the phone down and leaned back in the chair "You messed with the wrong woman"she said
Adam was in his apartment when there was a knock on the door. He was surprised to see who was behind it when he opened it
"What do you want Dad"he said in a harsh tone
"I heard you are working for Jack Abbott"
"Yes, so what. You have no say in what I do and who I work for"Adam told him
"But Jack of all people" he yelled
"You pushed me out Dad. We share the blood but you have never treated me like a son. No matter what I did for you it was never good enough"
"That is not true, it was use who never tried"Victor pointed at him
"I have tried multiple times but you always saw as some spare for when you and your real children were at odds. That's the only time you noticed. So I made choice to walk"
"You could have come back to the job I gave you but instead you handed to a woman who doesn't belong"
"That woman has a name. It's Sally.And if I'm being honest you're the reason I lost her"Adam was getting
"Oh really" Victor said
"Yes, but even if we aren't together anymore. She has proven that she belongs"

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