"I'm gonna help you through this"

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         It's been a few weeks and it was moving day. Adam and Sally were so excited. Adam was caring the last of the boxes as he stood at the door looked at Sally
"Ready to go"he asked
"Yes"she smiled "Are we picking up Connor"she asked
"No"he told her
Sally looked disappointed "Oh"
"No sad faces" he said laying his forehead against hers "Chelsea is bringing him over and she is gonna help us"
"Aw that's sweet"she smiled "So Adam Newman are you ready to live together"she smirked
"Absolutely, you and me"he kissed her hand "And our family"
"Let's go"she said and walked out
Connor came running down the stairs and jumped off the last step
"My room is so big"he said all excited
"Well it's bigger then the one you had at the apartment"Adam laughed
"This house is really cool"Chelsea said following Connor
Sally looked all around and then started crying. Chelsea looked over
"Sally you okay"Chelsea asked
"Ya, just looking around and I realized. I never had a real home before"she wiped her tears away
Adam came over to her and put his arm around her "Well welcome home Baby"he kissed the side of her head
"Well now that all the boxes are in the house I'm going to take off and let you all get settled"she told him
She went up to Connor "You be good for your Dad and Sally and help out if needed"
"I will"he told her
Chelsea kissed his head "See you after  school"
After Chelsea left, Connor started jumping all around
"Can we go swimming"he asked
Sally and Adam looked at each other and laughed
"If you remember where you packed your suit, sure"Adam told her
Connor was swimming with Adam while Sally was sitting on the edge with her feet in the pool
"Are you sure you don't want to come in"Adam asked
"No I'm good with just watching you both"she smiled
Adam swam over to her "Oh come on, it's our first night in the house we need to celebrate and have some fun" he ran his hands up her legs "You know you want to"he smirked at her
Sally knew from the look what was about to happen "Adam...Don't.....You ...Dare"she said
Adam obviously didn't listen to her and grabbed her and pulled her in. Sally squealed
Sally moved her hair out of her face "Adam I'm gonna kill you" she said
"Oh are you now"he pulled her in arms
Connor was laughing at the other end of the pool
Sally looked over at Connor "Oh so you think is funny huh" she went over him and started splashing him
"Ok ..ok I'm sorry" he said as he was laughing
They all then started splashing each other and laughing
Later on Connor got out and Adam told him to change then they'll order pizza for dinner. Connor ran in the house. Adam and Sally were still in the pool. Adam was holding her, he spun her around
"We are alone for a few minutes" he kissed her
Sally pulled away I'm still made at you" she pouted
"What is my punishment going to be?" he asked as he leaned his forehead against hers
"I don't know I'll have to think about it"
Later during the night Sally woke up from a nightmare.She looked over at Adam who was still asleep. She got out of bed and went into Connor's room. He was also asleep. Sally squat down
and just stared at him
   Sally  then went back to the bedroom and crawled into bed. Adam wrapped his arm around her
"Are you okay"he asked half a sleep
Sally looked over at him "Ya" she rested her hand on his
The next day, Adam took Connor to school. He let Sally sleep in. She was woken up by the doorbell
Sally came down the stairs "Adam did you forget your key"she laughed as she opened the door
Sally was shocked to see Victor on the other side of the door
"Victor...how are out of jail.. how did you even find..is"
"I have my way"he said as he just walked in "Is my son home?"he asked
"No, he took Connor to school"she told him as she closed the door "What are you doing here" she asked pulling her rob closed
Victor turned to her "You think you won it all. You got my son to turn on his family and get control of a company you have no business running"he pointed at her
"I did no such thing, Adam chose to walk away from. He was tired of all your games"
"Now you what trap him in playing house with you"he looked around the place "With his son and those babies you claim are his"
Sally went to react but knew it was no use. She just stood there
"Let me tell you something young lady. You may think my son loves you but he'll leave when he gets bored and when he does, you'll be left with nothing all over again, you can say goodbye to all ..the house, the company, and those brats of yours"
"THAT IS ENOUGH"Adam yelled and slammed the door. He immediately went over to Sally "If I ever hear you yell like that at her again. You'll be sorry. And don't you ever call my children brats again
"She is a gold digger.. she is not for you"
"You don't know her  at all" he put his arm around her waist "Now I would like for you to leave
Victor didn't say a word he just left. As soon as the door shut. Sally broke down and held Adam tightly. Adam was rubbing her back
"I'm so sorry, I got you Baby"he kissed her head "I won't let him hurt you"
"How is he out Adam, how" she cried
"I don't know, but it's his speciality
"I couldn't react  when he was yelling. I was frozen"
It's okay, you're safe" he tightened his grip on her
"I love you" she said as she rested  her head on his chest
"I love you too" he said
Adam and Sally were laying on the couch. Sally was wrapped up in his arms. Adam was stroking her bump
"When I walked and heard my father talk about our babies like that, it hurt" he said
"He'll never come around, will he"she asked
"If he does we can never let our guard down"he said rubbing her hair
Later on as Sally was getting ready for bed she just stared at herself in the mirror stroking her bump
"Mommy, is going to protect you two. I promise you two are loved by me and your daddy and big brother"she smile
Adam stood in the doorway watching her
"They sure are"he said softly as walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her
Sally leaned into him and placed her hands over his
"Thank you"she said
"For what Babe"he asked leaning his head against hers
"For loving me, and not believing what people say about me"
"I know you and that's all that matters"he kissed her cheek
During the night as they were sleeping
Sally was tossing and turning
"Connor, you're are gonna be okay. I need you to tell your father I love him"she cried
"Sally no, I can't leave you" he cried
Just as Connor was about to jump  the car hit them
Sally sat up screaming, Adam woke up and sat up
"Baby you are okay" he said turning on the light
"Where is Connor" Sally was panicking and shaking
"He is with Chelsea" he told her as he was rubbing circles on her back
"Connor was.. hit" she said as her voice was breaking
"No, no, no he is fine. Thanks to you. You are fine" he rested his chin on her shoulder "It was only a nightmare"
"It felt so real Adam"she told him
He laid back down with Sally still in his arms "Sally is the nightmares the reason you go into Connor's room at night" he asked
"How  come you never asked me about it"Sally asked
"I was waiting for you to be ready to tell me"he kissed her head
"I'm sorry, I thought the nightmares would stop"
"It's all okay"he told her "I'm gonna help you through this"he kissed her head

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