"I want to show you my home"

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      Sally was getting ready for doctors appointment. She placed her hand on her stomach
"I get to see you for the first time today" she said "Can you keep a secret" she looked down "I'm kind of scared" she whispered, she then looked up in the mirror "But I will have Daddy with me"she smiled
   There was a knock on the door
"That's probably him now"she laughed and went to the door "We are supposed meet there" she said as she opened the door
Sally was startled to see Chloe "Chloe what ..what are doing here"she said
"I was coming by to see if you wanted to go get some breakfast with me, but it seems like you already have plans" she came in and turned to her "So who are meeting on this Tuesday morning"she asked
"It's nothing Chloe"she told her
"It's gotta be something if it's got you all giddy when you answered the door"
"Chloe it's nothing okay,I just woke up in a good mood"
"But you're clearly seeing someone"
"It's something new okay"Sally said quickly "You wanted me to get back out there"she told her "i just wanted to keep it to myself for a little bit"
"Fair enough, so I'll see you later at the office"
"Later this afternoon but yes"she told her
Sally arrived at the doctors, Adam was waiting for her in the parking lot
She got out of the car "I'm so sorry I'm a little late, Chloe showed up" she told him as she made her way over to him and gave him a kiss
"Oh boy that must have been tough"he said as he moved his hands up and down her arms
"You're telling me, and I almost slipped up"
"How that happen" he asked
"I thought she was you"she said
"Oh no"he said
"Don't worry I covered it up" she said and she started walking to the building "But she thinks I'm in a new relationship" she said
"I can live with that"he said as wrapped his arm around her waist "So you ready to go see out baby"
"Ya, let's go do this" she said
Sally was filling out the forms, Adam could see she was nervous he placed his hand on her knee
"You okay"he asked
"I don't know why I'm nervous all of sudden" she looked at him "What if I'm not pregnant"
"Sally what is making you think that" he asked
"I don't know, I mean you hear about false positives all the time maybe this one of them"
Adam leaned closer to her "Get out of your head right now" he kissed her cheek "You'll be at ease when the doctor shows you the baby"
Sally nodded and reached for his and took a deep breath
Sally and Adam were in the room with the nurse. She was asking Sally questions
"So Sally how far along are you" she asked
"I'm not so sure, I was trying to figure it out"
"That's quite alright the ultrasound should tell us" she smiled at her "Is this your first pregnancy"
"Yes"Sally said
"Alright can you lay down for me and we will get started"
Sally laid down, Adam came over to her side and took her hand
The nurse was looking everything over "So by the looks of it, it seems you are about six weeks. And everything seems to look good" she said
"That good, are you able to detect the heartbeat"he asked
Sally looked at him the back over at the tech
"Let me see, if we can't today don't panic bc it might still be a little early" she told them
They could hear a low pounding sound
Sally had tears in her eyes
"It's low now but by your next appointment it will me stronger" she told them
Sally looked over at the screen "How can something so small make me so sick" she said
Both Adam the nurse laughed a little
Adam kissed her head "I love you"
"That's our baby Adam" she smiled
"I know" he said as he leaned closer to her and looked at the screen
Adam and Sally were standing by their cars. Sally was leaning up against hers. Adam was standing in front of her with both hands on her hips as they were making out
"I don't want go into work"Sally groaned
"How about you and I play hooky" he said as he leaned his forehead against hers
" I do you like that" she smirked "What do you have in mind" she asked
" Well I can make you some breakfast"he said "How about some waffles" he kissed her neck "And some eggs" he went to the other side and kissed it "And some bacon"
That's when Sally pushed Adam away and started throwing up
"Okay no bacon" he said as he held
"I'm sorry" she said as she was getting gum out of her purse
"There is nothing for you to be sorry about"he brushed a piece of hair behind her ear "Are you still up for breakfast" he asked
"Yes, I'll meet you at your place"she told him
Adam went to kiss her, she put her hand up to stop him
"No I just threw up"
"Okay, I'll put it on your tab" he winked "Drive safe"
They were eating. Adam was just smiling at her watching her eat
"Why are you smiling" she said as she took a bite
"I'm just happy" he told her
"Me too"she smiled back at him " I do love it when you spoil me"
"It's because I love you, but you do deserve it"
"Oh I do and why is that" she asked as came over to him and went in between his legs
"Because you are caring nugget here"he kissed her stomach "It's the least I could do for you"
"I got lucky,didn't I" she smiled as she ran her fingers through his hair
"What are you doing" he asked
"You spoiled me, now it's my turned to spoil you"
Adam knew what she meant and carried her to the couch
They were tearing each other's clothes off
Sally brought him down to her, Adam started kissing down her chest
"God, I love you"Sally moaned
" Love you too" he said as he came up to her lips
They were laying on the floor, Sally's head was resting on his stomach. As both of them were catching their breaths
"We should play hooky more often" she said as she brought his hand to her lips
"If this happens every time I'll be okay with it"he chuckled
Sally turned on her stomach to face him
"So Thanksgiving is coming up any plans with your family" she asked
"Well Chelsea is taking Connor to see her mother.. so nope"
She laughed a little "You don't think the Newman's would set aside there feelings for one day"she asked
"No, and even if they did I wouldn't go"he told her
"I have an idea though" he said
"You do what is it" she asked
"Well since I don't have any plans and you don't... I'm guessing" he said
"No I have no plans, because it's a holiday" she smiled "It will be me and nugget" she said
"Well how would you like it if you and I .. and nugget went away" he suggested
"I like the sound of that" she lean up and kissed him "So where are we going, Hawaii, the Bahamas"she suggested
"Kansas" he said as he was stroking her cheek "I want to show you my home"
Sally smiled at him " I would love to go to Kansas"she told him
"So we are spending Thanksgiving on Kansas"
"Can't wait"she kissed him again

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