"I could kiss you right now"

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     Today was the day both Adam and Sally have been waiting for, something Sally didn't think would ever happen. They were finally getting married.
They decided on getting married in Hawaii on the beach, they invited Grams and Coco since this was Sally's first wedding but also so they could help out with the girls
  Sally was putting her makeup on when Coco came up to her
"I can't believe my sister is getting married"she smiled at her
"Me either" Sally smiled back at her
"Have you and Adam decided if you will be doing your own vows or..."
"He wants us to do our own, he thinks it's more personal that way" Sally said putting on blush
"How sweet"Coco said sitting on the bed
Grams came in with Sally's dress "Are you ready"she smiled
"Absolutely"she said all giddy
"While you get into your dress I'll go get Mazie and Hadley in their matching dresses"Coco said leaving
Sally looked at Grams "Thanks for not saying anything to Coco about Mom. I want to tell her but.."
"I'm so sorry you and Adam dealt with that.. to hear how she hasn't changed breaks my heart"
Sally looked down "Ya it wasn't the best interaction and I know Coco should know but I want to protect her"
"Sally Girl aren't you doing exactly what Adam to you"
Sally turned to her "Maybe, I want to be there for her when she finds and I can't yet"
Shirley hugged her
Adam was buttoning his shirt, while Connor was combing his hair
"Are you excited"Adam asked
"Is Sally taking our last name"he asked
"I'm not sure yet, but that doesn't make her any less my wife or your stepmom" he told him
"Can I go see her" he asked "I have something I want to give her"
"Sure but don't stay long okay" he gave him a look
Connor nodded and ran out
Sally looked at herself in the mirror
"You look beautiful Sally girl"Shirley placed her hands on her shoulders and smiled from behind
Sally started to tear up
"What is wrong"Grams asked
"Nothing it just finally hit me I'm getting married after everything I never thought this would happen.. but here I am"
"You we're waiting for Adam" she told her
Coco came in with both girls all dressed up "I found this handsome young man who is asking for you"Coco told her
"Adam knows he can't see me before the wedding"Sally said in shock
"You can relax it's not Adam but his last name is Newman"Coco smiled as Connor entered
"I hope it's okay for me to see you" he asked
"Of course it's okay come here" she gestured for him to give her a hug
Connor ran over to her
"You do look very handsome"Sally said still hugging him
"And you look pretty" he smiled
"Thanks Con"
"I brought you something"Connor said pulling a piece of cloth out of his pocket "This was my grandma Hope's"he told her
Sally started crying
"I think you should have it on you when you marry Dad"he said looking at it
"Oh Connor this means everything to me that you thought of this" she took it from him "I'll be honored to carry it with me, I promise to keep it safe"she kissed his cheek
"Well I should go back to Dad before he comes looking for me"he chuckled
Sally smiled "I'll see you out there"
Everyone was gathered on the beach. Connor came down holding Haddie while Coco came down with Mazie both stopping at Adam so he could give them each a kiss. Connor then gave Haddie to Shirley so he could stand with Adam
The music started playing and that's when Adam saw her, his Sally. Sally stood there taking in the moment, her hair blowing lightly in the wind, her dress simple but screamed her. Adam fell more in love with her. Sally finally made her way to him and smiled the whole way
"I love you" she mouthed to him
"I love you more" Adam mouthed back
"Welcome everyone" the officiant greeted them "We are here to join Adam Newman and Sally Spectra as one. Now Adam and Sally chose to write their own vows" the said "Who would like to go first"
"I normally would say ladies first, but do you mind if I go"Adam asked
Sally smiled at him nodded for him to go
Adam exhaled before starting, Sally saw he was a little nervous and took him hand
"Sally, I don't why life waited so long for us to meet but I can't remember my before you. I wasn't expecting to fall in love again I was just happy being a father. But then one in walks this beautiful redhead and you changed everything. You Sally Spectra brought this joy and this fire into my life I didn't know I was missing. You showed me I was capable of love. The moment I fell in love with you was when showed my son kindness"he smiled at Connor "Watching you with him I knew I found my soulmate" he kissed her hand "I love this beautiful life we are building together, I can't wait to see what happens in our love story. I love you" he had tears in his eyes
"I could kiss you right now" Sally laughed as she also had tears in her eyes
"Soon"Adam whispered
"I don't know how to top that" she giggled "Adam, like you said I don't know why it took us so long to find each other. I can't imagine my life without you now. You are one the few people who believed in me. Our love story is probably my favorite chapter in my story"she smiled at him "Thank you for choosing me to be by your side in life. And thank you for giving me the best part of" she looked over at Mazie and Hadley "Our girls" she looked back over at Adam "It's going to be an adventure doing this life with you"she said
Adam wiped her tear away then kissed her hand again
"Before we exchange the rings" she looked at Connor "There's one more thing I want to do, Con come here"she reached for his hand with out letting go of Adam's "Connor, I know some kids aren't really a fan of when they get a step parent, and that's okay and normal. Me and your father wouldn't be here today if you weren't okay with me"she smiled "But I love our bond and I love that you feel comfortable coming to me for anything. I'm might be becoming your stepmom today but I'll always be that friend for you, and I'm another person who loves you. So thank you for opening up your heart and letting me be apart of your life"she said
Now everyone was crying
"I'm so happy Mazie and Haddie have you as their big brother"she added
Connor just went over and hugged Sally
"Ready for the rings" the officiant said
They both nodded and Connor went back over to Adam
Adam held the ring for a moment "Sal,this ring is like our love .. never ending" he said slipping it on her finger
"Adam , this ring is a symbol of my love for you continuous it will never stop" she said slipping it on his finger
"It's my honor to pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride"
Adam didn't waste any time and pulled Sally into him causing her to giggle. They kissed with so much passion Everyone started clapping
"I give you for the first time Mr and Mrs. Adam Newman" they announced
Sally wrapped her arms around Adam's neck, their foreheads leaning against each other with huge smiles on their faces
"How do you feel Sally Spectra"he said softly
Sally shook her head "Newman, it's Sally Newman now. And to answer your question if feel like I'm on top of the world" she said getting closer to him
Adam couldn't believe what he heard "I love you" he kissed her again
"I love you too" she kissed him again.
Coco came over with the girls. Adam took Mazie while Sally took Hadley
"Mommy finally married Daddy" Adam teased Sally as he tickled Mazie
"Daddy is so silly" she said
Connor came over and hugged both of them
"This is our start Sally Newman " Adam said looking at her a
"Let this new chapter begin Adam Newman" she smiled

*This is the end of this part of the story.. the next thing I post is gonna be the continuation to this called "OUR LOVE ALWAYS FINDS A WAY so stay tuned for that*

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