"Come on let's go celebrate you and our nuggets"

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A couple of months have passed and today was Sally's birthday. Sally always loved her birthday but this year she was seven months pregnant. She was still sleeping when Adam walked in. Adam sat down on the bed beside her, he gently was stroking her side
"Time to wake up Birthday Girl"he said softly and kissed her cheek
Sally groaned
"I know, I would love for us to stay in bed all day, but Coco is taking you out for a girls day"he said still rubbing her side
"Why did I agree to that"Sally said opening her eyes
"Because you love your sister"he said
"Right" Sally groaned as she was rubbing her face
"How are you feeling today"he started rubbing her stomach "Are the nuggets awake"he smiled
"When are they not"she laughed placing her hand on his
They smiled at each other
"Come on the faster you get ready, the faster you can go then come home. Then you and I can celebrate"he kissed her
Sally placed her hands on his face "Adam I'm seven months pregnant I can't do fast right now"she said stroking his face
Adam started laughing
As Sally was getting ready,Adam was downstairs on the phone
"Yes, I finally got her up, she's getting ready now. Then Coco is  picking her up. After they leave I'll come and help finish up"he said
"Finish what"Sally said as she came into the room
Adam quickly turned to face her "Um Chloe I gotta go I'll be in soon"he hung up "Chloe says happy birthday"he said
"I know she texted me"she crossed her arms "Finish what"she asked again
"Just something at the office nothing major"he told her
"Sure"she said knowing he was lying
"You look so beautiful"he came up to her and placed his hand on her hips "I can't wait to remove this dress later"
"I'll try and save some energy for you"she pulled him to her lips but stopped before he could kiss her "You better tell me later what you are hiding"
"I'm not hiding anything, I promise" he leaned into kiss her
Later on Sally and Coco were getting their nails done
"This is nice spending time together just the two of us"Coco smiled
"Ya"Sally said
"Hey, what's wrong you love your birthday"
Sally started crying
Coco got concerned the nail tech gave them some space. Coco came over to her
"Sally what's going on"she asked
"I think Adam is cheating on me"she said wiping her tears away
"Sally that can't be, Adam loves you"she told her
"He did, but now"she look at herself "He's not attracted to me"
"Sally that's crazy talk, I saw him this morning that man loves more now"Coco said "But what makes you think he is cheating"she asked
"He has been secretive for weeks, every time I come into a room he is jittery and this morning I caught him on the phone. Saying he'll be by after I leave. He said it was Chloe but i just talked to her"Sally started panicking "Oh God what if it's Chloe"
"Come on Sally, with their history I doubt it. Adam loves you so much"
"What if Victor is right"she looked down
Coco was confused "What are you talking about?"
"A while  back after the accident Victor told me Adam would get bored and leave me"she started crying "And I'll lose everything"
It broke Coco's heart seeing her sister so upset. She hugged her
"You can't jump to conclusions Sis. But I promise you if he is cheating he'll have to answer to me"
Sally nodded "I'm sorry"
"You have nothing to be sorry for okay"she said
"I ruined this nice outing"
"You could never ruin the day, and besides it's your birthday you are allowed to cry"
Sally laughed "I'm so glad"Sally hugged Coco
Coco was in the car wait for Sally
"She suspects something is up but it's not what you think"she said "See you soon"
Sally entered car "I can't wait for the time where I don't have to go to the bathroom every five minutes"
Coco shook her head and laughed
"Don't you laughed, try having two jumping beans making you constantly pee"
Coco stopped laughing "Sorry Sis"
"Don't you worry I'll tease you when you have kids"Sally said
"Fair enough, you ready to go eat"
"Always"Sally said
Coco opened the door for Sally. They walked in Sally wasn't paying attention when everyone came around the corner
"Surprise" everyone yelled
Sally was startled then she saw Elena, Sharon, Chloe,Chelsea and Connor standing there, smiling
"What is all this"she asked looking around
"Your birthday bash/ baby shower"Chloe told her
Sally started crying
Coco came over and wrapped her arm around her
"You guys" she said wiping her eyes "Thank you"
"Don't thank us, there was someone else who organized this whole thing for you"Chloe told her
"Who"Sally asked
Adam came around the corner, Sally made eye contact with him and started crying more
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" she kept saying
Adam came over to her "Babe, why"
"You were planning all this for me, while I thought you were cheating"she buried her face in his chest
Adam wrapped his arms around her and held her. He looked over at Coco
"It's a long story, I told you she suspected something" she told him
Sally pulled out of Adam's hold and looked at Coco "You knew all this time as I was having my meltdown and you said nothing"Sally said
"I'm sorry Sis, I didn't want to ruin the surprise for you"Coco told her
Sally leaned into Adam
"Come on let's go celebrate you and our nuggets" he told her and kissed the side of her head
Everyone was gathered together watching Sally opening the gifts, Connor was sitting next to her and Adam
"Thank you everyone for everything"she said "I still can't believe you did all this for me Adam" she smiled
"Anything for you Babe" he kissed her
"Now is it time for cake"Connor asked
Both Sally and Adam giggled
"Yes, let's go me and the babies are starving" Sally said
Adam helped her up
Everyone was chit chatting. Sally was talking with Elena and Coco. Adam was just watching her
Chelsea came over to him "This turned out to be a really nice party" she said
"Yes, I'm glad everything turned out okay"Adam turned to her "Thanks for all your help with this"
"It was no problem" she smiled
The girls were all gathered talking
"So you ready for the babies yet"Chloe asked
"Almost, we have to finish the nursery still but since they will be sleeping with us for a while we have some time" Sally said
Adam came up to her and wrapped his arms around her from behind. Sally leaned back and smiled. She fed him a piece of cake
"You girls talking about how amazing your finance is with planning this party"
"Sorry to disappoint you, but no"Chloe said "We are talking about two important guests at the party"she giggled
"Aw I understand" he said still holding Sally and placed his lips on her head
Later everyone was departing the party. Sally was talking with Sharon
"Thanks for coming"Sally said
"Aw no problem, t his was fun" Sharon said she looked over at Adam "It's good to see him happy, you are really good for him"
"Thanks for saying that"Sally said
Sharon smiled
Adam was walking Chelsea ,Connor-!: Elena out
"Thanks for coming to celebrate"Adam said "And Connor you'll come by and help us organize everything"Sally asked
"We will see"Connor smirked
They all laughed
Sharon then came out running "Oh Elena thank goodness you didn't leave yet" she said
"Sharon what is wrong"Adam asked
"Sally thinks she just had a contraction"she told him
They all ran into the restaurant. Adam found Sally sitting down, Coco was kneeling in front of her
"Sal, you okay"Adam came up next to her
"I don't know"she said
Elena came over to her "Is this the first one you had"she asked
"Yes, it just came out of no where"Sally said placing her hands on her stomach
"Okay,let's go get you checked out"Elena told her
"Are you sure, I'm sure it's nothing" Sally said
"Sally, please listen to Elena okay"Adam said
"Okay"Sally nodded
Both Adam and Coco helped her up.She then had another contraction and fell into Adam
"Ahh" she moaned
"It's okay, it's gonna be okay" Adam told her

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