"They already got you wrapped around their fingers"

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Adam was trying to keep Sally calm about the other baby, he was panicking. He was sitting by Sally's head rubbing her hair
"Please be okay"Sally kept repeating softly
Adam just leaned down and kissed her head
The doctors were moving as fast as they could to get the baby out
"You might feel some pressure Sally"she told her
Sally just nodded
A few seconds later the doctor announced
"It's another girl"she said
Both Adam and Sally looked at each other with tears in their eyes
Sally noticed how quiet it was "Wait why don't we hear anything" she said "Why isn't she crying"she started to panic
"The cord is wrapped around her neck"the doctor told her
"Help her, help my baby"she started crying
Adam pressed his forehead against Sally's
They got the cord off and the nurse quickly took the baby
"Adam"Sally whispered
"She's her mother's daughter she's a fighter"he told her as he looked over to watch the nurses
What felt like an eternity the baby finally started crying
"There's the sound Mommy and Daddy were waiting for"the nurse said
"Oh thank God"Sally cried
Adam kissed Sally and cried "I love you" he said
The nurse brought the baby over and handed her to Adam
"Here she is"she said
Adam smiled down at her "Hey you"
Sally smiled and reached over and placed her hand on her"She's perfect"
"She is,say hi to Mommy "Adam said and kissed Sally
"Can't wait to hold her and her sister"Sally smiled at her
They were finally back in the room.Adam told Coco they were here and she decided to give them time alone with their new babies. Adam was laying in bed with Sally as each of them were holding a baby
"For being a month early,they are perfectly healthy"Adam said
"Look what we made" Sally said looking at both of them "They are so tiny"
"You ready to name them"Adam asked
Sally nodded
"Any suggestions for the one you are holding, what speaks to you"he asked
"I don't know" she looked at Adam "But I know what her name should be"she said taking her little hand
"Do tell"Adam smiled
"This little peanut is our Mazie"she looked at Adam
"What.. I thought you vetoed that name because it was the cows name
"I did"she chuckled "But I looked up the meaning of it , Mazie means "child of light"." Sally had tears in her eyes "We had a scare with her but she's our light"she said
Adam kissed her head "I love it"
"You'll really love this idea, her middle name is Hope"she smiled
Adam looked down at Mazie "Well hello Mazie Hope"
Sally looked over at the other baby "Now back to you sweet pea"
"What about Hadley"Adam suggested
"Hadley"Sally repeated it looking at the baby
"We can call her Haddie or Lee"he suggested
"Hadley suits her"Sally said "Hadley what"she looked at Adam
"Siena after her Mommy"Adam said moving her hair out of her face
Sally giggled "Hadley Siena I love it"
"Thank you Sally"Adam said
"For what"Sally asked
"Giving me these beautiful girls.. we have girls"Adam laughed "You were amazing today"
"They were worth all the pain.. but "Sally stopped
"Babe what"
"I was so scared when Mazie wasn't crying.. the thought"
"Shh don't go there.. we don't have to go there because she's here in my arms perfect as can be"
Sally leaned her head on his shoulder "She's our trouble maker just like Daddy"
"Hey..."he said
It was later in the morning. Sally got a few hours of sleep. Now they were soaking up all the cuddles, Adam was holding Haddie and Sally had Mazie laying on her her chest
"We should call Coco and Chelsea"Sally said looking at Adam 
"Alright who should we call first"Adam asked pulling out his phone
"Chelsea, Connor should know he is finally a big brother"Sally said smiling between Haddie and Mazie
Chelsea answered "Hello Adam are they here"she asked all excited
"Yes"Adam smiled at them "They arrived at 2 and 2:30 this morning"he told her
"What did you have"she asked
"Um you know I would really love it if Connor found out when you bring him, you can bring him down right"
"Of course as long as Sally is up for it"she told him
Sally nodded
"Yes she is"Adam said
"We will be down soon"Chelsea said then hanging up
"You two get to meet your big brother"Sally told them
Adam laid Haddie down in the bassinet "Do you want me to take Mazie for you"he asked
"Sure, I'll FaceTime Coco"she said handing Mazie to Adam
"Hey pretty girl"Adam said
"Hey Coco or should I say Aunt Coco"
"I can't believe my sister is finally a mom, I'm sorry I left, I wanted to give you two some time"
"It's okay, it's was an eventful night"Sally sighed
"So where are my nieces"Coco asked
"They are over here"Sally panned the camera to Adam "The one Adam is holding us Mazie Hope and that little peanut is Hadley Siena"Sally said
"Oh I can't wait to meet them"Coco got all excited
"I can't wait for you to meet them, Connor is coming soon so maybe a little later"she told her
"No rush enjoy family time. I'll see you soon congratulations I love you"
"I love you too"Sally said
Sally was freshening up, she looked over and saw Adam staring at their daughters she smiled
"They already got you wrapped around their fingers"she said
Adam looked at her "Can you blame me, I mean they are something special"
"I guess not"she leaned her head on his shoulder "They get it from me I guess"she smirked at him
There was a knock on the door
"You two ready to be spoiled. Your big brother is here"Adam told them
"Come in"Sally called out
"Hello to the new parents" Chelsea said as she opened the door
"Hey"Sally smiled
"Come in"Adam came up to her and Connor. Connor hugged him
"Congratulations Mama"Chelsea said coming over and hugging Sally
"So do I have sisters or brothers"Connor asked
Adam walked Connor over to them "Connor I would like you to meet your sisters"
"Aw little girls"Chelsea smiled
Sally smiled at Adam showing Connor,
"This one right here her name is Hadley Siena and her sister is named Mazie Hope"Adam told him
"Can I hold them"Connor asked
"Of course you can"Sally said
"Go sit in the chair"Adam told him as he picked up Haddie
"She's so tiny"Connor smiled at her
"They both are"Sally smiled
"You were once that small"Chelsea informed him
Adam picked up Mazie "Chels would you like to hold her"he asked
"Can I"Chelsea asked Sally
"Of course we are all family"Sally smiled
"Awe hello there"Chelsea greeted her "You are so precious"she smiled
Adam took Haddie from Connor. Connor came over and hugged Sally
"Let me take a family picture"Chelsea suggested
"Alright"Adam said coming over to Sally
Chelsea handed Mazie to Sally "Con, you sit next to Sally
Sally smiled at Connor then down at Mazie. Connor placed his hand on Mazie. Adam leaned on Sally a little
"Okay on the count of three I want to see smiles"she told them
"1..2..3"she snapped the picture "That is a great one"she smiled
Later on Sally was sleeping, while Adam just stared at the girls
"You two are probably going to get sick of me saying this, but you two are the most beautiful babies I have ever met. You look just like mommy"he looked over at Sally sleeping "You two have a rockstar for a Mommy, I fell more in love with her today watching her bring you two into our lives. I promise you Mazie and Haddie you girls are going to have the best life. Mommy and Daddy are going to give you the world"he said taking both their little hands
Sally laid there smiling listening to him. It's these moments she couldn't wait to witness

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