"She kept this from me Adam"

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     The next morning Adam woke up first with Sally still wrapped up in his arms. They came back during the night, so Shirley didn't have to wake up with the girls in the morning too.
Adam leaned close to Sally and kissed her cheek "Babe"he said softly
"Hmm"Sally mumbled
"We should get up so Grams can sleep in" he told her
"Okay" she said as she started to get out of bed
Adam pulled her back into him "Not before I get a kiss" he cupped her face and kissed her gently
   Sally was in the girls room rocking Haddie just looking at her stroking her cheek.
Adam came in just watching her "You okay"he asked
"Ya, just thinking" she looked up at him and gave a small smile
Adam came over and knelt in front of her "Talk to me"
Sally looked back down at Hadley "What had it been like for her, I can't even imagine"she said
"I know, it won't be long things are going to get better for her"Adam said rubbing Hadley's head
"I love you sweet girl"Sally said
Just then Mazie started screaming
Adam chuckled "Here give Hadley to me, so you can feed her"
Sally got up and went to Mazie "Good Morning"she picked up Mazie "Are you hungry or did you miss Mommy"she asked as she gave her kisses
Adam leaned in "Good morning Mazie Moo"he gave her a quick kiss "I'm gonna take her downstairs with me"
"Okay" she said
Adam had Hadley in her seat next to him as he was making breakfast
"Good morning Adam"Shirley greeted him
"Morning Shirley, thanks again for watching the girls last night
"My pleasure, they were complete angels"she said smiling at Hadley "How is Sally?" she asked
"She's good still processing everything, we both are"Adam looked at Haddie
"I know Miss Hadley is going to look so adorable in those glasses" she said "Yes you are" she tickled her
Sally came in with Mazie "Daddy Mazie is ready for her morning snuggles"she told him
"Oh" Adam got all excited "Come here Mazie Moo"
Once Adam took Mazie, Sally went over and hugged Grams
"Thanks for being here" she said as she still was hugging her
"Of course Sally Girl" she said moving a piece of hair out of her face
"I have an idea why don't you and Grams go out to lunch or something" Adam suggested
"Are you sure"Sally asked with hesitation
"Yes, we have enough milk in the freezer, so I can feed them" he said coming over to her. He placed his hands on her arms "I want to go spend some time with Grams, with Hadley's situation you haven't really been able too. Besides it's last day before going back to work and I want to spend time with them, you know a Daddy daughters day"he said
Sally giggled
"So go enjoy the day"he kissed her
"Okay"she kissed him again. Sally walked over to the girls "You two be good for Daddy, I love you" she kissed them
Sally took Shirley to Society
"I called Coco to meet us"Sally told her
"So do you want to do some planning for the wedding"Shirley asked
"Sure"Sally smiled
"So when are you thinking of having it" she asked
"Adam and I were talking about it , maybe fall-ish" she told her
"Those colors are so gorgeous. Do you want to do it here or in LA"she asked
"Grams"Sally said
"Yes dear"she looked at her
"This is gonna sound crazy.."she stopped
"What is it" Shirley asked
"Do you ever wonder where Mom is"she asked
Shirley was taking back "What"
"Never mind" Sally said looking at the menu
Shirley took Sally's hand "No, what is going on, why bring her up all of sudden"
Sally looked down "Just being a mom now got me wondering more on where she is. I talked to Adam about it briefly but my mind keeps going to, does she ever think about me and Coco"she said
"I wish I could answer that for you"
"My name is out there, she's gotta see things....right"Sally asked
"You'd think, but Sally if she didn't come around before now, I doubt she ever will" Shirley told Sally
Adam was laying on the couch, he had Hadley laying on his chest
"Haddie, my sweet girl. Daddy loves you and I can't for you to see how beautiful your Mommy is and this big world you live in"he was rubbing her back "And I'm so sorry I'm the reason your eye sight is like this"he said kissing her head
There was a knock on the door
"Come on let's go see who came to see us"he got up
He opened the door "Oh hi Chels"
"Hey, sorry for dropping by but with Connor coming over later I thought I'd bring over his stuff"she told him
"Thanks" he took the bag from her
Chelsea saw Hadley "Hello sweet girl"she smiled at her "She's changed so much in the short amount of time"she said
"I know"he smiled down at Haddie "Would you like to come in and see Mazie"he asked
"Sure"she smiled "So where is Sally"she asked as she walked in
"Oh her Grandma is in town and she's here for one more day, so I had them go out and enjoy some time together" he told her
"Oh so it's a Daddy daughter's day"she said
"Yep"he smiled "Do you want to hold her"he gestured to Hadley
"Sure"she took her "So how is handling them alone"she asked
"Surprisingly it's going good, my girls are so chill"he said picking up Mazie
"How did that happen"Chelsea laughed "Hello Miss Mazie" she said
Adam looked at Haddie who was playing with Chelsea's fingers
"You okay" she asked looking at him
"Can I talk to you about something"he asked
"Sure, what's going on"she asked
They sat down
"You know about Hadley's issue"he asked
"Yes,you guys had her appointment how did it go" she asked
"It's not what we thought it was, which is a good thing"he added
"But"she said knowing something was bothering him
"I keep thinking it could still happen to her .. you know down the road"he said
"Adam, I know as a parent it's impossible not worry, but look at your little girl she's gonna be okay"she smiled
Adam nodded
"How is Sally dealing with it.." she asked
"She has her moments, you know her"he said
"I do, if she ever needs to talk, you know mom to mom. I'll be here for her" she told him
"Thanks" he said
A little while later Grams was packing then taking a quick nap. Sally was sitting on the couch holding both her girls. Adam came over to her
"Mommy missed her girls"she said "I hate being away from them"
Adam started stroking Sally's cheek "Sally, I noticed when you came home you seemed a little off, everything okay"he asked
"Coco was supposed to join us and she texted me and canceled"she told him
"I'm sure it had to with work or something" he suggested
"Or she's mad at me"she said
"Why would you say that Sally"he asked
Sally just leaned her cheek  on Mazie's head
"Sal, what happened" he got worried
"The other day, we got into it..."
Coco was helping out with the girls when Sally brought up their parents
"Do ever think about Mom and Dad" she asked
"Not in a long time, why are you asking"Coco asked confused
"Just having kids now they are on my mind more then they should be"she told her sister
"Are you thinking about searching for them"she asked
"N.. no"Sally sounded unsure
"Well don't ..and stop thinking about them Sally .. they aren't worth it"Coco said
"I know but since I had the girls I wonder what it would be like if they were in our lives" Sally said looking at the girls
"We have Grams Sal, we don't need them" Coco sounded annoyed
"I never said I wanted them in our lives"she told her
"Good"Coco looked down at the girls "Because I already tried"she informed Sally
"You what ... when"Sally was shocked
"A few years ago..when I left LA" she looked at her
        ~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~
  Sally was in tears "She kept this from me Adam"
"I'm sure that wasn't her intention, did you ask her if she saw them" he asked
Sally shook her head "Once she told me I yelled at her to go."
"Everything seemed fine with you two"he asked
"We have been putting on this act so Grams didn't know"she looked at him
"Why didn't you tell me this happened, so didn't have to carry this"he asked while rubbing her hair
"I don't know"she said
Hadley started getting fussy
"Here let me take her for a bit" Adam told her as he picked her up
Sally then wrapped her arms around Mazie tighter
Adam laid down near here
They were quiet for a little bit, Adam looked up at Sally
"You know if Coco tried and fail it's probably for them best" he said
"You're right, I'm sorry" she said
"Don't be,we all go through it. I understand all too well Sal" he said as he took her hand

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