"What do you say,Kansas and Siena have some fun"

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Sally was driving to the game. The conversation with Derek was replaying in her head. She was scared that Derek knew about their relationship now she didn't know what he might do.
"It's gonna be okay"she told herself
She finally arrived at the game. She saw both Adam and Chelsea on the bleachers. Sally took a deep breath and composed herself before going over to them
"Hey I'm so sorry I'm late"she said as she came over to them "Hello Chelsea. I hope it's okay Connor invited me"she said
Chelsea smiled at her "Of course"she said and went back watch the game
Adam noticed Sally's body language. He leaned over and whispered in her ear
"Is everything okay"he asked
"Ya it was traffic it was making anxious. I'm good now "
After the game all three of them were waiting for Connor. He finally came out
"Awesome game Buddy"Chelsea said as he hugged him
"Thanks, I can't believe we lost though"he said all disappointed
"I know but you played a great game Con"Adam told him
"Your Dad was teaching me all about the game so I could follow along"Sally told him
"Thanks for coming"Connor smiled
Sally smiled back
"So how about we all go get some ice cream"Chelsea suggested
"Ya"Connor said all excited
"You're invited too Sally"she told her
"Thanks but I don't want to intrude on family time"she said
"No Sally please come" Connor said
"I looks like someone really wants you to come"Adam said
"Fine"she said
"Awesome I'll race you to the car"Connor left
"Chelsea  I'm going to ride with Sally"he told her
"Alright see you both there"she said then went to Connor
In the car Sally was driving, Adam was in the passenger seat
"Now that we are alone, will you tell me what's going on because it's not about the traffic"
"Nothing that I can't handle" she looked at him
"Sal, I know you, you are hiding something from me"
"I'll tell you later. I don't want you to lose focus on Connor"
"You promise you will tell me"
"I promise" she took his hand
"I would kiss you right now. But either Chelsea would see or we would crash" he said with a laugh
"Ya"Sally laughed with him " I have a feeling Connor is trying to get us back together"she told him
"You got that impression too" he smiled at her
At Crimson Lights both Connor and Sally were comparing how high their wiped cream was as Adam and Chelsea watched
" I think it's nice how friendly Sally is with Connor even after your break up"
"Me too, those two have a bond for sure. He trusts her."
"Ya, I'm surprised that's all. I thought if she was out your life romantically, she would not want to be close to Connor"she told him
"Sally isn't like that" he smiled at them
"I can see that" Chelsea said as she looked at Adam
Sally then looked up and saw Derek standing there in the doorway. Sally screamed
Both Adam and Chelsea turned around to see what I'd going on. Adam went over to her
"Sally are you okay"he asked on concerned
Sally looked up at Adam then back at the doorway and Derek was gone "Ya..ya I'm fine" she said trying to calm down "I thought I saw something"she told him
"Well it is almost Halloween" Connor said in a spooky voice
"Ya you're right" she gave a small laugh
Chelsea looked at her watch "Oh Connor we have to go it's getting late"
"Oh alright"Connor said as he got up
"Bye Connor I'll pick you up tomorrow night"Adam told him
"Sounds good" he said "Bye Sally" she waved at her
Sally smiled and waved back "Bye"
Adam sat down where Connor was sitting "Are you really okay"
Sally nodded
"You promised me you would tell me what is going on"
"I know,but not here"she told him
"Okay want to go back to my place or yours"
"No we need to go where someone won't see us"
"Alright let's go find somewhere private"he told her
Adam found a motel not to far out of town
"This probably the best we will find"
Sally got out of the car, Adam follow her. They entered the room, Sally looked around
"When you left me at the room" she said as she walked over to the bed "I had a surprise visitor in my room"she said as she sat down
"Was it Victor" Adam asked
"Nope Derek" she looked at him
"Why was he even in your room" Adam went into protective mode
"I don't know, but there is something you need to know"
"Alright"he sat next to her "I'm listening"
"He wanted to talk about the take over and he said he wanted something... and I thought he was talking about money but that's not what he is after"
"What does he want Sally"
"He wants me"she said
Adam was outraged "I'll kill him"
" Adam calm down. There is something else though"
"Did he hurt you" he took her hands
Sally shook her head " But when I told him, he and I would never happen he revealed something"
"What"Adam asked
Sally looked down at their hands "He knows about us" she looked up at him
"How"he asked
"He saw us at the park"
Adam took a deep breath "Oh boy" "Did say anything else to you"
She shook her head. She got off the bed "God this has turned into a mess. I honestly thought he was good guy"
"So what are we gonna do"Adam asked
"I don't know Adam. But not only do we have watch out Victor, we need watch out for the person who was supposed to help us"
Adam came over to her and placed his hands on her arms "Should we go with back up plan"he asked
"Not yet, give me some time, maybe once he sees I don't want him. He'll back off and do what he came here to do"
Adam pulled her into him "Alright but I need you to promise me the moment you sense trouble you will call me"
"I will, I promise"
"You know since we are here" he said as started kissing her neck and running his hands up and down her body "What do you say,Kansas and Siena have some fun"
Sally turned around "You read my mind"she said as she was unbuttoning his shirt. Adam then picked her up, and Sally wrapped her legs around his waist. Adam laid her down then got on top of her. Sally deepened the kiss, Adam laced their fingers together. He then moved their hands above head as he started placing kisses all down her body.
Sally flipped them over so she was on top of him. She sat up and ran her fingers down his chest, Adam placed his hands on her thighs
"It's kind of hot when we sneak off"he smiled
"I know" she said as she was kissing his ear "But we are Kansas and Siena not Adam and Sally"
"At this very moment I think we are both"he said as she was brushing her hair
Sally smiled and laid down on top of him
The next morning they woke up still in their holding each other. Just then her cell went off, she grabbed it and went into the bathroom after she saw who was calling
"What do you want"she was whispering
"You heard me last night Sally. I will reveal your dirty little secret if you don't do what I asked..because if you don't your boyfriend is going to pay for it"
Sally quickly hung up and leaned against the sink. All of a sudden she got sick to her stomach and started throwing up
She then heard Adam knock on the door
"Sally is everything in okay in there" he asked still in his sleepy tone
"Ya ...ya I'm good Ill be out in a minute" she told him as she was trying to catch her breath
Sally finally got up and threw some cold water on her face, and looked in the mirror

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