"How are you real. You're so sentimental"

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It was Christmas morning Adam was getting things ready for when Chelsea and Connor came over. Sally came out of the bathroom. Adam look up at her
"How you feeling?" he asked
"Well my head hurts and I feel like my morning sickness increased"she said as she sat down and laid her head down on the counter "I thought this was supposed to start dying down"she groaned
"I'm sorry Babe" Adam said as he came over and started rubbing her shoulders "Why don't you go lay down until they get here"he suggested
"No I'm good besides I'd rather help to keep my mind off things" she said
"Sally,I would love for you to help, but I don't know how much you'll be able to handle"he said
"What do you mean?" She asked all confused
"Chelsea offered to bring stuff for us so we didn't have do to much but I was making Connor's favorite..."he couldn't finish
Sally bolted to the bathroom from the smell of the eggs "Oh God"
Adam turned the stove down and went after her
Adam was helping her wash up. Sally turned to him and glared
"If I didn't know any better it's like you did that on purpose" she said
Adam was dabbing the wash cloth on her cheeks "I would never do that to you. I hate seeing you like this and me not being able to do anything for you"
Sally smiled and placed her hand on his cheek "I know,and I love you"
"Now I insist you go rest. I'll come get you when they get here"
"Okay" she kissed his cheek
Later on Chelsea arrived with Connor. They were finishing up with brunch
"Can we open gifts now?"Connor asked eagerly
"Let's help your Dad and Sally clean up first"Chelsea told him as she handed him her plate
"Yes Mom"Connor said as he got up
"I'm coming"Adam told him, grabbing Sally's plate
Chelsea smiled as she watched them walk away. Sally was looking down and tapping her mug
"You okay?"Chelsea asked
"Ya, I'm good"she got up "Excuse me"Sally left for the bathroom
Chelsea walked over to Adam "Hey is Sally okay" she asked
"Ya she just had rough morning"he told her
"Maybe this to much for her, we can do this another day"
"You heard her last night Chels, she didn't want to wait. She didn't want to disappoint Connor" he said
"I know Adam but it hasn't been 24 hours yet. She is still processing the accident. We all are"
"She's fine she would have told me if she wasn't"
Sally was sitting on the bathroom floor crying. As the images from the accident were flashing in her mind.She just sat there holding her stomach
Adam knocked on the door "Hey you okay. You didn't fall in did you" he said with a little chuckle
"I'm good" she said trying make sure he couldn't tell she was crying
"Alright Connor is waiting for you" he told her
"I'll be there in a minute"she said wiping her tears away
Sally got up and looked at herself in the mirror "You are okay" she told herself
They were all laughing as they were opened gifts. Connor handed Sally her gift
"This is from me and Mom" he told her
"Aw thanks" she smiled and opened it "A gift card to Fenmore's"
Chelsea smiled "I thought you could use a shopping spree for maternity clothes"she told her
"Thanks,I'll definitely need new clothes soon"she laughed
Connor handed Adam and Chelsea their gifts "Since the gifts I got you were in the car, I quickly had to come up with something else"
Adam and Chelsea smiled when they saw they both had a coupon book.
Sally tensed up at the mention of the accident
"Sal, you okay" Adam asked a little worried
Sally finally focused on what was happening "Ya I'm okay"
Chelsea could tell she wasn't okay "Hey Sally can you help with something"she got up
"Su..re" Sally got up and followed her into Connor's room
Sally looked at her confused
"What do you need help with" she asked as she looked around
"Nothing, I brought you in here because I can tell you're not okay"
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be, can you tell me what is on your mind"
"Last night keeps replaying in my head"she told her
"That's understandable Sally. You and Connor dealt with something scary"
"But knowing it happened because of me and I had your son"she cried
Chelsea hugged her "Its going to be okay Sally. You two are okay... well you four"she laughed as she referred to the twins
Sally giggled a little
"I just ask you that you to talk to Adam about your feelings"
"I will once process them"
Chelsea smiled at her
Connor was playing with his new video game. As Chelsea Adam and Sally were watching him.Sally was laying on the couch with Adam holding her.
"So Dad what was your favorite present"he asked
Adam looked around "Umm" he said and grabbed a bow and placed in on Sally's bump "This"he smiled at her "Finding out last night that we are are having twins.. was the best surprise gift"
"Same, but you kind helped with this gift"Sally looked up at him
"How"Connor asked
"I'll explain it to you when you are a little bit older"Adam told him
Both Sally and Chelsea laughed
Chelsea and Connor were getting ready to go. Adam had his arm around Sally's waist
"So, I'll pick you up next year"Adam told him
Connor looked at him confused
"Sunday Connor, he'll pick you up on Sunday" Chelsea informed him
"Ya, your Dad thinks he is funny"Sally placed her hand on Adam's chest and giggled
"Oh okay bye"Connor said than hugged Adam and Sally then they left
Adam was finishing up making a fire. He then pulled Sally to lay with him in front of it
"So did you in enjoy our first Christmas together"he asked looking down at her
"Yes, I can't believe next Christmas they'll be here"she smiled down at her bump
"Speaking of them, I have something for you"he reached over and grabbed a box
"Oh Adam, why didn't you give this to me earlier"she ask as took it from him
"I wanted it to be our moment alone"he smiled
Sally opened it and saw a bracelet with two hearts dangling from it "It's beautiful"
"When I saw this it reminded me of Valentine's Day"he said and he placed it on her wrist
"A day I'll never forget"she said softly "But now it has a whole new meaning because those two hearts represent those two Nuggets in there"
Sally smiled "How are you real. You're so sentimental" she caressed his cheek
"You bring it out of me"he said as took her hand and kissed it
Sally than kissed him.She wrapped her arm around his neck and brought them down on the floor
During the night,Sally was tossing and turning
"No ....no Connor" she shouted and sat up in bed
Adam woke up "Sal, you okay"he was rubbing her back
Sally was trying to catch her breath "Ya" she looked over at him "It was some stupid nightmare" she said
Adam pulled her down and held her "I got you"
Sally cried " I'm sorry, last night keeps replaying over and over" she finally broke down
Adam kissed the top of her head "It's been one day. So I knew it would. I'll tell you any time you need me to that you are okay"
Sally held him tighter and took a deep breath "Thank you"

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