"You better pray Sally and the babies are okay"

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     Sally was hunched over against the desk. One hand on her abdomen breathing through the pain. Chelsea and Chloe were concerned, Chloe walked over to her
"Sally,what's wrong"she asked
"I...don't...know"she winced and shook her head
Chloe looked back at Chelsea in concerned
"Come on, let's sit down"Chloe told her as she wrapped her arm around Sally's waist and guided her to the couch
Chelsea came over and sat on the coffee table in front of Sally "What does the pain feel like"she asked her
Sally took deep breath and leaned her head back "It feels like a stabbing pain"she told her
Chloe took her hand "Keep taking deep breaths"
"Sally, does it feel like cramping"Chelsea asked
"I can't tell"she started crying
"That's it, we are taking you to the hospital"Chloe told her
Sally shook her head "No, I'll be okay"she said wiping her tears away. Sally got up "See I'm fine"she told them
Sally started heading back to her desk when the pain returned and she doubled over "Ow"
"You are far from fine"Chelsea grabbed onto her "Chloe is going to go take you to the hospital"Chelsea nodded to Chloe "And I'm going to go track Adam down"
Sally looked at Chelsea "No,he is with Connor there's no need to worry him"Sally told her
"Sally,there could something wrong with the babies, he won't be very happy if doesn't find out right away and he is going to worry no matter what"
Sally knew Chelsea was right "You're right, okay"Sally started crying again
"Sally, what's it" Chloe asked
"I can't lose them...we can't"her voice broke
"That is why we are taking you, so we can make sure everything is okay"Chloe told her and gave her a small smile
Chelsea grabbed Sally's purse and they all left
Chloe got everything filled out for Sally, they were waiting in a room for a doctor. Sally was curled up on the bed holding her stomach crying from the pain
"Is the pain worse"Chloe asked
Sally shook her head "I'm scared"she cried
Chloe came over to Sally and started rubbing her hair "It's all gonna be okay, soon Adam will be here"she told her
"He could tell something was off with me. And i just brushed it off as I was just tired. I should have known better"she cried
"This is not your fault. There might be nothing wrong"Chloe took her hand
Chelsea went to the school after calling to see if they were back from the field trip. As she was walking over to them she saw Victoria waiting for the kids. If she wasn't on a mission to get to Adam she would have given Victoria a piece of her mind. Chelsea found Connor and his class running on the playground she came up to Adam
"Hey, did you forget I was going to take Connor home"he said
"No, I remembered"she smiled at Connor "Adam I'm here for you"she looked at him
Adam turned to her "What's wrong"he asked
"It could be nothing, but Chloe just took Sally to the hospital"
Adam started panicking "What...what happened"
"We aren't sure, she um.. started having these pains"Chelsea then saw Victoria
Adam noticed Chelsea looking and turned in that direction "Chels"he asked trying to get her attention "Why are you giving Victoria that look"
"Earlier Victoria was arguing with Sally. And I don't know if that is the reason for what is happening to Sally"she told him
Adam was pissed "I got to go, you'll take Connor"he asked
"Absolutely, let me know what is going on okay"she asked
"Will do"he said running to his car
Victoria noticed Adam run off as she came up to Chelsea
"Where is he off too"she asked
"To go make sure Sally and the babies are okay"Chelsea said
"What why wouldn't she be okay"Victoria asked
"I don't know Victoria maybe your little run in with her caused her stress"Chelsea said in a harsh tone
"What"Victoria asked confused
"You better pray Sally and the babies are okay. Because I wouldn't want to be you when you see Adam"Chelsea told her and left to get Connor
Sally was still waiting to be seen, the pain was still the same, her hands resting on her bump. Chloe was getting inpatient
"What is taking them so long"Chloe said in annoying tone
Right after she said this the doctor walked in
"Miss Spectra, I'm so sorry for the wait"he told her
"Don't apologize to us about the wait"Chloe pointed to Sally "She could be losing her babies"
"Chloe"Sally said getting her to stop "I'm sorry, she is just worried and frankly so am I. If I wasn't scared out of my mind. I would yell too"
The doctor nods "Well let's see what's going on"he told her
Sally looked up at the ceiling, as the doctor brought over the ultrasound machine
"So,can you tell when the pain started"he asked as he was examining her
"About an hour ago"Sally said
"Have you had any other issues"he asked
"I felt off all morning, I was nauseous but I thought at the time it was still morning sickness"
Chloe looked over at her
"Well good news, what your feeling has nothing to do with your pregnancy"he told her
"So are my babies okay"she asked
"Yes"he said
Sally sighed in relief
"So what is causing her pain then"Chloe asked
The doctor looked at Sally "Miss Spectra, you have an appendicitis and we need to take you back into surgery right away"he informed her
"What... what"Sally was in shock "Is it safe to "she asked
"Yes"he rested his hand on her arm "If this occurred later on it could have been a lot worse"he gave her a reassuring smile "So a nurse will be in shortly to prep you"he said then left
Chloe looked at her "See everything is going to be fine"she said
Sally leaned her head back and sighed "Thank God, that it's not the babies"she said
"I know how worried you were, so was I"Chloe told her
"Look incase Adam doesn't get here before they take me back. Can you tell him that I love him"Sally said
"I will, I promise"Chloe smiled
Sally was back in surgery. Chloe was in the waiting room when Adam ran up to the nurses station
"I'm looking for my fiancé Sally Spectra"he said frantically
Chloe heard him and went over to him "Adam"she called for him
Adam turned to her "Chloe how is she?Where is she? What happened?" he asked
Chloe held up her hands "First calm down and take a deep breath"she told him
Adam nodded and took a deep breath
"Okay to answer your first question she is fine and the babies are fine as well. She is in surgery though"she informed him
"Surgery why does she need surgery"he panicked
"Sally has an appendicitis, that's what was causing her pain and probably why she felt so crummy today"Chloe told him
Adam went over and sat down "When Chelsea told me about her and Victoria I thought the worst coming here"
"So did we"Chloe said coming to sit with him
"I knew something was off with her today. If I made her stay home or go to the doctor sooner"he said
"Adam"she grabbed his hand "She's going to be fine"she reassured him
"I just worry about her and our babies"he said
"I know, oh and she wanted me to tell you that she loves you"Chloe smiled
Adam looked at her "Chloe, can you do something for me"he asked
"I can try, what is it"she asked
"Sally is going to want her family here. Can you call her sister for us. And see if Coco could come see her"he asked
"As soon as Sally is out of surgery,I'll call"Chloe told him
"Thanks"he smiled
Later on Sally was out of surgery. She was still sleeping Adam was watching her, his hand resting on him head for support. Sally slowly opened her eyes. She looked around the room and saw Adam and smiled
"I was hoping you'd be the first face I'd see"she said softly
Adam smiled and came over to her "Hey Baby"he kissed her head "You need to stop scaring me"he said
"I'm sorry"she whispered
"It's all good"he took her hand and kissed it "I'm so relieved you are okay all three of you"he said
"I dreamt about them"she smiled
"You did"he smiled as he was rubbing her forehead
"I dreamt we had girls"she told him
"Girls"he said "That would be amazing if they were"he smiled
"I love you, did Chloe tell you"she asked
Adam smiled and got into bed with her "She may have mentioned it"he kissed her forehead "I love you , I love so much"he laid his head on hers

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