"I'll always care about you"

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   It was early in the morning and Sally was at Society for breakfast. But with breaking things off with Adam she didn't have much of an appetite. Sally was in her own world she didn't see Adam walk in
Adam saw her and stood there for a minute deciding if he should go over there
Adam finally decided to and walked over to her table "Hey"he said
Sally looked up at him "Look if you came here to try and change my mind it's not gonna work" she told him
"I didn't I promise, but I know you don't want to do this Sal"
"It's what I have to do Adam" she said
"Why" he said as she sat down "Why do you have to"he asked
"I know it we continued, something would happen, so I saved us from the pain, okay"she said as she took a sip of her drink
"So to spare us from a pain that may not come you broke up with , but you see Sally by sparing us you caused a whole new pain"
Sally just stared at him "You should go now"
"You don't mean that Sally"he leaned closer " I can see you want me to stay"
" I ...don't want you to stay Adam please leave"
Adam was in shock "It's like I don't know you anymore"he said then got up and left and walked over to the bar
Adam's last comment broke Sally's heart she started crying
Derek walked in and saw her crying..then he saw Adam at the bar
"Good morning Princess" he said loud enough for Adam to hear
Derek walked over to her and kissed her cheek
Adam's blood was boiling
Sally's body tensed up "Morning, thought you would be at the office" she said
" I was heading in but Chloe said you were here so I thought I would start my morning off right by seeing my girl"he touched her hand
Adam had seen enough, so he got up and left. Sally saw him through the window it killed her. All she wanted to do was tell him what really was happening
"Enough with this show Derek" she leaned closer " I never had feelings for you and I never will Derek and even if I did I could never be with someone who blackmails to get what they want"
"What are you doing now then"he asked
Adam walked into Chloe's office. Chloe was disgusted to see him
"What do you want"she said coldly
"I need a favor from you, Chloe"he said
"What could you possibly need from me. I like I would do anything for you" she told him
"It's not for me, it's for Sally"
Chloe looked at him
"I need you to keep an eye out for Sally"he told her
"Sally is fine, she is doing much better now that you are out of her life"
Adam nodded " I know how you feel about me, which shows you how badly I need your help to look out for her" he said
Chloe sighed "Fine I will keep an eye out, if it gets you to leave"
"Thank you"Adam said and left
Sally finally showed up to the office. Derek was following behind her
"You got what you wanted, I'm with you. But can you please give me my space at work" she said
"As you wish"he kissed her "Just know I'll be thinking about you all day" he winked
Sally was creeped out but she kept telling herself she was doing it protect Connor and Adam
Sally walked into her office and got annoyed to find Chloe there
"Why are you always in my office"she said
"Geez someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed"Chloe said
"Sorry I just have a lot on my mind"Sally told her
"Well I don't mean to bring more stress for you but I had a visitor"
"Who" Sally asked
"Adam"Chloe said
"Wow why would he come see you"Sally asked as she sat down
"He asked me to look out for you" Chloe gave her a questioning look
Sally was puzzled by this " Why would he do that makes no sense"
"Because he is obsessed with you, that's why" Chloe said
"Chloe Adam isn't like that"Sally said
"He is Sally, you are just now seeing this side of him I'm sorry. I know you loved him"she paused "But this is who he is"
"What ever you say"Sally said trying work
"So did Derek find you"Chloe asked
"Yes" she said
"Are you guys an item"Chloe smiled
"I would rather not confirm this"Sally told her
Chloe could sense Sally wasn't in the mood to talk so she got up and left
Sally looked over at the door, then texted Adam asking him to meet her
Sally was sitting in the park waiting for Adam, Adam saw her sitting on the bench
"Isn't it risky to meet up"he asked
Sally looked up at him "We aren't together anymore so it's fine"
Adam nodded
"Look I understand you still care for me. But I don't need anyone looking out for me"she told him
"I'll always care about you" he said as he sat next to her
"I'll always care about you too"she said softly
"Can I ask you something"he said
Sally nodded
"Did you break up with me because of Derek"
Sally couldn't answer she just looked down at the ground
" I guess I got my answer" he said
Sally looked up at him
" I saw you two this morning and I didn't like it"he told her
"I know, I could tell. I should have told you about it I'm sorry Adam"
They were quiet for a few minutes before Adam spoke again
" I know you need anyone looking out for you. I asked Chloe because Derek gives off a bad vibe Sally. I thought we were on the same side about that"
"We are...we're but Ad..." Sally stopped when she saw Derek and panicked "I got to go, please if you love and care for me please stay away okay. It's best for both of us"she said and quickly left

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