"It is really nice to meet the man who makes my sister so happy"

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Adam and Sally were on the plane, Sally was looking at baby things on her phone. Adam was just staring at her
"What about these cribs for them"Sally said showing him the picture
Adam looked at it "Oh those look nice, are you still leaning towards a nature theme"he asked
"Yes unless you have something else in mind"she looked over at him "i just thinks it's the best option since we don't know if they are boys or girls"she told him
"Ya, you still don't want to find out"he took her hand
"I go back and forth but I still like the idea of us finding when they are born"she laid her hand on his shoulder
"Me too"he kissed her head
They finally got to their destination, Adam had Sally put a blind fold on. So she couldn't see where he was taking her
"Adam I love you but this is crazy. This is supposed to be relaxing and exciting. But this is just making me anxious" she said
Adam looked over "I'm sorry, once we get there I promise you, your anxiety will disappear"he told her
Sally was stroking her baby bump "You two better be ready for Daddy to drive you crazy"she said laughing
"They will love this side of me"he smiled at her
"Oh and how do you know this"she asked
"Because... they are half of me"he took her hand and kissed it
Adam guided Sally into the beach house
"Are you ready for your surprise"he said untying her blind fold
"Yes"she said all excited
"1...2..3"Adam counted
"Open"another voice was heard
Sally opened her eyes and was in shock "Oh My Goodness COCO"she started screaming
"Hey Sis" Coco smiled
Sally ran over to her and hugged her tightly
"I missed you" she said
"I missed you too"Coco said then pulled away "Look at you. I still can't believe you are going to be a mom"she said looking at her
"I know right"Sally laughed and looked down
"When Adam called me and came up with little surprise I couldn't say no"Coco told her
Sally smiled back at Adam "I can't believe you did this"she said
"I thought you could use some sister time. And this way I could finally meet my future sister-in-law in person"he said as he wrapped his arms around Sally
"It is really nice to meet the man who makes my sister so happy"Coco told him
Sally looked at Adam and placed her hand on his chin "He really does" she said
"I have an idea, why don't you two go take a walk on the beach and I'll unpack for us" he kissed her cheek "Then we can order some pizza"
"Sounds good"Sally nodded and then turned to Coco "You ready"she asked
"Yes"Coco smiled
Sally and Coco were walking arm and arm along the beach
"So my sister is engaged and going to be a mom"Coco said
"Don't forget I run a company"Sally added
"Yes, the craziness you have been up too. I mean Grams updated me but seeing it, it's wild" Coco laughed
"I know, I'm the wild child"
"I'm really happy for you, so how are you doing"Coco asked
"I'm good"Sally looked out into the ocean
"Sal, I'm your sister, I know you something is bothering you"she said to her
"I promise you I'm fine. It's just something me and Adam have to handle"
"You are scaring me Sally"she turned to look at her
"It's nothing serious but I really should talk to Adam"she moved hair out of her face "So how are you, how is the new chef job going"she said changing the subject
"It's good,it's weird not being in fashion but I like it"she smiled
"Hey, maybe I could talk to Adam and see if we have any jobs for you at N+S. You can move to Genoa City and be close by"
"No Sally it's all good and besides you don't want me around all the time"
"Of course I do, I want my babies to have a close bound with their Aunt Coco. And you don't have to work for us you find something else"
"Wow you must really miss me"Coco laughed
"You have no idea"Sally smiled
They were eating and laughing. Sally looked lovingly at Adam and how well he and Coco click
"So Coco, do you have any embarrassing stories on this one"he pointed at Sally
"Actually..."Coco began to say
Sally looked over at Coco "Don't you dare" she said as threw her napkin at her
"I'm kidding"she laughed "Every story I have of her has no embarrassing parts in it"she smiled at her
Sally laid on Adam and sighed
"Are you tired Babe" he asked as he patted her head
"A little" she said softly
"Well we should call it a night, and plan something tomorrow"Coco said
"Are you sure?"Sally asked
"Yes, you had a long day. You and those babies get some rest. I'll see you in the morning"
Adam and Sally were in bed, Adam was holding her and stroking her back
"Did you like your surprise"he asked looking at her
"Yes" she said as she started crying
"Hey,what is wrong"he pulled her close
"As much as I loved seeing my sister. I was looking forward to you and me time"
Adam kept kissing her head "I have plans for us. Don't you worry
"Okay" she looked up at him "How about you and me take a quick shower "she smirked
"I thought you were sleepy"he looked at her
"Okay, never-mind goodnight"she said as turned to the other side
Adam quickly grabbed her and carried her to the bathroom "Let's go" he said
Sally was laughing
Adam had Sally up against the wall, his hands ran down her body. Sally's arms were wrapped around his neck as they kissed with so much passion. The hot water was pouring on them. Sally moved and started kissing down his body. Adam was moving his hand in circles on her stomach. Adam then pulled her back up to him so he could kiss her
"God I love you" he said
"I love you too" she said
Sally wrapped the robe around her as Adam did the same
"That was..." he looked at her
"I know"she came up and kissed him "Thank goodness Coco's room is on the other side"she giggled
Sally's phone went off, she walked over to it
"Oh it's Chloe, she wants me to look at something real quick"
"Chloe knows we are on vacation can it wait"
"She said it's about the budget. It won't take long. Then I'll tell her no more calls"she kissed him
Sally was sitting on the couch on her laptop, replying to Chloe. When she finished and went to exit her email something caught her eye. She clicked on it her heart sank as she read it
Sally came back a few minutes later. She looked at Adam who was reading something.She stood in the doorway for a minute
"Did you get everything taken care of, the company still standing"he chuckled as he still was reading
"Ya, N+S is doing okay without us" she gave a small laugh "Um Adam" she said in a serious tone
That got Adam's attention "Baby, what is wrong"he reached for her hand
Sally came over to him and sat next to him
"Are you okay" he asked
"While replying to Chloe I came across something she sent you . And we need to talk about it"
Adam took her hands "Okay, what is it. What's got you worried"
Sally gave him a sympathetic look "I know" she said softly
"You know what"he asked
"I know you are worried that the nuggets may not be able to see"she said as tears fell

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