"Don't be mad at Adam we didn't plan this"

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That night after Connor went to bed. Adam was holding Sally as they were lying on the couch
"Chelsea asked me about us"he said as he was stroking her her hair
"She did , what did she say"Sally asked
"She noticed us when we were looking at houses"he looked down at her "And when you left she noticed me"
"So she suspects we're together"she said
"She asked me if we were"he told her
"And what did you tell her"she turned to face him
"I said I would let her know if something was going on"he took her hand and kissed it
"Then we .. should tell her"she said
"Are you sure"he asked
"Yes, with Nugget she should know before we tell Connor" she said
"Only if you are okay with it"he asked
Sally nodded
Adam smiled and kissed her
"You should probably get to bed before you fall asleep here"she kissed his chest
"You're probably right"he kissed her before getting up "You'll be okay on the couch"he asked
"I'm fine"she told him
Sally laid back down and smiled at him
"I love you"he leaned down and kissed her
"I love you too"she said softly
Adam then leaned down and kissed her stomach "And I love you too"
Sally giggled
"Goodnight see you in the morning"
The next morning Sally was making breakfast for Adam and Connor. Adam came out
"Wow something smells good"he said
"Don't get to excited .. it's only pancakes"she smiled "I wanted to make you two breakfast as a thank you, but since Nugget doesn't like the smell of anything this was the only thing I could do" she told him
Adam came up behind her "These are Connor's favorite so he'll be happy"
They were eating breakfast
"Dad Johnny asked if i could come over and play this afternoon"
"I'll text your aunt and see if it's cool with her"Adam told him
"But if Johnny asked wouldn't she be okay with it"
Sally leaned over to Adam "He has a point"she laughed
"Let me just text her and if she's okay with it we'll tak...." Adam said
"We"both Sally and Connor said
"Ya"Adam said
"Cool"Connor said as he went back to eating
Adam placed his hand on her thigh as reassurance
Both Adam and Sally took Connor over
"I'll pick you up in a couple hours"Adam said
"Sounds good, bye Sally"Connor said as he ran up
Once Connor was in the house. Adam took Sally's hand
"Are you up to going to see Chelsea"he asked
"Ya let's go"she smiled
Chelsea opened the door and was surprised to see both Adam and Sally on the other side
"Hey you guys, what's going on"she asked
"I...we would like to talk to you about something, may we come in"Sally asked
Chelsea smiled "Come on in"
They walked in and faced Chelsea
"Can I get you two anything"she asked
"No I'm good "Adam said
"I'm good too"Sally added
Chelsea sat in the chair while Adam and Sally sat on the couch. Sally sat closer in the direction of Chelsea
"Yesterday you asked me if something was going on with Sally and I" he looked at Sally "And the truth is yes"he said
"Oh okay so did you two work things out"Chelsea asked
"Chelsea the truth is we have been together this whole time"Sally told her
"Wait what"Chelsea was shocked
"We had our reasons why we told everyone we broke up"Adam said
"So why are you telling me this now"
Sally looked at her "You know I care about Connor. And we thought you should know we before Connor"Sally looked at Adam
Adam took her hand "That me and Sally are expecting a baby"he continued for her
"Wow"Chelsea said
"Don't be mad at Adam we didn't plan this... the fake breakup yes. When we found out we were in shock"Sally started freaking out
"I'm not mad"she smiled "But can I ask why did you act like you broke up"
"Chels , you know how Victor operates"he said
"Boy do I"Chelsea chuckled
"Well when he handed the company over to Victoria. We came up with this plan to take it back. But so no one would get suspicious we needed to make it look like I was out of her life completely, so she could do what needed to be done"he informed her
Chelsea looked at Sally
"I hate how his family treats him"Sally said
"Ya it is a challenge"Chelsea said
"We can't reveal yet that we are together but in couple weeks we want to tell Connor"Adam said
"Your secret is safe with me"she told them
"Thank you"Sally said
Chelsea reached over and took Sally's hand "Congratulations"she said
"Thanks we are pretty excited"Sally smiled at Adam "i just hope Connor is"she said
"To be a big brother he'll be over the moon"
Adam and Sally both sat in the car in silence
"That went better then I thought"Sally said
"What did you think was going to happen. That she'd be angry and try to fight you"Adam laughed
"Well ya"Sally laughed with him
"Soon we will tell Connor"he said
"How about Christmas"she suggested
"Really that seems so far away
"Ya it does but by then I'll be at the point of the pregnancy where it's safe to tell people"she told him "What a great gift"she added
"Okay, if we are going to do that. We need to tell him earlier that we are together I don't blindside him with everything, you know"
"I understand. We are meeting with Tucker tomorrow and once we see what he wants. Maybe he'll tells its final and we can tell Connor after"she said
Adam leaned over and kissed her "Perfect"
Sally smiled do you have to pick up Connor yet"
"No why"he asked
The door flew open as Adam and Sally made their way into Adam's apartment,not separating their lips
"Where do you want to go"Adam asked as he started kissing her neck "Couch....bed....shower"he suggested
"Surprise me"Sally told him
Adam carried her and ran towards his bedroom
"How about we start here and if have time end in the shower"he said
"Love it" she said as she pulled his shirt to bring him closer to her
Adam then started to rip her shirt of leg her, she did the same. They fell onto the bed

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