" I won't sit here and let you bash the father of my baby like that"

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It was Monday morning Adam and Sally were going to meet up later for their meeting with Tucker.So Sally went into the office for a little while.She was a little anxious because she was afraid of running into Derek. When she walked in she saw a bouquet of flowers and a six pack of ginger ale
Sally picked up the note and read "Morning Beautiful, I thought you could use these to make you smile and to know I'm thinking of you. And don't think I forgot about Nugget hence the ginger ale. Don't ask how I got them up here lol But I love you"Sally smiled
"Oh is that from a new man"Chloe asked
Sally's back was still facing Chloe. She took a deep breath "No there is no new man"she told her
"Then they must be from Adam"
Sally stood there in shock, she quickly spun around "What"
"Don't look at me like that. I know you two are seeing each other again"she said
"How"Sally asked
"I saw him come out of your room Friday night. So are you really seeing again or was it a lapse in judgment and you just decided to bang him"she yelled
"Chloe I'm not someone who just has sex with someone"Sally looked at her
"So what is going on Sally because don't you not remember a few months ago where he broke your heart"
Sally went around her desk "I don't have time to discuss this with you"she said
"So there is something going on"
"No Chloe I'm just so tired of going circles with you"she said trying to get work done
"I'm just trying to look out for you. He might look like this charming man but he isn't. And you are better off"
Sally lost it "Chloe enough I won't sit here and let you bash the father of my baby like that"
Chloe was speechless "Wh..what"
Sally realized what she just revealed "Oh no"
"You're pregnant"Chloe asked in a serious tone
"Yes" Sally said softly
"Ok but what makes you think Adam is the father"Chloe asked
Sally looked down and sighed "Because he is the only person I have been sleeping with"she told her
"I don't know what you want me to say Sally"
"You can say congratulations"she smiled at her
"I'm sorry I won't be doing that"Chloe started to walk out
"CHLOE wait"Sally yelled for her
"What Sally"she said not turning around
"Please don't tell anyone"Sally said
Chloe didn't respond she just walked out
Sally arrived at Tucker's office. She was still emotional from Chloe. Adam came up behind her
"Sally"he said "I have been calling after you" he told her
Sally turned around "I'm sorry I didn't hear you. I have a lot on my mind" she said trying not to cry again
Adam could tell something was up, he pulled her aside
"Hey are you okay?" He asked
Before she could reply Tucker came out
"Good afternoon you two. You ready for this meeting"he asked
Adam held up his pointer finger "Give us second"he told him
Tucker nodded and went back into his office
Adam turned back to Sally "Sal, what is wrong"
"Chloe knows" was all she said
"Knows what"he asked
"She knows about the baby"she started crying
Adam didn't say anything he just pulled her into a hug
"She hates me now"she cried into him
"Does she know it's mine"he asked
Sally nodded "Yes"she said quietly her head still resting on his chest "But she only thinks we got caught up in the moment"she said
Adam let go of her and looked at her "Are you okay for this meeting"he asked on concern
"Yes I'm good. But can you do one thing for me"she asked
"For you anything"he said as he caressed her cheek
"Don't let go of my hand"she said
Adam laced their fingers together and walked into the office
Tucker handed Adam the file
"This file right here has the contract for buying Newman Media. All you need to do is sign. And then we go take it to Victor"he told them
"Wow you really work fast"Adam said looking over the file
"So that's it. We own it now"Sally asked
"Yes, it will be under McCall for a few months, but you two are in charge. Now you can keep the name Newman Media or" he started saying
"No"they both said at the same time
"We already decided on changing the name"Adam said
"Sounds good.So just sign and.."
"Wait, before we do that. I have to ask.. how is this gonna work. Letting them"Sally said
Tucker clasped his hands together and leaned forward "Well I set up a meeting under an alias and when I walk in I'll inform them I own them with Adam by my side obviously"
"So they'll know right then and there we did this"Sally said in a panic tone
Adam turned to her "Hey it's gonna be okay"he reassured her "Yes voices will probably rise"he leaned into her "But they can't hurt you"
"It's not me I'm worried about Adam"she told him
"I'll be good"he kissed her hand "So are you ready for the next step"he asked
Sally took the contact from Adam and signed and Adam did the same
"It's has been a pleasure doing business with you both"Tucker shook their hands
"Do we have the meeting today"Adam asked
"No it's not until the end of the week"he said
"Good because I don't think Sally is up for all this today" he put his arm around her
"Adam I'm all good"she smiled
"You might me now, but I'm not going to take that chance"
Sally looked at him "Okay"
"We'll be in touch"Adam said
Adam still holding Sally's hand lead her into the apartment
"I screwed up Adam"she started crying
"You didn't Baby" he cupped her face
"I let my hormones take over. That's not how I wanted to tell Chloe about the baby"she said
Adam placed his hands on her waist "No matter how you would have told her, she would probably react the same way"
"I know but she is still my friend and I yelled it at her. And now she's mad at me"
Adam sat on the stool and pulled her into him
"She is not mad at you. She is mad it's my baby. You know how she feels about me Sally"
"I do"
"I'm a reminder of someone she lost. Losing a child you don't get over it. No matter what I do she'll never look at me differently"
Sally hugged him "I'm sorry"
"No I'm sorry you have to deal with it"he held her
"She's the only friend I have and I let her down"
"Sally this isn't on you ok" he kissed her "Give her some time and if she doesn't come around before nugget gets here" he was rubbing her stomach "Then she wasn't a true friend"he told her
"Okay"she hugged him again
"Do you want to celebrate" he asked
"Do you mind if we don't. I would rather just take a nap"
Adam kissed her forehead "Go on, I'll join you in a minute"he said as he wiped her tears away
Adam watched her head into his room. He took out his cell phone
"Hey, I figured you wouldn't pick up because it's me calling. But Chloe I know you know about the baby. I just want to tell you I love Sally and I wouldn't let anyone hurt her. I do anything to protect her. So please for her sake don't be mad at her"he said then hung up
Adam crawled into bed and wrapped his arm around Sally, who was already asleep. He smiled at her before falling asleep himself

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