"Besides I can guarantee you it's not as bad as you think"

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     It turns out Mazie just had a common cold,which eased Adam and Sally. So Mazie just got extra cuddles from Daddy for the next few days
  Sally was at work for a little while to get things done that she missed, when Chloe came in
"Oh I wasn't expecting to see you" she said
Sally looked up "I could say them same thing to you"she said with a little laugh
"I'm assuming everything is okay with Mazie if you are here"Chloe said
"Ya, it wasn't I just wanted to be home with her"
"Of course"she smiled "Is she feeling better"
"Yes, she's with her Daddy so she's got the best medicine"Sally said as she was putting away a file. She turned back to Chloe "I'm sorry I wasn't here to help train Audra"Sally said
"Don't worry about it" she sat down. Chloe looked at her friend and could tell something was wrong "What's going on, you look like you're a million miles away"
Sally thought for a second "Can I ask you something"she said
"Of course"she said
"And I need you to put aside your feelings of Adam"
"I can try, Sally what is it"
Sally sighed "I'm not sure, but I think he is cheating on me"she said not looking at Chloe
"What"Chloe was shocked to hear this "What makes you think this"she asked
"He has been secretive about where he has been and doing"Sally said "And the worst part is he missed something of Connor's, and you know Adam it's not like him to miss anything involving his kids"
Chloe shook her head "No it's not but Sally what made you think it's cheating related it could be something with the wedding" she suggested
"It's not wedding related,I have a feeling because of who he has been spending time with" Sally started crying
"Sally who is it" she asked
"I think he is cheating with Chelsea"she told her
Adam took the girls to the park for a little walk.
"I think this is what we needed some fresh air"he said as he made his way over to the bench
He looked at his girls and smiled "Ah man Daddy can't wait to marry Mommy" he said fixing Hadley's blanket "Your Mommy deserves everything, just like you two" he looked up for a second "You see your daddy met mommy's mommy and it killed me to see someone like that who chose not to be in her life. Daddy doesn't know what to do, he knows I should tell mommy but I don't want her to be hurt"he looked at them
Helen was watching them from the bushes
Chloe came over to Sally and made her look at her
"Sally I know Chelsea she wouldn't do something like and neither would Adam"she told her
"Then what could possibly be going on"she yelled
Chloe looked at her she sighed "That's something you need to ask him"
"I'm afraid of what his answer will be" she said
"I'll be here for you okay" she said
"How, you're moving"she cried
"There's this thing called a phone" she laughed "Besides I can guarantee you it's not as bad as you think"she hugged her
     A little later Sally walked into the house, she put her things down and made her way to find Adam. She finally found him in the kitchen
"Where are the girls" she asked lean against the counter
He looked over at her "Down for the nap" he said
Sally didn't say anything just nodded and went to the fridge
Adam went over to her "Sally" he said placing his hands on her hips to turn  her "What is bothering you, you have been distant for a couple days and it's not because Mazie was sick"
"I could ask you the same thing"she pushed him aside and started to head to the living room
"What is that supposed to mean"he said following her
"Oh I don't know Adam, you have been sneaking around and lying to me about where you go"
"I'm sorry"he said
"So you are admitting you are hiding something"she said "So be honest with me when I ask you this"
"What"he said
"Do you still want to marry me?"she said trying not to cry
Adam came up to her "Sally of course want to marry you, I love you so much" he placed his hands on her shoulders
"That's funny, you say you love me while you are sneaking around" she said
Adam couldn't believe what he was hearing "Sally, where is this coming from"he asked
"The phone calls and you losing track of time missing something of your sons" she shook her head "And while you are supposed to me at work you are with your ex" she yelled
Adam was stunned by what Sally said
Sally was wiping her tears away
"Sally" he said in a soft tone "I'm telling you the truth I'm not cheating on you. I love this life we are building together, you and our girls are everything to me,I'd never throw it away"
"Then tell me Adam what is going on, because if you don't then"she paused "I can't be with you"her voice broke and pulled away
"Sally now is not the best time"he said
Sally held up her hands "Then I guess we are done"she ran upstairs crying
The door open and Chelsea saw Adam leaning against the side of the house
"What happened"she asked
"I screwed up"he said
"Come in" she moved aside
"Sally suspected something was up"he said walking in
"I told you that was gonna happen"she said
They say on the couch
"You did, but she thought shocked me"he placed his head in his hands
"Adam what does she think is going on"Chelsea asked
He looked up at her "She thinks I'm cheating on her.... with you"
"That's crazy, did you tell her that's not what's going on"
"Yes, but I also didn't tell her what's going on and now, she doesn't know if we can get married" he told her
Connor came out "You and Sally aren't getting married" he sounded upset
Both Chelsea and Adam looked over at Connor
"Did you break up.. why"
Adam went over to his son "No we didn't break up, everything is going to be ok"he patted his shoulder "I'm going to fix this" he looked at Chelsea, then hugged Connor
Adam returned home, he didn't find Sally right away and got nervous. He ran up the stairs two at a time
"Sally" he called out
He looked in the girls room and saw they were still sleeping so he was relieved a little that she didn't leave
He finally found her in their room she was  sleeping but he could tell she cried herself to sleep. Adam came up behind her on his side and leaned down and kissed her cheek
She woke up and turned to see him
"You are right, I need to be honest with you and I hope once you know you won't be mad at me"he said
Sally didn't say anything she just sat up in bed and moved away from a little
"A few weeks ago something was brought to my attention and my first instinct was to protect you"he said turning to the side and opening up his nightstand and pulled out the letter "You got this letter and I know I crossed a line opening it but I couldn't let this piece of paper cause you pain"
"Adam you are scaring me"she said 
Adam looked at it "I don't mean to, do you remember when Coco told you about reaching out to your mother" he asked.
"Yes, but what does that have to do with.."
Adam handed her the letter "It's from her" he said
Sally looked down at it for a moment then slowly opened it
Adam watched her read it
"She wrote me, and you kept from me"she yelled
"I'm sorry I thought I was doing the right thing by you"he said
"She  says she wants to see me" she said still looking at the letter
Adam nodded
"I always wonder if this day would come and it has.."
Sally was quest for a bit
"Sally what are you feeling" he asked
"I don't know.. I don't know if I want to" she looked up at him
Adam rubbed her back "Okay this is all up to you, but there's one more thing"he said
"What"she asked
"I actually... already met with her"

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