"You asked what you could do for me ... this is what I want"

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It's been a couple weeks and Sally was getting restless being on bed rest. Adam was trying his best helping her pass the time
"Connor is coming over soon" he told her getting dressed
"What do you two have planned" she asked as she was reading
"Don't you mean "We"" he said coming over to her side "You are included"
Sally put her book down "Adam incase you haven't noticed..I'm on bed rest thanks to your children"she glared at her stomach
Adam chuckled "Mommy loves you two I promise"he bent down and kissed her bump. He placed his hand on it them looked at her "Babe I know this is a big adjustment for you. But you are a total rockstar through this which is why me and Connor planned something for you"
"Really" she got tears in her eyes
"Yes" he said stroking her cheek
A little later Connor arrived he ran up to Sally with Adam following behind
"Hey Sally"he said running in the room
Sally sat up a little "Hey Connor, how are you?" she asked
"Good, are you ready for the surprise"he asked all excited
"Yes, I have been waiting for it ever since your Dad mentioned something"she told him
"He didn't tell you what it was did he"he asked all worried
"No relax"she eased his mind
"Alright Bud you go and I'll bring Sally as soon as I can"
Connor nodded and ran out
Adam came over to Sally "Do you need me to help you" he asked
Sally moved to the edge of the bed "No I'm good"she said sitting there "On second thought"she reached for Adam's hands
    Adam guided Sally to the room down the hall. The door was closed
Sally looked at him "What did you two do"she asked
"During the weeks you have been on bed rest. I have been on a mission to finish the perfect nursery for our nuggets. And I know the vision you wanted for it,so with a little help from Chloe and Coco we got it done"
Sally smiled "You did"
Adam nodded "You ready to see it"
Sally nodded
Adam opened the door and Sally was in awe. The room was a nice tan color with green and brown accent colors. The cribs were next to each other, the rocking chair was in the corner by the window
Adam was watching Sally waiting for her reaction "Babe do you like it.. did I do something wrong"
"No it's .. beautiful"she turned to him "It's exactly how I wanted it for them"she told him
"I was worried you were going to hate everything"he sighed in relief
Sally hugged him "I love you"she looked over at Connor "And I love you"she motioned for him to come join the hug
The three of them were hugging, Sally looked over at the wall
"I do have a question though"she said
"Okay what is it?"Adam looked at her
"Why... why is there a bare tree on the wall, where are the leaves"she asked
"Connor would you like to tell her"Adam asked
"Sure" he said walking over to it "Sally do you see this tree"he asked
"Yes"she giggled
"Well You ,Dad and I are going to use our handprints for the leaves"he told her while grabbing the paint "It will be the babies very own "Family" Tree"he smiled
Sally looked over at Adam "Did you come up with this"she asked
Adam shook his head "Nope, this was all him"
"So do you like my idea Sally"Connor asked
Sally smiled at him "Absolutely, I just don't know how helpful I'll be"she sighed sitting in the chair
Adam came over to her "Well me and Connor will start it, you can sit there and approve of the placement than when you are able to, you can fill in with your color"Adam suggested
Sally nodded
As Adam and Connor were placing their handprints on the wall, they were all laughing and goofing off. Sally was taking pictures.
Adam came over with both his hands covered in paint
Sally looked at him "Adam don't you dare"she said giggling
Adam didn't listen he placed his hands on her cheeks and kissed her
Connor was laughing "You two are crazy"he said
Connor looked back at the tree "This turned out great"he looked back at Sally "Sally when you are able too you can do yours in those spaces"
"Sounds good"Sally nodded
Connor came over to her "When can you can get off bed rest"he asked
"I have a doctors appointment tomorrow actually, so hopefully then"she said stroking her bump
Connor nodded
"This was fun, the most fun I had in a while"she smiled at him "They are going to love this .. I know it"
"I should probably get you back home Con"Adam told him
"Oh alright, bye Sally"he hugged her "You'll let me know about tomorrow"
Sally loved how concerned he was "We will. Love you"
Adam kissed her "You get back to bed Missy"
"I will.. i just want to take all this in"smiled
Sally was in bed when Adam returned. He walked in and saw her crying
Sally what is wrong"he rushed over to her
"The dog lost his owner and now he just sits by his grave... it's so sad"she cried
Adam chuckled when he realized "You scared me"he kissed her then wiped her tears
"I'm sorry.. i can't wait to not be so emotional"she chuckled
"Are you ready for tomorrow"he asked getting ready for bed
"To be off bed rest absolutely"she sighed
"Goodnight" he kissed her
Adam and Sally were heading home from the doctors. The car ride was quiet, Adam was holding her hand while he was driving. Sally stared out the window her other hand resting on her stomach
"Sal it's gonna be fine"he finally said
"I thought today I was gonna have freedom back"
"I know it's disappointing.. but be thankful you don't have to stay at the hospital for the remainder of the pregnancy"
"I guess" she sighed and rested his head back
"Hey, we will make the most of it"
Sally smiled at him "I love you"
"I love you more"he kissed her hand
Throughout the afternoon Adam  was taking care of Sally bringing her meals and things even when she didn't ask him too
"How are you doing Babe"he asked coming to check on her
"The same as the last time you asked fifteen minutes ago, fine but bored and tired" she said
"I know, I wish there was something I could do to help"he sat in front of her and took her hand "Do you want to watch a movie"he asked
Sally shook her head
"What can I do for you" he said stroking her hand with his thumb
"You can let me be for a little bit"Sally snapped
"Sal"he said
"I mean it Adam, I'm fine and you hovering over me is driving me crazy"
"Fine I'll be down stairs if you need"he said getting up to leave
"No"she said causing him to stop
"No you don't want me to leave"he said coming back in her direction
"No I want you to go .. leave the house enjoy being able to"she looked at him
"Sally you are 8 months pregnant on bed rest. I'm not leaving you"
"I'm fine, go see Connor tell him I know he was concerned."she told him
"Sally I don't like that"he said
"You asked what you could do for me ... this is what I want"she said
"Fine"he walked out
Adam walked into Crimson Lights. Looking defeated, Sharon noticed
"Hey is everything okay?"she asked
"Sally is on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy"he told her
Sharon gave him a sympathetic look "Oh I'm sorry, I know that can be tough"
"I can't seem to do anything to help her. When we got the news, I saw this spark leave Sally"he said
"You just being there for her is everything it's all she'll need"
"I know and I can tell she's holding in her feelings about this"
"What do you mean"Sharon asked
"She blames herself.. even though the doctor told us this is common for pregnancy with multiples but.."
"I get it. It's her main job to keep them safe and she feels like she hasn't"
"Even when I tell her she's doing everything for them"
"Let me send you home with her favorites"she smiled at him
"Thanks"Adam said
Sally was on the phone with Coco crying about how she treated Adam
"Coco, I was so mean to him. All his been trying to do is take care of me ... of us because he can't do anything else. And i just told him to leave"
"Sally you need to stay calm it's gonna be okay. Adam we'll be home soon and you can apologize to him and let him hold you"Coco told her
"I know I'm just so tired. They keep kicking really and I love it at times but.."
"I know .. they'll be here soon"Coco said
"Um Coco I need to call you back"Sally said
"Alright, I love you" Coco said
Sally hung up she got up to go to the bathroom. As she was walking over she felt a really sharp pain
"Oh God"she said doubling over
"Don't panic" she told herself "I'll just call Adam" she said going to her phone. She dialed his number. She then heard his phone "Damn it Adam"she yelled
Sally called Coco back
"Hey, did those babies need you to go to the bathroom"Coco said with a laugh
"Coco where are you"she asked
"A couple hours away, why did something happen" she asked
"Yes, I'm pretty sure I just went into labor"
"Oh no, are you okay"
With that question Sally started crying "Adam forgot his phone.. I don't know where he is"
"It's going to be okay"Coco try to calm her down
"Ahhh"she screamed as another contraction hit
"Do you want me to call someone for
"No I'll try Chelsea, I told Adam to go see Connor maybe he is there"
"I'm leaving now.. let me know okay"
Sally quickly called Chelsea
"Hello"Chelsea answered
"Chelsea it's Sally is Adam there by any chance"Sally asked
"No why are you okay. You sound a little freaked out"Chelsea asked
"I told him to go because I was annoyed.He forgot his phone. Why did I tell him to go"she cried
"Sally is everything alright are you okay"she asked worried
"I'm in labor"she cried
"I'm coming to get you okay"Chelsea told her
"Thanks"she cried
Sally sat on the bed rubbing circles on her stomach "You two apparently want out" she said taking a deep breath

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