"You know what happens when I don't get what I want"

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Sally walked into Society and saw Derek at the bar, she made her way over to him
"Okay I'm here what do you want" Sally sat down
"Can I buy you a drink"he asked
"No..no thank you"she looked over at him
Before Derek could talk Sally blurted out
"I can't do this any Derek, I'm sorry"
"You do know what is at stake if you don't" Derek got close to her
"Yes, but if I go along with this any longer with this a lot more would be at stake and I can't do that" she said looking down
Adam approached the entrance of Society when he saw Derek and Sally at the bar. He saw Derek move closer. Adam couldn't stand the thought of that man being anywhere near her. So he pulled out his phone called Tucker
"Hey, it's Adam" he said
"Hello Adam, is this call what I think it is"Tucker asked
"Yes" he said looking at Sally and Derek "Yes it's time for you to step in"he told him
"Awesome I'll be in touch " he said and hung up
Sally was fiddling with her hands, Derek looked over at her
"What's on your mind pretty girl" he said
"You're not gonna win this Derek. This company isn't important to me anymore" she told him
"So I'm out. That's what you're saying"
"Yes, I'm gonna give you the money I promised but I can't go through with this"
"You know what happens when I don't get what I want"he got to close for her comfort
Sally quickly got up "I'm sorry I got to go"she said as went to leave
Derek grabbed her arm and pulled her back "Sally, I would think long and hard about this, because if you make the wrong choice someone will get hurt"
Sally was speechless she just left
Sally tried calling Adam but he didn't answer. She walked into Crimson Lights looking for him. She spotted Sharon
"Hey Sharon" she said
Sharon turned around "Oh hi Sally what can I get you"she asked
"Can I get two brownies to go"Sally said
"Coming right up"Sharon started getting the brownies "So how are things at Newman"
"There good"Sally said
All of a sudden Sally got really nauseous and dizzy "Woah" she said and leaned against the counter
Sharon turned around "Sally are alright"she asked
"I don't.." Sally tried saying but couldn't finish
"Okay"Sharon came around and grabbed Sally and guided her to the table "Come sit" she told her. She sat her down "I'm going to go get you some water"
Sharon handed Sally the glass
"Thanks" Sally said softly and started taking small sips
"Do you want me to call someone one" Sharon asked
"No" she shook her head "I'm good,I think the feeling went away" she told her
Just then the nausea returned and Sally bolted to the bathroom
A few minutes later Sally came back out. Sharon was still sitting at the table
"You're pregnant aren't you"she asked
Sally just nodded and sat down
"You can't say anything to anyone" Sally said
"I won't. I promise Sally"Sharon told her
"Thanks" Sally took a deep breath "The morning sickness I have dealt with but the dizziness just now was new"Sally told her
"Have you seen a doctor"Sharon asked
"I called to make an appointment but I have heard back yet"
Sharon smiled "Let me get you some tea"she got up
"Sharon"Sally called out
"Ya"Sharon turned back to her
"Why are you being so nice to me"Sally asked
"People change Sally. And I know what it's like"Sharon told her
Sally smiled at her
Sharon came back over and handed her the tea
"I should get going"Sally said
"Are you sure you are up to it. I can give you a ride"Sharon offered
"I'm good thanks Sharon" Sally said then left
Sally knocked on Adam's door. Adam opened the door
"Sorry it took me so long"she said as she walked in "To make it up to you. I brought your favorite brownies" she held up the bag
"I don't like you being with Derek now that we know"Adam said
" I know" she smiled and placed her hands on his chest "That's why I told him the take over is off but I would still give him the money"
"You what, why"
Adam do you really have to ask. This baby is more important then some company. You and me and Connor are all that matter" she kissed him
"So are you saying that we are back together" he asked as he wrapped his arms around her
"Nothing is stopping us now"she said and kissed him
Derek walked into the Newman ranch
"Sally dropped the take over"Derek said as he came in
"Did she now"Victor said
"She said she had change of heart"Derek sat down
"Well thanks for the help"Victor said
"Wait that's it"Derek was annoyed
"Yes you stopped my company from being stolen so your job is done"Victor told him
"But I haven't gotten what we agreed on"Derek told him
"That is all Derek thank you"Victor gesture for him to leave
Adam and Sally were laying in bed. Adam was running his hand up Sally's leg
"We get to be us again" she placed her hand on his face and pulled him on top of her
"No more secrets" he said then he started placing kisses down her arm
Sally was giggling "About that, Sharon knows I'm pregnant" she said
Adam pulled away and looked at her "How" he asked
"Blame it on the morning sickness at night" "But she doesn't know you are the father"
Adam rested his head on his hand "I'm so sorry Babe. I wish I was there to help"
Sally smiled "Me too" she leaned her forehead against his
The next morning they were still wrapped up in each other arms.Adam woke up first he looked over at Sally then got out of bed and headed to the bathroom
Sally was laying there when the phone rang she grabbed it while still sleepy
"Hello" she answered
"Hello Sally sorry for calling so early this is Tucker, can you tell Adam that everything is all set"
"I'm sorry what is all set" she said as she sat up in bed a little
"The Newman Media take over" he told her
Sally was in shock "I will tell him thanks"she hung up
Adam came out of the bathroom. Sally was sitting up, Adam looked at her
"Is everything okay"he asked
Sally looked over at him "How could you Adam"

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