"Just know while I'm hating you, I'm loving so much more"

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Sally's head was laying on Adam's chest as she slept. His arm was around her. Adam woke up before her and just laid there watching her sleep. It amazed him how gorgeous she was as the morning light hit her face. Adam ran his fingertips up and down her arm, this caused her to stir.
Sally buried her face in his chest and groaned "Seriously"she mumbled
He kissed the top of her head "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you"
"Well you try staying asleep while some fool is tickling you"Sally said as she did them same to him
"Okay you're right, I'm sorry"
"You are forgiven"Sally smiled and she rested her chin on her arm "But I was having the best dream"she told him
"What could be better then me" he put his arms up in the air and smiled
"Well if it makes you feel any better, you were in the dream. We were in this amazing house, Connor was there. You and me were laying on the couch In each other's arms, laughing as we watched Connor play with dog"she said softly
"Wait we have a dog was it Trixie"he said
She playfully hit him "We were so happy"she said softly
Adam looked at her "Are you saying you aren't happy"
"No I am, but it's like we have this double life right now. But in the dream we were just Adam and Sally"
" I know" he said softly and he caressed her cheek " Hopefully this plan works" he said
"Oh right" she said as she sat up a little "I never told you" she pointed to her purse "Go get the file in my purse"she told him
Adam did as he was told. He got up and grabbed the file
Sally sat up and wrapped the sheet around herself. Adam came back and sat in front of her
"Open it"she told him as she smiled
Adam was reading it through it "You are brilliant, how did you come up with it"
"Your sister thinks she sent me here to bring on a partner for marketing. But what she doesn't know is.."
"We are buying Newman Media"Adam finished her sentence
"Yep and your father and sister under estimated me"
Adam smirked at her "That they did" he kissed her "And once we get control of this company and move its location"
"Oh and change the name"she added
"Yes there will be no traces of Newman"he said
"Babe, your last name is Newman" she pointed it out to him
"Okay so no toxic Newman connections"he chuckled
Sally smiled and nodded
"With us side by side anything "he kissed her lips "Is" kissed her again "Possible" he said then deepen the kiss
Sally took the file from him and threw it on the chair all while not breaking the kiss. She then pulled Adam on top of her, she then wrapped her legs around his waist
"My girl is so smart"he said as he looked into her eyes
"I'm doing it all for you"she said
"I don't know what I would if I ever lost you"he said
Sally brushed his cheek "Good thing you'll never have to find out"
Adam was in the bathroom when Sally walked in and wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his back
"After last night and this morning, how am I supposed to go back to hating you"she said
Adam place his hand over hers "I know each day it gets harder" he told her
"Just know while I'm hating you, I'm loving so much more"
"I hate/love you too"he  cracked a smile
While waiting for their flight Sally was checking her emails.
"Your sister took the bait" she told him
"What are you serious. That was fast"he said
"Well Victoria like to be in control, but she no idea that we are the ones controlling this"she smirked at him
Adam held up his hand she high five it
"We do make a great team"he said
"That we do"Sally said as she lean over and gave him a kiss
Just then Sally was getting a FaceTime call from Chloe
"Oh crap it's Chloe" she panicked
"Okay stay calm, I'll go get ya some snacks. And when you are done text me and I'll come back"he said and got up and left
Sally answered
"Hey girl, how was the meeting, are we still gonna have jobs"Chloe asked
"This meeting secured jobs for us, for sure"Sally told her
Chloe sighed "Thank goodness"Chloe took a look at her friend "Hey are you okay?"she asked
"Ya why"Sally asked
"I don't know,you just seem different" she told her
"How so Chloe"Sally was curious
"I don't know there is just something about you" she said "So when is your flight"
"In a few hours"Sally told her
"Why didn't you take the Newman jet"Chloe asked
"I did coming here, but it's not for me"Sally laughed
"Oh alright have a safe flight"Chloe said
"Thanks I'll see you tomorrow, Bye"Sally said then hung up
Sally sighed "Thank goodness that's over"she said to herself and texted Adam to come back
They were on the plane. Sally had her head resting on Adam's shoulder. She was drawing circles on his hand
"Once we land"she said in a sad tone
"I know"he said as he laced their fingers together, squeezed her hand "But I get to spend time with Siena"he winked at her
"Well I don't know. I heard Siena is really busy"she said
"Oh is that so"
"Yes, she won't have time for any guys"she was playing along with him
"Well I bet if she gets to know my buddy Kansas, she'll free up her schedule. He has a way like that"
"I bet he does"she smiled "you know he sounds an awful lot like my boyfriend"
"Both are really great guys"he said then kissed her

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