"It's almost like they are telling us "Don't worry Mommy and Daddy""

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Adam and Sally were still sitting on the bed.Adam took her hand and caressed it with his thumb. They both were silent
"Adam"Sally said trying to get him to look at her "Talk to me"
Adam looked at her "I wasn't trying to hide this from you. I asked Chloe to find all the current information on the disease. The fear that they may inherit this has been weighing on me"he said rubbing her stomach
"It's okay"she placed her hand over his
"Once I was up to date on it and prepared myself, I was gonna talk to you I promise" he had tears in his eyes
"I know would have, I'm not worried about that" she placed her hand on his cheek "But I need to tell you something" she said
"Okay what is it"he asked
Sally looked at Adam "The day I went to see Elena, it wasn't because I wanted to ask her about traveling" she looked down "I want to her because I was worried too"
"Why didn't you talk to me" he asked moving her head with his hand to look at him
"Same reason you didn't, I was worried but mostly I was worried if I talked to you about it you'd blame yourself "
Adam let go of Sally's hands "How could not Sally" he got off the bed "I carry this gene for the disease. I passed it Connor and I might pass it to our babies"he sighed and turned to face the window
Sally got off the bed and went over to him she hugged him from behind "I know"she placed a kiss on his back "If it turns out that they have this, we will do everything we can for them Adam"she said softly
"I just hate that I might be disappointing you if they aren't healthy" he said rubbing her arm
"Adam just because they might not be able to see doesn't mean they aren't healthy"she told him and hugged him tighter "And you...could never disappoint me Adam" she said turning him to face her. She placed her hands on his face "You are giving me these babies"she smiled at him "No matter if they can see or not we are going to love them"
Adam kissed her forehead "You're right, we will cross that bridge if we have too"he told her
"Woah" Sally gasped and pulled out of his hold
"What, what is it are you okay"he asked in concern
"Ya"she smiled and placed her hand on her bump "I think one of them just moved"she told him
Adam got all excited "What are you serious"
Sally nodded "Yes" she giggled "I don't know if you'll be able to feel it yet"she told him placing his hand on her stomach
A few seconds later they both felt it
"Oh wow"he said placing his other hand on her stomach
Sally couldn't stop smiling "It's almost like they are telling us "Don't worry Mommy and Daddy"" she said in a little kid voice
Adam smiled at her "Ya it is" Adam bent down and kissed her stomach "But sorry you two your mommy and daddy are always going to worry"he said softly
"I love you"she said running her fingers threw his hair
"I love you too" he smiled up at her
The next morning Adam and Sally walked out of their rooms holding hands. Coco who was cooking breakfast saw them
"Well you two are in a good mood"she smiled at them
"We are aren't we"Adam smiled at Sally
Sally smiled back
"You know Coco I didn't invite you so you could cook for us"Adam gesture to all the food
"I know but I was hungry so I thought I would anyway"she said
Sally sat down and grabbed a piece of French toast "Well I'm not going to complain"she giggled she took a bite "Oh Coco guess what"Sally said
"Did you two set a date"she asked
"No, we are going to wait until after the babies are born"Adam told her
"But speaking m of the babies"Sally smiled at Adam then looked back at Coco and smiled "We felt them kick last night"
"What"Coco got all excited "That is really awesome"she started clapping
"It was pretty cool"she smiled and looked down and placed her hand on her stomach "It feels real now"
Adam smiled at took her other hand "It does"
The three of them decided to go shopping. Sally was walking with Coco, Adam was followed behind them
"You gotta check out this store Sis. After you told you were pregnant I started noticing all these cute things"Coco said and dragged Sally in the store
Adam laughed at how excited they were
The three of them were looking at all the things in the store. Coco was going crazy
"Coco, calm down remember we don't know what we are having"Sally told her
"I know, which I'm surprised"Coco said
"Why are you surprised"Sally asked
"Sally, you are a planner. Which I'm surprised you don't want to know. To prepare. And design all the cute things for them" Coco said
"I still will, after"Sally told her
"Okay"Coco smiled are went back to looking
Adam came up to her "Babe, look at this"he held up two onesies one said "Copy" and the other said "Paste"
"Aw that is so cute"Sally chuckled
"We totally need to get these"he said
"Alright" she smiled
Later on they were back at the beach house. Sally was taking a nap. Adam and Coco were getting things ready for what Adam had planned
"So I cooked all of Sally's favorites"she said "Everything is set up outside for the two of you"
"Thanks for helping me"
"No, problem, it's what family does. I'm going to head out now, I'll be staying with a friend so you two can be alone"
"Alright, sounds good"he hugged her "We'll see you tomorrow"
Sally finally woke up and walked out and found a trail of rose petals leading outside. She followed it and saw Adam standing on the sand smiling
"What is all this"she said coming up to him
"I told I had plans for us"he said gesture at their dinner for two "Date night on the beach"
"How did you do all this" she asked
"Coco, I love how your sister is a chef now"
"Of course you do" Sally laughed "After that nap, I'm starving"she sighed
Adam helped her sit down "There you go beautiful"he kissed her head
"Thanks"she said softly
They were sitting on the sand after they ate,Adam held her in his arms and they stared at the ocean
"I hope our children look like their mother" he kissed her cheek
"You are so sweet, I hope they have your eye"she looked up at him
"Have you felt them kick any more"he asked stroking her stomach
"A little"she smiled "It still feels weird"
Adam looked at her
"What"she asked
"Will dance with me"he asked
"With you , always"she smiled at him
They both stood up and Adam wrapped his arms around her and they swayed to the music and the sound of the waves
They both were in the moment and started kissing
Adam carried her to their room, as they were kissing. He laid her down in the bed and then sprinkled rose petals over her.Adam started kissing her her neck. Sally moved her finger tips up his back. Adam removed her dress slowly placing kissing on her body as he was moving the dress down.
"Adam, I want you right now"she moaned and pulled him back up to her
They made love for what felt like forever
Adam held Sally in his arms, he was stroking her stomach
"I love that it's you who is carrying my babies" he kissed her shoulder
"I'm glad that you are their father"she placed her hand on his cheek from behind

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