"We need to put some space between us"

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Sally was sitting on the bed,while Adam was in the shower. She came up with an idea
Sally walked over to the door "Hey Adam where is your phone"she hollered
"On the nightstand"he answered then he got curious to what she was up to. He quickly got out and wrapped a towel around himself and ran out
"What are you up to Missy"he asked
"Removing myself from your contacts"she told him
Adam panicked and ran over to her "What no, why would you do that" he asked
"Because we have to make look like we are over and if someone sees me pop up on your phone, blow our cover"she smirked at him
"You are so smart"he kissed her shoulder "So who are you becoming"he asked as he rested his chin
"Anyone you would like me to be" she said as she handed him the phone
"What should we call you" he smirked "Oh I got it, Trixie" he teased
Sally pushed him "No that makes me sound like your are with a stripper"she reached over him to try and take the phone away
Adam pulled away and chuckled "Okay, okay I'm kidding.But it is kind of cute"he kissed her
"Then we will get a puppy"she smiled at him
"Oh I got the perfect name.Do you remember when we were in Tuscany" he asked her
"Yes where you didn't want me"she told him
"I did want you, I wanted you so bad that night , but it wasn't the best time"
"True, I take back what I said. Now continue with what my name is.What does Tuscany have to do with it"she asked
"Remember after the wedding, you and me took a little adventure before heading home" he asked as he was typing in his phone
"Yes what about it"she looked at him
"Take a look"he smiled at her as he handed her the phone
She smiled Siena, I like it"
"Now your turn, who am I to you" he asked as he got closer to her
"Well"she grabbed her phone and Changed his name "Here take a look at this""she gave him the phone
"What"he was in shock " How is this fair, I gave you something as pretty as Siena and you give Kansas"
"What I think it's perfect cover name for you"she said
"Why"he asked
"Because every time you talk about Kansas your eyes light up. So when call I'll light up too"she said as she was running her hand up his back
"That is really something"he leaned his forehead against hers "I love it Sally"
"I want to stay like this forever but we need to talk about something else"she said
"Should I be worried"he asked
"No, but I know you aren't gonna like it as much" she said
"Go on"he told her
"As much as I love you"she brushed his cheek "We need to put some space between us"
"What no, I can't be without you" he pulled her on his lap
"I know I can't be without you either" she wrapped her arms around him "But If we continue like this people will figure it out and this plan would be for nothing"she told her
"You're right" he ran his hands up her back "But being without you feels so wrong"
"I know" she kissed him " then pulled away "But once this works, we be us again"she said
He placed his head on her chest "How long is that gonna take" he mumbled
"Hopefully not long" she pulled his head up to look at her
They started kissing,Sally moved so she was straddling him
"So it looks like I interrupted your shower"she said softly "Why don't you finish, and I'll join you this time"
Adam said nothing he just picked her up and carried her to the bathroom
Adam pushed her up against the wall as he turned the water on, Sally was kissing his neck
"Miss Spectra you are a little over dressed for a shower"he gave her a look
"Well why don't we do some about it" she got out of his hold and untied her robe and slid it iff her "Better" she winked
"Much" he said as he took his towel off "Now where were we" he said as picked her up again, she wrapped her legs around his waist
"Here's to one last time as Adam and Sally" he said as he brought them in to the shower and placed her down
"Let's make it count" she said as she kissed his chest moving her hands down
Adam pushed her up against the wall clasping their hands together and moving them above her head. Their kiss had so much passion as the water fell on them. He left a trail of kisses along her body. He knew he hit the right spot when he heard her moan
He pulled away for a second and smiled then went back to kissing her
He came up to her level "God I love you so much" he cupped her face
"I love you too" she said
Sally was drying her hair as Adam came up behind her and placed his hand along her waist
"If we can do that as Adam and Sally, I wonder what Kansas and Siena are like" he smile at her looking at her through the mirror
Sally leaned up against his body " I can't wait to find out"she smiled at him
He pulled away "Before we go back to pretending to hate each other, can I run something by you"
Sally turned to face him"Of course" she leaned up against the counter
"Jack offered me a job at Jabot" he told her
"Oh wow that's really nice of him. I know he really cares for you"she rubbed his shoulder "Are you gonna take it"she asked
"Maybe I wanted to get your take on it"he said
"Do you really want to go work for another family's company" she asked him
"Well it's not my family" he chuckled
"Good point" she laughed with him "What ever you decide Adam. I will support you"she came up to him and wrapped her arms around him "But if you go work for Jabot, what does this mean, does this mean you don't want to go through with our plans"
He held her tight "No , I still want do this.My family can't get away with how they treated me and now you"he said as he leaned his head up against her
She kissed his nose "Pretty soon we will take over the world and no one will be able to treats like that way again"she said
They were all dressed Adam was at the door
"So once I walked out this door. We come Kansas and Siena"
She nodded "You ready" she said
"Yes" he kissed her lips "Let's do it this"
Adam walked into Jabot
"Hello Jack, are you busy"he asked
"Not at all, come on in"he walked over to him "Can I offer you a drink"he asked
"No thanks I'm good"Adam said as he sat down on the couch
Jack came over and sat in the chair "So what can I do for you?" he asked
"I'm here to accept your job offer" he told him
"This is Fantastic news, I'm really happy you'll be here"he told him
"Thanks"Adam shook Jack's hand
"This will be a good change for you I just know it"
"I really hope so"Adam said
Adam walked out of the office and texted Sally
"Hey Siena good news. I took the offer. Hope your day is going good xoxo Kansas
Sally texted back "That's awesome Kansas, but the "xoxo"
"I was trying something new, give be a break lol"
Sally smiled, he is a dork , but he is her dork

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