"Is there something going on between you and Sally"

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The next day Sally woke up and just laid there for a few minutes
"So Nugget are you gonna make Mommy sick today or is it going to be an easy day"she said as she placed her hand on her stomach
Sally finally decided to get up and get ready for the day. She went down to the café in the Grand Phoenix to get some tea but as soon as she tasted it it made her gag
"Alright I guess you want tea at Crimson Lights"she chuckled and left
Adam was at Crimson Lights looking at his tablet when Sharon walked up
"Morning, can I get you a refill"she asked
"Thanks Sharon" he smiled
"So are you and Connor moving"she asked as she was pouring the coffee
"Thinking about it" he told her
Sharon noticed Sally walk in. She came over to them
"Good Morning Sally can I get you anything"she asked
"I would love some tea"she told her
Sharon smiled at her "Coming right up"
Adam looked at Sally "You okay"he asked
Sally nodded "Ya, nugget didn't want tea at the hotel"she took her coat off
"Got it"he said
Sharon came back "Here you go Sally"
"Thanks"she took it from her
Sally stood next to Adam "So what are you doing here so early"she asked
"Chelsea is dropping off Connor soon"
"Oh cool"
"Are you busy right now"he asked
"No I'm free, what's up"she asked
Adam looked out at the patio and gestured for her to follow. When they walked out he closed the door
"Okay what is going on Adam"she asked
"Sit down"he told her
"Did something happen"she asked
"No,but last night you said something as you were falling asleep and I want to talk to you about it"he said as he sat next to her
"Adam, you know when I'm half asleep you shouldn't take to heart"she told her
"I know but this time it was different, or it felt different"he said
"Okay, so what did I say"she asked
"When I helped you into bed. I told you, you were "home sweet home" meaning you weren't in the car anymore. But you told me you weren't home because it was a hotel room"
Sally looked down "Okay so what"she said taping the mug
Adam took her hand "I want to change that"he told her
"Adam I don't need to move in" she said
"I don't want you to move in"he said
"Oh okay"she said sounding disappointed "So what is your plan to change my living arrangements"
"I was thinking last night, with the baby my apartment isn't big enough for all of us." he leaned in "So how would you feel about buying a house together"he asked
"Are you serious"she asked in shock
"Yes, I even was looking at places just to get an idea"he told
"Really, can I see"she asked all excited
Adam smiled and pulled out his tablet and they started looking
"So we would need to stay in Connor's school district"he informed her
Sally leaned closer to him "What about this house"she suggested
"It's okay"he said
"Hey Dad"Connor yelled running to him
Chelsea came in "Hello Adam" then she saw Sally "Sally didn't expect to see you"she said
"I ..was just leaving"she said was gathering her things
"No you don't have to go"Adam stopped her
"Ya I want to tell you all about my trip"Connor said all excited
"Aw I wish I could, but I do need to be somewhere" she told him
"Well it was nice to see you"Chelsea said
Sally smiled and waved to Connor as she was leaving "Bye guys"
Chelsea watched Adam as she was leaving
"Oh Connor why don't you go get a muffin"she told him as she handed him money
"Okay"he ran off
"Is there something going on between you and Sally"she asked him
"What ...why would you ask me that"
"Come on Adam"she gave him a look "I know you I saw the look when she left the "I'm in love look" " she sat down "And I don't think Connor noticed but I saw the two of you huddle closely"
"Nothing is going on and if there was something were to happen I would tell you"
"Alright" she smiled at him
Sally went back to her room and found Derek waiting for her
"What are you doing here"she asked as she was opening the door
"I got a memo saying Chloe was taking over the podcast" he said as he came in "Did you know about this"he asked
"Well ya because I sent it" she told him
"Why"he asked a little annoyed
"Because I thought if seeing as we aren't going to be working together because I'm not going through with the steal. It would make it easier for you to leave"she told him
"Interesting so since I'm at no help to you, you want to get rid of me ... typical Sally"he came closer to her
"No"she shook her head "It wasn't like that I promise"
"You can't get rid of me that easily"he said as he stormed out
Adam was making dinner for him and Connor, when he heard someone knocking really fast. When he opened the door, before he could say hello.Sally went into his arms
"Woah Sally are you alright"he said as he held her
Sally was shaking
Adam pulled her out of his hold and looked at her "Sal, you are scaring me.. is it the baby" he was worried
"No it's fine"she took his hands "Derek showed up"she told him and looked to the direction where Connor was "I know you have Connor, but I don't feel safe at my suite since he stays there"she told him
Adam nodded "Come in"he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer "I got you" he whispered
Connor came out of his room "Dad is dinner.."he saw Sally "SALLY" he said all happy then he saw she was crying "Are you okay"he asked
"Ya, I'm all good"she smiled at him
"Connor, do you mind if Sally joins us"Adam asked
"No I would love that"he got all excited
"Awesome, can you set a place for her"Adam asked
"No Adam I can do it myself"Sally told him
"Connor can" he took her hand "Come with me he mouthed
Adam took her to his room
"What are you doing, Connor will get suspicious"she whispered
"Let him,I need to do this"he said then pulled her in for a kiss
Sally wrapped her arms around his waist and deepened the kiss
They pulled away and rested their foreheads against each other's
"Thanks I needed that"she said as wiped lipstick off his lips
"Good"he said as he was rubbing her stomach " You and nugget are safe okay.I'm not going to let anyone hurt you"he told her
Sally nodded
"Come on let's go eat" he smiled

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